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===Topic: ''Compassion, Innate and Learned''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Scribe|The Damascus Scribe]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
The Scribe: “[[Compassion]] is a gift that is bestowed upon you all and in varied measure by the [[Creator]]-Father of everything tangible and intangible. Compassion can be naturally present as a gift, innate to the [[personality]] you might call it, or it might be a learned [[behavior]]. The degree of innate and learned compassion vary greatly between personalities. As well, sometimes it is age-dependent and sometimes it is entirely missing. This frequently indicates an aberrant or deviating personality.

“Those who are strongly, innately compassionate can be noted early in their lives. They are those [[children]] who, from early years, share their toys, candy, their time and [[friendship]] with those of their kind. Their innate compassion can be noted by their regular [[enthusiastic]] care for [[siblings]], house [[pets]] and other animals, even plants and [[garden]] plots. They will [[expect]] others to likewise consider them and they learn [[forgiveness]] when this turns out not to be so.

“Then there are those who must [[learn]] to develop compassion. They will have some modicum of compassion, but little concern for others until life teaches them a severe lesson — yes, when they reach the end of their road — and they have no [[alternative]] but to put their very lives into the hands of [[strangers]]. It is now time for them to [[decide]] that a future compassionate life is more ‘the right thing to do.’ Surprisingly, some of these slow learners can become major contributors.

“Few have absolutely nothing much to offer in the way of inherent compassion, even [[forgiveness]], but hopefully are equipped with other great [[talents]]. Time and again, their life’s circumstances will remind them that [[feelings]] for those in need are the ‘done’ thing, but they will [[resist]] helping others, indefinitely. And I can tell you that they arrive on [[Mansonia One]] with the lengthiest of all catch-up programs to be fulfilled, their substantial earthly gains not being of use to them.

“We mention, but we don’t here [[discuss]] those who battle with a genuine [[psychological]] [[illness]]. In doing so, we would be handing you pure [[revelation]] and that is out of the question, as you well know. Suffice it to say that the mentally disturbed are accurately assessed on [[Mansonia One]] and are each given personalised programs.
“There you see, as I told you in our numerous [[meetings]], that what you do for another, you do for yourself. As we see you and as you will see yourself, you are an integral part of the [[total]]. I am Sananda, I am the Damascus Scribe — simply part of it all.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Scribe]]
[[Category: George Barnard]]
[[Category: 2017]]