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===Topic: ''The True Purpose of Life''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “So very few humans live up to the [[faith]] they possess and whilst they are truly capable of [[practicing]] their faith. It is indeed correct that when [[Jesus]] walked this earth and miracles happened, it was their faith which made them whole.

“Yet the [[secret]] is that most of them went back to their former life-styles, and so the illnesses of which they were healed; [[manifested]] themselves again. Self-healing is innate when you allow the [[joy]] of spirit to [[dominate]] in your life, including [[behavior]] and with the right intake of wholesome [[foods]].

“Your bodily temple houses your [[Ta|eternal spirit]] and needs proper nutrition and included here are fresh air and [[sunshine]]. The daily intake of chemicals and other [[poisons]] are not the answer.

“For a moment, think about how far [[Urantia|this precious planet]] has been [[compromised]] and poisoned at the hands of a [[greedy]] few. The [[saturation]] point is coming dangerously close with many people dying from unnecessary [[diseases]] of [[mind]] and [[body]] caused by all this [[pollution]]. When they get sick, they are made sicker still by more chemicals, which their [[immune]] systems are not equipped to handle.

“The [[Creator]] gave you healing sunshine, pure air and herbs, as well as the nourishing fruits of waters, fields and trees.

“Precious [[minds]] poison themselves with nefarious schemes of how to get [[rich]] with nary a thought about the effect on their brothers and sisters. This all needs to be stated so humankind may learn where they are erring.

“The Creator meant for you all to be caretakers of this beautiful garden planet, and his sacred [[intent]] will be [[manifested]] in times to come. Meanwhile [[humanity]] is reaping a terrible harvest of unnecessary diseases of body, mind and spirit.
“The [[time]] has come for humanity to wake up to the true [[purpose]] in life — to find their [[Ta|Fragment from God within]] their individual selves which is given them to aid them on their way to [[Paper 13|their eternal Home]].

“Meanwhile they are to [[grow]] and [[practice]] their faith-[[trust]] in his unconditional love, learning to love their selves and bringing forth the [[fruits of the spirit]] in loving [[service]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2017]]