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===Topic: ''Attuning the Physical Body to Higher Spiritual Frequencies''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Thank you so much, Mother and Father, for this time together that we may receive from you more of your presence that fills us with those divine threads of life that we need for our transformation. We focus in our hearts. We open ourselves to you that your will may flow through us and that we may be uplifted into your presence. Thank you so much for what you provide to us, and may your will be done.
Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Your physical bodies are very precious to your Mother and me. You are aware of the deterrents, you might call them, in your DNA that have sequestered some of the potential for spiritual advancement that is still resident in the DNA strands. Therefore, your Mother and I are here to help you acquire more of what is necessary for your physical systems to attenuate to those higher spiritual frequencies that are bathing the planet in my will—my presence, my peace and love. You need do nothing more than relax and breathe and invite your bodies to open that your Mother and I may infuse more of these endowments for your bodies to communicate with the energies of love and the frequencies of light. There are many who will step into this circuit to infuse you. Relax and enjoy and let the experience move you into deep stillness. (Pause)

Your bodies, as the dwelling place for the presence of the Father, are being bathed in light. This light encodes spirit substance into the very core of your being, energizing your cells, communicating into your physical system a higher frequency that it may encode the information contained within the light. This occurs as a level of consciousness that you may not yet perceive, yet you can feel the flow of energy moving through you. It is not so important that you understand what is happening during this experience as it is for you to openly receive in an attitude of appreciation—thankfulness—of what is being provided to you to help you grow in spirit stature to become more Father-infused.

Your own unique personalities will have a greater chance to reveal themselves. You become more aware of your status as a child of the Father and the value of that relationship. This value is your divine birthright, and I desire that all of my children stand in the value of who they are. There is nothing more precious to me and your Father in Paradise than our children. So remember when you begin to judge yourself or your brothers and sisters, simply stop and ask for the value resonance of who you are to stir deeply into your being. Continue to receive; drink deeply. Drink deeply. Drink deeply. (Pause)

The roles you wish to play in this time of correction upon Urantia are etched upon your divine life plan. Each of you has something very wonderful yet unique to offer. I encourage you to take a few moments to focus on your Father fragment and ask for insight into where the Father is guiding you. As you know, you have every opportunity to accept or reject this life plan, but it is hoped that when you have these insights that you will more readily cooperate with your Adjuster and allow your own, what you might call, agenda for your life to take a second seat in favor of being directed more faithfully by the Father within.

This is the walk of faith, and each day you take these small steps forward. Each day is a new adventure—a new opportunity. No two days are alike. Some days will seem more mundane, and some days will seem more adventurous. But what is consistent, and what helps you truly progress, is your desire to be led and to allow the energies of spirit to move you forward. The conditioning of your planetary culture, especially in your part of the world, has interfered with this direct leading of the Father within you.

As your Mother and I continue to minister into your being, it is up to you to decide whether or not you wish to be more fully cooperative with your Adjusters, and to be more attuned those plans seeded by the Father within you for the earthly sojourn, and what you may wish to achieve here in conjunction with my desires for planetary transformation. Take a few moments now, commune with the Father while your Mother and I continue to minister and build you in our presence. Feel free to record some thought impressions that may come to mind so that you may remember what you receive from the Father. (Pause)

The spiritual matrix of light that is forming over the web of planetary consciousness brings more of my truth to press upon Urantian thinking and the awarenesses thereof. As my presence of truth infuses this consciousness, you will feel, or perhaps I should say, notice a quickening within your own hearts as your Spirits of Truth become more activated. This will help you to stay more focused on conjoining your thoughts with the Father’s and help you engage in a level of spiritized thinking, assessing information more in alignment with the Father’s will.

You may not notice this at first, for it is a subtle process. You will begin to sense that your thoughts are becoming more positive, cleaner, purer, more love dominated, more compassionate, receptive, more forgiving and tolerant. Some of you may already be noticing this, and this is good. This will continue to develop and unfold in your awareness and help your physical bodies operate more in alignment with the Father’s will.

Communication between spirit and the material realm is being bridged by this shift in consciousness. It is my desire to see my children’s bodies pure and clean, innocent and holy, and connected to vibrant energies of your beautiful planet. Correction is underway, but it does take time and it does take your devotion. Continue to make those choices that are for your highest good, even though it may make you uncomfortable for a period while you are outworking these energies of the past. As these words settle in continue to receive from me, and within a few moments Mother will speak to you and warm your hearts. (Pause)

Thrive in my love and peace, my children. Good day.

Nebadonia: Greetings, my beloved children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, my dear ones, expand yourselves in your Father and me. You have so much to gain. There is so much love around you, and it is safe to let go of the various defenses you have acquired during your lifetime and the lifetimes of your ancestors whose legacy still lives within you. Letting these defenses down is an act of great faith. It does bring to the surface many fears—many energies—that have been received that distorted the nature of the Father’s love and the creative plan he originated in the vast expanse of eternity.

The outworking of the Lucifer Rebellion is occurring during your human lifetimes. You are courageous men and women who have stepped out of your comfort zone to receive what you need now to help your planet change course and embark upon the thrilling ascent into Light and Life. Therefore, it is keeping with the Father’s will that you would be altered in various to help you outwork these energies and to be reseeded with what you need—what is the correct form of frequency and language that you may follow the Father’s will within you more faithfully and gracefully.

Open yourselves to me now that I may move in you as my many daughters and children move in your circuits, help you receive what you need that the legacy of the past will continue to be outworked from your DNA. Open to me, my beautiful children. I hold you safe in my womb. (Pause)

The legacy of the past is being slowly expunged from planetary consciousness. While history will bear testimony to the fact of the rebellion, those influences will no longer exist upon Urantia. You are part of this early phase of correction. We acknowledge and appreciate your faith, and allowing this legacy to be outworked from your consciousness—from your bodies’ operation, from your thinking and awareness. Allow me to minister to you, precious children. Let go of what serves you no longer and embrace the Father within you more fully. (Pause)
Your relationship with that which is real, that which is of the Father, will be changing. Your mind will encompass new facets of universal reality as these energies continue to integrate into you. As you engage in stillness each day, ask for what is seeded in you today to go deeper into the fabric of your own consciousness system. We are altering you in ways you cannot yet understand or perceive, but it will allow the Father within you to shine more light, truth, and goodness into your being and build you in joy and life itself. Continue to receive for a few more minutes and rejoice in the Father’s presence within. (Pause)

Planetary adjudication is lifting you up into the circuits of mercy, my children. You have all made your choice to follow the Father, and now it is time for you to receive more of what we wish you to have that you may be children of light—Michael’s light—to engage in your brothers and sisters and help them choose the way of the heart—the path of the Father within them.

Revel in this time upon Urantia. Do not fear the passing of the fear constructs as the planetary consciousness changes. But know that it is our hand and our loving ministrations and those of your universe brothers and sisters coming to your side to walk with you each day, and you are helping these changes occur. My beautiful children of light, glory in the Father! Revel in His love and peace. Turn your hearts and gaze toward Him each day and let us build the circuits of Light and Life upon Urantia together. I leave you in my love. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]