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===Topic: ''Angels of the Races and Infusing Compassion and Harmony Among the Races into the Circuits of Planetary Consciousness''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Manotia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are gathered once again to collectively collaborate with the Seraphim of our planet to impart more of the spiritual energies necessary for more healing and transformation to occur. We thank you for connecting us as one in your beings of love, compassion, and peace. We thank you for flowing these energies into our beings, into our hearts through the circuits of mind connecting us together as one in the Father’s LOVE. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to our world and to our brothers and sisters. As our Seraphim come close to us, may we be focused and centered into those areas where we are being guided to share our love with our brothers and sisters. Thank you for your WILL being done through our efforts.
MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia and I am pleased to join you once again in the form of co-creating the WILL of Spirit into the circuits of human consciousness. Today we will focus on the Angels of the Races that more cooperation, tolerance, and harmony can be fostered in the various relationships of the different cultures and racial identities all around the planet.

This is an area of great concern for us and for the agenda of the Correcting Time. The legacy of conflict and war has created much strife and lack of trust within the various social fabrics of racial identity all around the planet. Had your world benefited more from the Adamic bestowal, peace and cooperation would be much further along the path of cultural development. Therefore, today we invite you to collaborate with us in these circuits in all of the various dimensions of these circuits for more tolerance, compassion, and harmony to seed into those areas of conflict and strife.

As we begin, we encourage you to develop those feelings of compassion for your brothers and sisters who have different cultural traditions than how you identify yourself. At the core of your beings you are all the same. You all have a spark of the Spirit Father within you and you are all moving in the direction of peace and harmony through all of your relationships and interassociations.

Take a few moments. Focus in your hearts. Feel your compassion for your brothers and sisters, especially for those who are different; those who have different ideologies, different concepts, and different ways to perceive reality. Simply feel a deeper connection to them through your compassion and your own desires to feel more love for these brothers and sisters who on the surface are different but who are at the core the same. As you begin to feel your own compassion, invite the COMPASSION of our Parents to upstep your own feelings and thoughts that what you convey individually is augmented by divine parental COMPASSION as we move in these circuits now, as the Angels of the Races come close to you and use what we generate for their holy purposes. (Pause)

If it is helpful to secure your focus, you may see the words COMPASSION AMONG THE RACES spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation as you feel your desire for more compassion that breeds tolerance and harmony to flow throughout the planet to help end the conflict and strife. COMPASSION AMONG THE RACES—let it flow from your hearts into the planet as we take what you generate and use them. Thank you. (Pause)

The end of racial strife and conflict will only occur when humans recognize that they are all part of a larger family, truly brothers and sisters in the Fatherhood of God. This is a developing reality awareness that we foster among the various racial influences around the globe. To augment that today we also invite you to receive the energies of Adam and Eve to flow through your hearts that more of their HARMONY endowment may support this infusion of COMPASSION among the races.

There are various circuits now in place at different dimensional levels that can be upstepped in these higher frequencies of HARMONY. The promotion of HARMONY among the various races is fundamental for the world to begin to see that war and other types of conflict are counterproductive to cultural planetary development. Inviting Adam and Eve’s energies of HARMONY to flow through you, we are augmenting that where it can be applied and produce more of what will help various individuals to perceive there are higher ways to outwork those concepts and ideologies that foster conflict. Do your best to remain focused on COMPASSION AMONG THE RACES as you allow these energies of Adam and Eve to flow through you. (Pause)

If you wish you may also add the focus of the energies of HARMONY to blend with the COMPASSION and allow COMPASSION AND HARMONY AMONG THE RACES to bathe the planet and to be seeded into those areas where it is most sorely needed. (Pause)

The world is growing weary of war and its disastrous effects upon the planet. However there are certain influences which wish to maintain this war agenda, and we are moving in these circuits now to help this type of thinking and emotion, what you might call the desire for conflict, to receive more of the COMPASSION AND HARMONY influence. Let your compassion for these individuals to attach to this mindset to receive this endowment today. Keep your desires for COMPASSION AND HARMONY to continue to flow through your hearts as we help those who are so spiritually deficient to open up to a higher reality picture that they may open and align with something greater and more productive. (Pause)

The legacy of war is being outworked, my dear brethren. It is not something that will happen during most of your human lifetimes but it is indeed bearing the fruit of the spirit as more people open up to the COMPASSION AND HARMONY of the ONENESS of the Father.

We are nearing the completion of the objectives for today, but there is one additional visualization that we invite you to form in your mind’s eye, and that is to stand upon the earth and with your hearts send that signal of LOVE AND HARMONY AND COMPASSION AMONG THE RACES to go deep into the earth. As you envision yourselves standing on the ground you may send that signal or plant it as beautiful seeds or flowers of COMPASSION, HARMONY, PEACE, AND TOLERANCE and other additional spiritual qualities that are necessary for more healing to occur. Whatever visualization that you find most beneficial is certainly helpful to use. The objective is to allow these energies to penetrate into those areas of historical tendencies toward war and conflict that these influence may receive the spiritual upstepping necessary for more planetary correction to occur. We again join you there as the Angels of the Races move in this focus, my dear brothers and sisters. (Pause)
My dear brothers and sisters, on behalf of the Angels of the Races and on behalf of the other numerous personalities who joined us today, I thank you. Remember that this is the Correcting Time and there is much to be outworked in the circuits of your planet’s consciousness that it may continue forward in its ascendancy toward the era of Light and Life. As we have encouraged you in the past, spend time in the stillness allowing these circuits to gain greater strength that we may join you in what you visualize and add what we can at the seraphic level and beyond.

We are closing the circuits now from this focus call but much will continue to be applied of spiritual pressure that more hearts and minds may open to the ideals of COMPASSION AND HARMONY AMONG THE RACES and the great legacy of war continues to outwork and become no more. Continue to grow and prosper in the love of our Parents and we will meet you again very soon to continue our sacred work together. I wish you all a blessed good day as I take my leave.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Manotia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]