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===Topic: ''Attuning to the Subtle Energies of Spirit''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we are grateful that we have this opportunity to be with you today and to receive the words and love you share with us. We open our hearts and we ask for that divine imprinting be made upon them that we would become more like you in thought, word and deed. May you will be done. Thank you.
Michael: Greetings, my precious children. This is Michael. It brings joy to my father’s heart to see you opening yourselves to the greater reality of SPIRIT that exists around you. As you know, this is a journey that each individual has access to. It is your personal decision to seek the Father within. Once that decision has been made, you embark upon that path. You receive many endowments along the way to perpetuate your desires. Think about this for a few moments. Let what is all around you of a higher dimensional frequency to make more of an indelible impression upon your systems of consciousness. (Pause)

When your mental chatter is quelled, when the communication between the heart and the brain are correlated, you are able to then tap into the energies of spirit around you. Many people who at first try to meditate become frustrated because it does take a high degree of focus and persevering sense of patience to train the mind to be still for a few moments. The heart may truly open, capture those signals of spirit and send the signal up into the brain, stimulating those neurotransmitters with information that feeds your body with feelings of peace, security and love.

I am here today to help you grow in your ability to perceive the subtle qualities of spirit around you. Your Mother delights in helping her children to grow into this inner reality. So today, all you need to do is to focus in your heart centers and breathe. Set that intention for your entire being to become more attuned to these subtle emanations of love in which you live each and every moment. Let us stir in you now. Let us expand in you now. Breathe and drink as your body opens to what it truly needs. (Pause)

Breathe through any resistance. Breathe through any pangs of pain. Breathe and relax as the currents of love move through you, carving new channels of light into your being that you may perceive your indwelling Father Fragments’ leadings more acutely. (Pause)

The majority of people on this world know not where to find peace. They do not recognize that they live within this vast pool of love. Their energy systems have been twisted and contorted and conditioned to fear and suspect. But I call upon you know to carry this charge of love within your beings so deeply, so expansively that you are well protected from the energies that your brethren live within; and that you are actually able to carry that spark of light, that when you focus it upon another person’s heart, you act as a catalyzing agent to help them open and to begin to perceive a glimmer of hope, a gleaning of truth, and a feeling of love.

Your minds have been fortified with many lessons on the nature of love, and how to bring that more into your daily lives. However, when you experience love, when you allow it to penetrate more deeply into your being, then you actually embody that quality and are able to share that with more deeply and fully with others. We lead you into experiences with us that you may imprint upon our love, and learn how to continue to grow in that, overcoming your own negative tendencies, prejudices, judgments, complaints, frustrations, and learn how to just BE so that love may embrace you more fully. Open your hearts. Let love speak to you. Let it resound deeply within your hearts now. (Pause)

Is this not a desirable way to feel and to enact—to actually live in this state all the time? You are learning to exchange your focus from the constant sway of life that you perceive with your physical eyes, and you begin to deepen your ability to stay in the inner realm even though you may be active with a certain daily task or interacting with someone. At some point in your life the balance will occur, and even though you are focused on the outer world, the inner life will secure you in love, and you will flow throughout your day in that state of grace.

This is my desire for all of my children, and especially for my children of Urantia, who have so many defenses built up around them to keep love out. Learn how to help your brothers and sisters soften their defenses by your own journey and experiences of softening your own defenses. Why do you need to defend yourself? Is not love the environment in which you live? It is at the spiritual level, and by sitting in that state of quiet, the spirit reality becomes known to you.

As my words settle into your minds, as these energies soak into your hearts, truly feel your need to live in this state of being. It is a fundamental need—just as you need food, air and water—you need love. Do not be afraid to admit that you need a great deal of love. Be honest with yourselves and know that more love can come in because you have begun to take down your defenses. You have opened the door simply by saying, “I need this love…I must have it!”

Take a few moments to go into those places in your lives where you feel a lack of love. It could be with a relationship you are experiencing, a situation in your life that is occurring, and simply say, “I need more here.” Take down whatever defense you may have within you. Simply ask for the truth to open the door for the resistance to yield that love may enter and fill you. (Pause)

I will take my leave and turn you over into the loving embrace of your Mother, who will continue to expand your circuits that you may perceive more love around you. I leave you in my love, my precious children. May you thrive and prosper in what is all around you. Good day.

Nebadonia: Greetings, my children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, love is all around you. You may allow its emanations to pierce and penetrate into all of your defenses, one by one, gaining greater intellectual understanding into how your thought processes are formulated. Intellectual development is an important part of the spiritual growth process. But it must place itself behind the desire for spiritual attainment. For this is how you grow in wisdom. You allow your Adjusters to seed into your existing thought patterns a higher and better way to perceive reality. And then once you begin to have the stronger sense of the meaning and value, your feelings will begin to change, and then you become more embodied of that idea that was conveyed to you by your Adjuster. As you experience out in life you grow in wisdom of how it is applied throughout your lives. You grow incrementally—learning, experiencing new ideas every day.

When you come to me and simply sit in the quiet of your heart, you are gently allowing yourselves to add those spirit fibers into your consciousness that your Adjusters use to seed these new ideas into your thoughts. There are always new ideas to consider, new ways to look at your lives creatively and more objectively. Always will you be given what you need to grow in Father-like qualities. These are basic life lessons and you are learning some of the fundamental principles of life and the operation of the universe. So let these words settle in as I continue to share with you my spirit essence of personality. Feed upon me, my precious children. (Pause)
As Urantia opens herself to more of the love and life that is upon her now, the more you will be able to change your mind in a state of ease and light. Planetary circuits are in place for you now to imprint your own higher thoughts and experiences into this growing fabric of the planet’s Supreme. As you do this more and more each day, you will find that your ability to perceive love around you will be more heightened. Allow your bodies to attune to these new thoughts and energies, and know that your Father and I hold you safely to our bosoms and you are well cared for at all times. I will leave you now. There are many mighty angels who continue to minister to you. Let love grow around you, and be in my peace. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]