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===Topic: ''Growing in Your Creator Creative Potential''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we’re here to receive your presence today and to be upstepped in the ways that you know are part of our spiritual growth. We are so grateful to receive you in the ways you minister to us uniquely and personally. As we open our hearts to you, we thank you for stepping in now and feeding us with what we need that we may be about your business, the Father’s business, and that your will may be done. Thank you.
Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Take this time of your day to commune with me and to make yourselves available to my presence that I may share more of myself with you. Times are growing short when my presence will become more known upon Urantia and more of the heart energy will seem to flow between individuals. This is the time presaged by many prophets of the ancient past and more heralded by those in recent times who have been able to pick up on these spiritual signals and to be the bearer of the good tidings that pour forth from the heart when it is awakened and energized.

As I minister in you today, feel your desire to be with me into more consistently open yourselves to be as I AM. For you are creator children, and your humanity has conferred upon you a certain type of creatorship, you might say—that you are learning how to use the creative life forces to which you have access. This is an evolutionary process. You grow and learn incrementally.

Today I invite you to thinking about becoming more attuned to this idea of a creator that you may allow that idea to seed certain qualities of my presence more deeply in your being that you would use to bring those potentials of your personality out into the world to produce the good fruits of the Spirit in many areas of your life. Let us now take this time to open yourselves to your Mother. Securely anchor yourselves in Her breath of life She may expand you in what I wish to share with you and that you may grow in truly what you need to lead more productive and more fulfilling human lives. Let us begin. Take a few deep slow and mindful breaths, asking your Mother’s presence to energize you and to expand you and allow us to move in you. (Pause)

Allow my love to circulate through your system in a similar manner that what is circulated throughout your body. The bodies were designed to receive my love. Even though there have certain impediments placed in the way, you have access to me – all of me, my children. You grow in that a little bit at a time. Ever are you expanding, and even more so when you consciously, intentionally ask to feed upon me, to be nourished in my love and to develop a more in-depth awareness of the creator potentials within your being. Now more than ever you have many opportune moments to use this creator energy in various ways. As these words settle in, continue to drink deeply, letting these energies circulate about you. My presence impresses more into your system. (Pause)

There are many spirit fibers being added into you now, my children. At your level—at the material level—you open the receptivity portal to receive my spirit fibers through your desire, through your intention, through your will. In a similar manner, I too practiced this intentional, mindfulness of going into my Father during my earthly sojourn as Jesus. So you know from reading the account of my life how successful this was, and this is for you to follow to receive those spirit fibers from my being and from the Father within you. You may continue to expand and to become as I AM. Take your time with this expansion process. Be not in haste or worry. Do allow yourselves those moments of recognition when you are in service to others that these spirit fibers may integrate into your being. It is through daily living experience that these become a living part of your being; that of your soul and that soul grows and nurtures the inner life in many ways. The efforts you put forth each day as you come to me will indeed expand your ability to be more receptive to the leadings of the Father within you. As the term the Thought Adjuster expands into that of the Thought Controller and then a Thought Enhancer as you begin to see more deeply of the value and meaning of what is being conveyed into your mind. You have everything to gain. You have so much to learn. Go joyfully into these new experiences with a full-hearted recognition that you are growing in your creator potential, and you get to use this to experiment, to test the waters, as it were, to understand what it means to be my sons and daughters. Continue to receive and in a few moments your Mother will address you. (Pause)

Feed upon me, my children, each and every day. Enjoy how you are being nurtured in spirit. Grow in your creator and creative potential to be here as a full human, created in love, nourished in joy, and guided by faith. I will leave you now that you may enjoy some time with your Mother and to become more attuned to her presence within you. I love you, my children. May this love continue to swell within your hearts and continue to teach you about who you are and the path you are on. Good day.

Nebadonia: My children, this is my Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, it is my delight to help you grow in your Father Michael. It is delightful to watch how you make use of this current of life that flows from my being to you. You are beginning to understand how this flow of life current operates in your being upon this world. When more people are truly aware and operating in this flow will you see many wonderful changes begin to blossom upon Urantia. Many of you will be called to teach and to share with others about this flow of energy and to express it creatively throughout your life. Drink deeply of me that Michael’s presence may expand you. As His presence it is, you might say, the blood of life, my presence being your breath of life, catalyzes the spirit sparks into your being, to translate that energy deeper and deeper into the vibrational levels into your body that you may feel me and know me, trust me, and expand your field of awareness to those associates around you who are devoted to augmenting your spiritual development.

Human experience, while rugged and challenging upon this world, is nonetheless is designed to be savored and enjoyed. One day, when you are further progressed on your morontia career, you will see your human experience in a much broader light. There may even be tinges of regret of those opportunities you may have missed to love and to serve and to be more attuned to the Father’s will. Surely, this is to be expected because you have been so deprived of the many natural resources that come from living on a normal evolutionary world of the spirit realm. You can certainly make up for that by coming to us each day and to receive.
Let this experience today further anchor in the conscious awareness. Come to us when you feel your own spiritual strength and responsiveness waning. You do not need to wallow in self-recrimination but simply turn your focus and say, “I need more of you.” Train yourselves to quiet the mental chatter—open your heart and receive. It is highly advisable that you take yourself out in the busyness of your day and commune in the natural world in a park setting or a beach setting or a mountain setting, wherever you are, and let yourself recharge with life all around you. It is easy to be taken off guard, you might say, by the energies around you of your culture. It is part of your training to take yourself back into that place—that physical environment—where your equipment—your body—can attune to what is the natural order of things. As you sit and relax, then call upon your Father and me, and we will nourish you. Even if you cannot always be in nature, ensure that you have a restful, inspirational place in your home in which to recharge your being in many ways. Continue to feed upon me, deepen your breaths, let each inhalation and exhalation deeply expand you. Gain a greater sense of knowingness that you are connected to us. (Pause)

So it is ever thus, my children, that this life here on this physical world will always be growing and being enhanced in your Father and me. I leave you in this manner today. Know that my presence is alive, flowing through you. Enjoy your day, wherever it may take you. Be in our peace. Thrive in our love and enjoy your life. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]