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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon the Divine Quality of Mercy''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we thank for this time to be together to receive your words and your presence to come into our being to upstep us the way that we receive from you. Thank you for your activating that Spirit of Truth within us through your presence. Thank you for helping our bodies become more attuned to your presence with our Adjusters.
Michael: Greetings, my beloved children, this is Michael. Today your Mother and I wish to infuse within your being a greater awareness of the quality of MERCY. You are now learning to focus as you collaborate with the Magisterial Mission. The outpouring of mercy ministry to Urantia is at its highest peak in terms of your overall planetary history. The efforts being made by your unseen brothers and sisters is truly a phenomena to witness. It is as if the whole universe of Nebadon has its eyes upon Urantia and the hearts of universe citizens are focused upon you. Circuits to Urantia are now fully open, and so it is up to you to increasingly feel your desire to receive this outpouring of mercy, not only from your Mother and me, but from the universe as a family.

As you might imagine, this is a very high degree of spiritual energy. The vibrational rate would be very hard to be contained within your bodies fully. We will be here to help you to adjust to this outpouring based on your willingness to receive and your desire to show this with great gusto to your brothers and sisters; not just for you to receive for your own personal use, but to share with your brethren who are in great need of a perspective awareness of what is occurring upon Urantia. While their minds and their belief systems are being reconditioned, it is truly their hearts’ awareness that they feel the most quaking of the foundation beneath them. When you convey this attitude of mercy, it will provide them with further stabilization to help them look deeper into their own needs and to perceive something that they have only glimpsed.

As you know, we are helping you transition your conditioned ways of perceiving from the intellect--from your belief system--to the spiritual realm, which is contained within the heart. Relax and invite more mercy to come into your being. Feel your desire for this. We will move in you now. (Pause)

The energy field of your heart is a powerful generator of emotional wellbeing, insofar as you are more aligned in the power presence of your indwelling Adjuster and more receptive to feeling more kindly disposed towards your brothers and sisters. The heart field is an arena of exploration by many scientists who wish to understand the energies of love and discover the secrets of love. This will be a field of study for many years to come because love is beyond what you currently understand. It is the power of the universe that makes everything function. Yet you have been so deprived of this energy, but it is now being opened more for you through these endowments of mercy that your Mother and I share with you.

Continue to receive. Continue to be a conduit of mercy in your desires to serve your brothers and sisters. They are so very deserving of this, perhaps even more than you for you understand more of the meaning of mercy. This is why it is important for humans’ spiritual development. Enjoy this time with your Mother and me as you receive. (Pause)

During my human life as Jesus, I developed a large degree of compassion for my human brothers and sisters. It was not until I became more aware of my true nature as Michael of Nebadon, the Creator Son, that I was able to perceive my children, my brothers and sisters, with divine understanding. You have access to both my compassion as your brother and mercy as your Father to accompany you as you go through this very vigorous time of transition on Urantia. We understand the transient ups and downs of what it is you are experiencing. The power of the forces of darkness, perpetrators of the rebellion are still active here, yet I say to you, pay little attention to this and focus on the light in your souls. When you focus on this light, it will be easier for you to receive the love and mercy that will carry you through the day and help you build those activities--those patterns of your life--in peace and joy. Continue to receive a few more moments. Your Mother will speak to you after I take my leave. (Pause)

Be in my peace, my children. Remember to be as merciful as possible with yourselves and with your friends, family, colleagues, and associates and love them. Good afternoon.

Nebadonia: My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. As we watch our children of Urantia grow in their abilities to practice love, mercy with others, it gives us great joy. Times when you remember to use these qualities of spirit, especially when you come up against those behaviors that have been habitual that have kept you in more primitive emotional space, these are the times we celebrate with you the progress that you make. Though it may be small, to us each incremental step you take is a victory to be enjoyed and celebrated.

Today I invite you to share with me some of the victories you have achieved in the past few weeks. Look back on those times when you had a choice to make and responded in a spiritual way. Take enjoyment and refreshment what you have achieved and let your brothers and sisters on this call know what it was you were able to overcome. It is so very encouraging to share your little victories with one another. As you do this, know that you are encouraging others, inspiring others, and helping others look past their own insecurities and dilemmas. Help them find the way into the light in their own lives.
Student: This is L. I’ve been reflecting through this call that as this idea, this energy of mercy grows in me, when I’m out among people and observing people I have a lot less judgment and where I might make a judgment it’s replaced with compassion. Then I just kind of naturally send them love or light of Michael and Mother. It’s a nice feeling to not have that struggle with judging people. I’m thankful for that.

Nebadonia: And herein lies the part of the challenge, the ease and simplicity of loving individuals is so far superior. The words you use, the struggle of judgment, it does keep you in a state of tension, does it not?

Student: Yes, it does.

Nebadonia: The other response is so much easier on the mind and body. I congratulate you, my daughter; I thank you for continuing to make strides in this area in your life. Know that your Father and I are pledged to further assist you and grow you in the quality of mercy that will need to be in very great supply as the transition continues to unfold upon the planet. Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: It is my prayer that more and more people find themselves being less judgmental and more loving.

Nebadonia: By your actions and demonstrations you will help them. You will be sending a signal from your heart to theirs. This will be something their Indwelling Father Fragments can use to help them recognize the error in their thinking and their ways.

Student: Thank you, Mother.

Nebadonia: Each one of you has a story to share so be open and forthcoming with one another.

Student: I shared this with Donna the other day, and while I think I’ve only made small incremental progress in this area, I’m trying to acknowledge in my mind and heart how much God loves each person and to try to make that contact and connection real when I’m around others. Like L, I’m trying to reduce the judgment that I feel and process when I’m around others if they make mistakes or if they say something, shall I say, stupid, and trying to just not think about that – just trying to process love instead. That’s one of the things I’m trying to focus on more this year.

Nebadonia: What a worthy goal to pursue, my son. The more you desire this and continue to see this as your goal or objective or your spiritual development, you will be given various opportunities to practice this, to master this, over time. You know how your brothers and sisters respond to their environment, do you not?

Student: Yes.

Nebadonia: You see that you have a wonderful opportunity to be a mentor to them by your own actions. This will challenge you, and sometimes you will become frustrated or impatient. We understand that. That is certainly part of the process, but the more you desire this and have opportunities to practice this, sometimes they will be challenges, you will make great strides. You will be very happy to look back on the year’s activities in December and see how far you have come, what you have gained. When you fall short in your own abilities to practice mercy or forgiveness, take a few moments to call upon us, and we will nourish your soul, soothe your mind. Be in my peace.

Student: Thank you, Mother.

Student: Well, Mother, as you know I deal with lots of frustrations and my anger rises up every day in my classroom. I’ve been getting somewhat overwhelmed by it all, dealing with disrespect that is daily. I still see the same old patterns of response in me. One thing I remind myself of is that I’m just seeing a snapshot of that person’s life, and they are going to grow and transform and that snapshot will be a different person years and years from now. It can give one hope to realize that. These young individuals are not locked into being who they are at the moment, and neither am I locked into being who I am at the moment. There’s a much bigger picture so I just know I need to spend more time with you and Father and my indwelling spirit so I can remember that more often.

Nebadonia: The qualities of mercy that you demonstrate with your students are greater than your ability to understand at this time. Even though you become frustrated and impatient with them, what is important is that you are aware, and you are striving to make adjustments in your way of perceiving. If everyone on Urantia were aware, and at least making efforts, the world would be tremendously healed and present a different attitude to the cosmos.

Even though you feel you fall short of the actual interaction, never underestimate the implication of what your desire truly means and what it reveals. Forgive yourself for your shortcomings; keep on trying your best. Because you are in a situation where the unharnessed mental and emotional energies of these young ones does wear heavily on you, ask for the immersion of mercy to come into your energy field to help your emotional vibratory rate stay higher. This is one of the reasons we elect to infuse you with these qualities not only individually in these calls. You are gaining a greater, you might call it, emotional fabric strength, within your energy fields to keep you more balanced and stable as you go about your day.

Some of you have easier lives than others. You are in more challenging situations than others out in the world and being subjected to the various forms of unharnessed, unchanneled negative energies of others. It requires that your fields of energy around you become stronger and more resistant to unharnessed energies. Continue to ask for this to grow in your field and to act as that barrier--that cushion--so you will continue to be aware when you are losing your own power for spiritual strength and stamina. Draw upon us more. Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Thank you, Mother.

Student: What I’m dealing with most now, like I mentioned a few months ago, is the unhappiness of people close to me. It gave me some good ideas to try (from that session), and I’ve been focusing on those for the past few months. I’m hoping that I’m making a difference in helping. That’s the main thing I can think of in response to your question.

Nebadonia: Self-judgment is something that I caution all of you to become aware of, for you do tend to put more pressure on yourselves than necessary. Remember it is your motivation and your intention—your desires--to be merciful is what is most important. The effort that you put forth everyday based on your desires is what continues to develop those strong habits that are Godlike and demonstrate the will of God to the world.

It is so helpful to look back upon the day and recall the moments when you did exercise a degree of love with others even if it is a small amount. Is it more than the previous day? Then it is successful. Were you more patient and forgiving with someone? We encourage you to look at the small steps that you take today just as you would enjoy watching a baby take his and her first small steps. Does it not delight you to see them take their first step, to watch them as they sometimes stumble from time to time? Yet they pick themselves up and they try again. We celebrate those baby steps. We are there to encourage you to pick yourself up and to keep walking.

My son, as you continue to make these strides, make sure that you spend some time each day, just recalling and enjoying the positive things that you did do and thank the Father within you for helping you make those decisions that actually manifested in rightful action. Be in my peace.

Student: Thank you, Mother.
Nebadonia: My children, receive me again as your Mother that you may be expanded in these qualities of mercy and love that are ever flowing through you. The more you desire this, the more you will receive. You know you will be given opportunities to demonstrate this with others. Sometimes these opportunities will seem to be insignificant, and other times they will seem to have a very profound effect. They are all adding to your breadth and depth of understanding and spiritual growth. They are all good. Love your lives more steadfastly. Receive me now, feel your Father’s and my love close to you. (Pause)

I will leave you now and ask you to reflect upon this message during the rest of your day. Be merciful with yourself and with others. We are merciful with you. Grow strong in our love and peace. Good afternoon.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2011]]