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===Topic: ''God as Your Thought Adjuster''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, tonight I would like to thank the two of you for all that you've done, for I'm sure that it was under your auspices that the whole Teaching Mission got started--way back when in the 1980's. As we've been taught, it started with the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion and the ending of the planetary quarantine of not only Urantia/Earth here, but on a number of other planets too. So once again we are welcomed into the regular communications between of all the millions of other planets in our Local Universe and the hundreds of other planets in our Local System.

I want to thank the two of you very much for this Teaching Mission, and not only your own lessons, but for all the other celestial beings of so many different orders who have contributed to the mission. Also, thank Rob Davis and Ron Besser for starting and then maintaining their wonderful, huge archives of thousands and thousands of these Teaching Mission lessons over the years. Hopefully maybe hundreds of years from now folks can tune in and see what it was like in the years 2000’s just what kind of lessons we were given, what the celestial thought we could use right now. So thank the two of you very much for what's been a wonderful, wonderful, joyous and miraculous voyage so far in our adventure of being human, amen.

Michael: Good evening, this is Michael; and good evening my wonderful children! Thank you so much for tuning in and opening your minds and hearts to give me this opportunity to speak directly to you this way. Once again I will tease you with the notion that I am part of you. Mother Spirit and I are part of your human reality, as well as our Father. As Mother Spirit is, here, I could be considered your Father Spirit; and of course, God, our mutual Father, could be considered Grandpa. He too is even closer and more a part of you than we are. Where we have our influence on you, our helping hand, our encouragement, he is actually a part of your thinking processes. This is why we have the designation of him as being not only a “mystery monitor” on his personality circuit that includes all personal beings in existence—monitoring/experiencing your life right along with you--but also helping adjust your thoughts ever more spiritual, ever more inclusive, ever more, as you say, open-minded.
*(God as your Thought Adjuster)
God can actually give you real thoughts to consider, to let you decide this way or that and be part of your soul, your storied experience of these thoughts. As you know by now, your very thinking processes, your ability to articulate your experiences to yourselves, gives you the keys to your own soul. For these are not only just your memories in your physical mentality, but your spiritual soul, the record that God himself is helping you maintain. The way you can articulate and remember experiences gives you the way of tuning in to them.

Of course we offer another way too. Your meditations can be like dropping a little grain of something into a super-saturated solution. It’s where you have a pure, condensed liquid and you drop in a grain of salt or sugar—whatever--and instantaneously the whole thing crystalizes around that little nudge you've given it. So too in your meditations you can drop in a little memory and, if your meditation is pure, for several long, most delicious moments you can be right back in some previous time of your life. The presence of God within you is giving you this reassurance that you have a soul; you do have this unfathomable, gigantic repository of your whole life.

You've been teased with the notion that, when you reawaken for the first time on the Mansion Worlds, this spiritual aspect of your being, this soulful aspect, is the very nature of that reality. The closest English equivalent of this “morontia” realm—a word we had to introduce--is soul. You will be in a more soulful reality, even as God's presence right within you now gives you ever clearer concepts with which to experience your life. As his presence is also the key to your soul, make use of it! From time to time in your meditations just relax and let come forth whatever will. Let God's presence within you suggest some aspect of your life you might want to relive for the growth of your understanding.
*(Spirit is above all creative)
This is the creative aspect of spirit that Mother Spirit and I have been talking about these last couple of lessons--what the word spirit signifies, what it refers to, what it points at. My dear ones, you are spiritual beings. You are essentially unchanging by the very definition of personality--your unique personality in all of creation; something that does not change in the presence of all the change of this whole physical universe all around you, right down to your own living bodies: something that does not change. This is pure spirit. This is the origin of everything that does change. This is that part of you that is so perfect already--in a way--that for most people living, it is invisible, It is ungraspable. Personality is that part of you that you cannot directly get a hold on because it is you. You are the hand trying to get ahold of yourself.

You are a personality right from God, and everything you experience is nothing but change. This is God's part. As we've taught so many times, not only are you in a reality that is very consistent, very predictable, very unchanging in its cause and effect. There is no effect, nothing happening, that does not have a previous cause--except what spirit creates! All the energy and matter of existence, including your own living bodies, obeys these very strict Natural laws. And yet there is something new in every moment, something happening that never happened before within this framework, my children, this living, dynamic framework of a physical, energetic universe.

A great part of what has never happened before is all the personal beings in existence. They are unique, each one of them, and each one has their own essential intrinsic creativity. Right in your human life, day to day, isn't this one of the greatest challenges to you because you are surrounded by so many other unique personalities, and they are all creative in their own unpredictable ways? This very unpredictability of other people is what has led to the whole organization of civilization, trying to get some agreement among you as to what behavior is good or not so good, even what you call evil.
*(The people around you, possible friends)
This too is an enormous part of your life, all these people around you. And now with your marvelous communications you can tune in to the whole world with some billions of other unique human beings in this dynamic story you call history. It’s coming down like a driving rain all around you, and it is one of your greatest treasures. All this is happening and we encourage you to be a part of it, an active part of it right from your own creativity.

To be there for another; to be there for others: this is a gift you have, a potential that you have to be the most marvelous creation you know--a friend. It’s to be a friend, and have friends, able to exchange your very uniqueness of being with another, or others, who can recognize you and offer themselves. Here they are for you to enjoy and marvel at with wonder. You need to practice letting them be themselves; encourage them to be themselves for your mutual benefit. What a thing to learn--how to be a true friend! This is what ties in so tightly and becomes a part of your being a spiritual/creative person.

Be someone who is not so totally predictable, such a creature of habit that you are really offering nothing new. Because as you grow and change, and they change, and the whole reality around the two or many of you changes in so many dimensions of being human, your creative abilities to share with each other your understanding of what's happening is priceless. This is a delight is it not? Isn't this God's truest gift, this spirit of sharing your life, and having them and their experiences be part of your soul forever?

This is spirit. This is that something new in every moment, and we do acknowledge--Mother Spirit and I, and all of our higher spiritual children who are involved in your life and the life of your world--we do acknowledge how scary this is from time to time. You do have a reality of pain and suffering and loss. Yet the creativity of your spiritual nature, of your unchanging personality, will survive all of this and will put it in its own perspective and proportion.
*(A world full of a million-and-one mini-cultures)
And so, my dear ones, glory in this fact that you are spiritual beings. Let your creativity thrive, and thrive by way of it. Look out at the whole world your marvelous modern communications can bring to you, and open yourselves to it. Think of all those million and one little mini-cultures everywhere across your world of how men and women are living their day to day lives. We thank our Father that he has shared the very essence of his being, his personal-ness--his reality of personality. He shares this with us that we can be like him--creative and supportive and enjoying the lives of others. Now on this or anything else your own personality finds interesting: bring it forth.
Question: I have a question, Michael, perhaps a curiosity question. There was mention of the other now un-quarantined worlds. Our world here—Urantia--is in tumult. I realize it’s necessary for things to get better, but that seems chaotic. How are the other worlds doing?

Michael: Well, my son, that is a very interesting point. They are doing about like you are. They too have suffered several hundred thousand years of “being left on your own” and that has been in their case as well, a matter of almost incessant warfare. They too are going through a process of cultural polarization as each individual is born into their world as a totally blank slate, absorbing the culture of their parents and their surrounding media. This so colors their very perception, their very reality, it is a very long, slow process of accumulating a peaceful civilization.
*(Transparency and openness are critical for peace)
But they too, like you, are advancing on a material level of electronic communication to where their worlds are also beginning to enjoy a measure of transparency and openness. As you know, this is one of the greatest factors of a more peaceful society. As we have talked about so many times, there is so much social and political power that comes to the rulers and the leaders of society who can control an enormous amount of people by controlling the information that is being given them..

This is especially true on your world here. It is such a critical function--what you call “the fourth estate”--not only the executive, legislative, and judicial, but a “free press.” It’s the ability of the average person to understand what's really happening on worlds like yours. This is the greatest determining factor of how quickly you can evolve towards a more peaceful world.

Like your world, they too are coming along in a kind of inexorable evolution that has aspects of a polarization of nation-states and races as different cultures come in contact with each other. But this is a necessary, unavoidable, intermediate stage to go through as people to come to know each other. Culturally, a whole world society has to respect each other’s past and all that truly has happened, the good and bad, the peace and the warfare. All of your genuine past has to be preserved this way. This is the challenge, right? This is what demands every person grow to understand, for they too are involved in an inexorable kind of evolution, a little tardy, but catching up with the rest of our Local Universe here.

Student: Very interesting. Give them our sympathy.
*(Social evolution may be delayed, but it is spiritually inexorable)
Michael: I'm sure they extend their own too. One of the hardest things Mother Spirit and I have to convey is the inexorable nature of evolution. So much of our lessons are designed to not only to help you, personally, along, but help you see how this evolution is progressing in spite of some of the terrible things that are happening--the manmade disasters, the warfare, the contention, all the way down to what you call petty crime and not so petty criminal activity. It’s the ability of individuals to open their hearts and their minds to get beyond their prejudices and begin to grasp the wonder of the totality of what is happening.

It is why we say the amount of love and support among human beings is a thousand times greater than the dissension and the strife. It is not always easy to see, depending on one’s condition. If you are underneath a bomb falling from the sky and some incomprehensible thing going overhead, and you're just a small child, it is rather difficult to understand that the whole is rather glorious. They both exist, so open your hearts to everything.

Student: Amen

Michael: Be in my peace. [Thank you]

Student: It's said that our Adjusters rehearse their programs for us in our deep minds during sleep, yet we are also admonished to practice stillness meditation. Since neither one of these modalities is a particularly conscious process, could you explain some of the differences between these two?
*(Different kinds of meditation promote different kinds of consciousness)
Michael: Yes, my son, thank you for that question because Mother Spirit and I have taught that there are different kinds of meditation depending on different cultures and religions, evolved over thousands of years, as parents have taught their children ways of acknowledging and contacting spirit. It's why we have offered a special kind of meditation where you devote a part of your life--maybe half an hour every morning--to just saying, “Okay God, I take it on faith that you are a part of me; you are right inside me. You have the ability to introduce into my meditation this morning what I most need to know and consider.”

In this way you are not doing something preprogrammed except regularly opening yourself to whatever your Thought Adjuster—the presence of God within you--has to suggest. In this way the deep-sleep training you talked about can be brought to the surface, because you are simply, but consciously acknowledging and appreciating his presence by really opening yourself to whatever comes up.

This is so distinct, almost contra-distinct from having a pre-programmed kind of meditation--even though those have their own wonderful benefits--such as repeating a mantra, or introducing some lesson you've been given by your spiritual teacher to consider. Those are all good. But to take out part of your life to just be there and be open? One exercise you might do is to stay in contact with your physical being, with your body sitting there nice and upright. (I would suggest lying down, but then you might simply go back to sleep.) Devoting part of your life to just being open is a way of staying super-conscious, rather than wandering off in some kind of reverie. To keep the soulful part of you conscious, be aware of your body, for, unlike your mind which can wander off, your body is a physical, living continuity. So just be continuously aware of your breathing—but how?
*(Becoming aware of, and facing, unconscious denial)
One thing that has evolved over centuries is counting your breath up to ten, and over again, as a way of staying in touch with your physical being. Very quickly you will find it can allow almost anything else to come up for consideration. You don't get lost in reverie. You stay here-and-now and can be hyper-conscious of whatever comes up--whatever it is. This is one of the most direct ways of dealing what you call “psychological denial” because this will immediately pop up for folks to consider: what they’ve been unconsciously suppressing.

To let that come up and consider it, and have that be a real conscious experience, is one of the most valuable things you can do to become more here-and-now. Let these challenging things in your life be conscious, and be a conscious memory then, something you've dealt with, rather than being an unconscious determining factor in your life. This is where your modern psychology is a kind of wisdom that has given you an understanding of the human mind and how things are denied, only to have their own effect in the sense of: they still have you. Now does this kind of meditation make sense to you?

Student: Yes, it does. You struck a nerve, and I hear you.

Michael: Yes, you just sit down and relax. But then how do you stay alert? How do you keep from falling asleep or drifting off in some memory or reverie? How do you keep this kind of meditation hyper-conscious? How do you really use that time? Essentially you stay in touch with your physical body. You stay in touch with your breath at the same time you are saying, “Okay, God, what do you have for me today?--not yesterday, not something I’ve already learned, or whatever. What do you have for me now? What do I need to consider now?”

Student: So basically, our Adjuster is working in the deep mind in an unconscious process, and stillness meditation is one way in which we are striving to become conscious.
*(Be aware of everything around you, especially your living body)
Michael: Very much so. Even as you get up from your sitting still, have a little walking meditation for a few minutes to keep the transition back also super-conscious. You will find that as you get better and better at this, your meditation is not going off somewhere and getting lost, but will be more and more here and now. Instead of losing yourself off in some dreamy realm, all the time you are considering whatever it is that comes up, you will also be aware of what is around you. This is that 200-percent-ness we talk about. Not only will you be considering something unique out of your past, but everything around you, especially your living body.

It's like: how do you become more here-and-now? This is what your meditation is all about. You will find it extends more and more everywhere. You are developing the quality of your consciousness, a more and more tenacious kind of consciousness that will do you very good the rest of your day. It’s one of the most precious things you can have, “toughening you up”--if you will.

Student: Well, that is certainly food for thought. One of the problems I've always had is: why do we need to meditate? I mean every transmission our group has gotten for years and years now has had some reference to stillness, but sometimes the real reason for it becomes blurry. So thank you for sharpening the focus of my question.

Michael: Thank you, my son. I would answer you most directly: you don't “need” to meditate. A vast majority of humankind it is not meditating on a regular basis. We even mentioned one time those individuals who get involved in criminal activity and all of a sudden find themselves in a jail cell where there is almost nothing to do but have enormous time to relive how they got there.
*(Meditation not as a habit but a day to day choice, a tenacity of determination)

So in one way you don't “need” to meditate—it’s a very real, day to day choice, a real strengthening of determination. You're choosing to do this; you are not being forced to do it. For so many folks getting started and sticking with it is difficult, especially this kind of meditation where you're just going to say, “I'm going to sit down here for thirty minutes and give myself over to whatever comes up. I'm going to turn off the radio. I'm going to turn off the television. I'm not going into some practice of thinking about this or that. I'm just going to open myself to whatever comes up.”

That determination, that very determination is the greatest gift of it all. This is what I mean by “tenacity of consciousness”--opening yourself to this precious, particular moment that you've never been in before and you will never be in again. It’s this day, this particular morning of your life. And of course it helps to do a little bit of this all through the day. Maybe around noon, sit down for another five or ten minutes and wonder how the day is going. So thank you for the question, my son.

Student: Thank you for your response.

*(The expansion of consciousness to pure spontaneity)
Michael: These sessions we have together are a kind of meditation. Try as you might you don't quite know what I am going to bring you the next moment. We offer you the notion that, from your human standpoint, Mother Spirit and I are pure spontaneity, pure spirit in an enormously expanded moment that you too will grow into--forever.

Let me leave you with that notion that, as you grow more and more in this life, and as you grow more and more in your life to come, this is that expansion of consciousness we imagine you with. This is what expands, this very nature consciousness, this tenacity with consciousness that helps see you through all your ups and downs, all your pleasures and pains to come, all the challenges that keep you sane.

So God bless you, my dear one. Give him some space. Give him some time to suggest things. Mother Spirit and I have such an appreciation for the way his whole creation was both once set up, and yet continuously--moment by moment--renews itself in some divinely, personally unpredictable ways. Otherwise--as we tease you with the notion--eternity would be a hell of repetition. Mother Spirit sends her love and I bid you be in my peace. Good night.

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