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===Topic: ''A Message of Mercy for the Dark Worker''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Unknown|Unrevealed Celestial Agent]]===
===TR: [[Chris]]===
Agent: “There are many forces at work in and around the [[earth]] plane and the [[dimensions]] surrounding it. Both [[humans]] and [[celestials]] are acting upon universe energies in a proverbial ‘tug-of-war’ to influence [[the mind]]s of those on the earth who can make a [[difference]] in the path of [[Correcting Time|Correction]]. You and others who are doing the Work of Correction are but a link in the chain that is [[feeling]] the ‘tug’ from both sides. As you have [[experienced]], there are those who are pulling from a place of [[darkness]] working against Christ [[Michael]]’s Plan for the [[redemption]] of the Earth and the path to [[Light and Life]]. On the ‘good side’ of the rope, there are myriad forces of celestial operators working on many dimensional planes to assist those ‘agents in the field’ to accomplish the Will of [[Universal Father|our Heavenly Father]].

“Darkness knows that its [[time]] of dominance and [[control]] over the lives of so many on the earth is coming to an end. Human [[consciousness]] is waking up to the [[illusions]], [[manipulations]], and [[propaganda]] that keeps them divided and in the chains of their own making. It is a futile attempt now to hold onto [[power]] using the same [[methods]] that have worked for so many centuries — human consciousness is changing and is no longer [[satisfied]] with the mere [[illusions]] of [[freedom]]. For those humans who [[practice]] the dark arts, they have but a short time to do their dark deeds and soon they too shall succumb to the [[grave]] and to the point of transition where they shall have to decide, by the [[mercy]] of Christ, if and how they shall [[participate]] in the reparations of their actions while on the earth. Their [[leaders]] are no more and there is no rebel [[glory]] to claim victory — only the lucid reality of their own [[judgment]] knowing they have wasted their time on the earth working toward some dark end that has no place in the [[Great Plan]].

“It is not too late for these dark workers, for they can, even now while they still live and [[breathe]], turn from their destructive ways; [[renounce]] the [[allegiance]] to their former leaders — who are no more, and accept the mercy of Christ [[Michael]]. It is entirely within themselves to [[change]] their [[destiny]] from one of great darkness and [[oblivion]] to that of a glorious [[future]] where they may participate in the Great Plan of eternal life and enjoy the benefits of [[Sonship]] with all the astonishing experiences of [[exploring]] the [[Master Universe]] — becoming like the Creator Himself! Why would any [[soul]] choose oblivion over that?
“Come back, you prodigal sons and daughters, to y[[our Father]]’s house and [[receive]] his [[mercy]] and partake of his bounty — His arms are open wide with [[love]] and [[desire]] — willing to accept you unconditionally. The Unholy Trinity can promise you nothing for your wickedness but oblivion — the same fate they have chosen for themselves. You have been [[lie]]d too — your leaders are defunct and you are only left with a [[decision]] while you still breathe — Life or oblivion? To [[harm]] or to [[heal]]? Which will you choose?

“[[Choose]] wisely, for now you have been given the [[truth]], and you are wholly responsible for all [[future]] [[actions]] — you may no longer claim [[ignorance]] at the mercy seat.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2017]]