
Created page with "File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame As a prerequisite it is recommended you first read [ Blue L..."

As a prerequisite it is recommended you first read [ Blue Lament for Humanity] and then read [ Ascension Blue Chronicles] if you have not already done so.

Note: Rob at the [[Nordan Symposia]] has begun mirroring the Blue / Mission-ignition material. You can read it [ '''here'''].


:Ever seeking creation's arrow we parked ourselves in your astral realms
:The closest periphery to you and the lowest vibration before disintegration
:As we re-member the final embrace of your Andromeda and Milky Way
:Our engines drink divine light in store ready for our departure

:note: In the astral realm the Andromeda and Milky Way are currently colliding though in your 3D experience it will happen in about 4 billion years :end note

:The collision course was set in motion due to the galactic rift/drift of your past
:In our ignorant past we attempted to reverse the entropy to no avail
:Our dissipated energy caused a delay of 4-5 years in your time
:We came to know this is the way the creator recycles and purifies

:note: may explain 2012 = 2017/2018 :end note

:Our moment here is almost done as we await creation's arrow
:We/You are ever in motion opening and unfolding along the axis of creation
:Undulating and contracting wave like embracing all of existence

:Before we take leave we shall lament so you may further remember
:The songs we sing to you whilst you slumber and dream

:The harmonic fall is Creation further polarising itself in order to know itself
:This polarisation created further separation, amnesia, rifts and denser matter

:During the harmonic fall our daughter (Earth) was taken hostage
:Those angelic humans who chose to stay behind to become the bridge and
:Those unable to escape gravity's reach took refuge within your vibrational realm

:And in time came what is termed but not be judged maligned beings
:Who's malignancy was so great that they destroyed their many worlds
:And became almost disembodied living in a vibration stuck between
:Your 3rd dimension and the Astral a place we term the etherium

:note: During the unguarded moment the etherium will be ignited the purpose of the "Blue" mission-ignition :end note

:note: these beings are named in the Blue Laments and Ascension Chronicles. We know them as "the shadows" :end note

:Do not equate their name to any particular race, religion or blood as they
:Have been increasingly incarnating in all races, creeds and generations

:Aeons have come and gone and now the shadows hide their true face
:Yet their agenda remains the same - both, to terraform the Earth and alter
:Your genetic bodies to be conducive to accepting their soul vibration

:Before we continue we need to explain the mechanics of creation, time
:Space, vibrations and souls so that you may come to know that you
:Are all both creators and observers one and the same

:Creation desired to experience all that it created
:You bake a cake but desire to eat of it (experience)
:You build a car but desire to drive it (experience)

:What if you became the cake that is eaten
:And you are the car that is driven

:And so a separation, the splitting of self occurred and incarnation began
:Carnal knowledge is in-carnation and nothing to do with act of sex itself
:In order to experience infinite creation and not just observe it has to be
:Inside of itself and thus various embodiments are required

:Time and space are by-products of the conscious creation process
:Both are an illusion and relative to the separation one perceives
:The further away from source the more time and space/distance
:And the lower the frequency/vibration and greater entropy

:Now we ask you to bend your minds further more:
:Everything that ever was, ever is and ever shall be
:Has already been created and is existing all in the
:Same and one moment (pulse/vibration)

:Bend a little more and all time is, is memory
:Each moment is a memory being re-membered
:When you remember a moment forgotten
:You are having an experience

:note: we are all explorers/experiencers Some explore with horse and buggy and others on light-ships :end note

:A moment experienced is made up of infinite and endless degrees and depth
:Remembering moments (parts) of a whole gives you the illusion of time passing
:The more moments you remember (experience) the higher (faster) you vibrate
:And the more experience you hold the closer you are to source

:Another way; the closer to source the less time and space
:The further away from source the greater the distances
:One blink of our eye equates to one year of your time
:4 billion earth years is approximately 12 blue years

:As your cells are part of larger body of cells
:So to your soul(s) are parts of larger body of souls
:Your solar system is part of galaxy is part of universe
:cell=soul / cellular=soulular

:The many and subtle bodies of creation each contain a soul(s)
:We liken a soul to a tiny sun (sol) but suns are souls also

:We are all as souls remembering forgotten experiences
:Souls collecting data from one experience to another
:From one life to another, from one universe to another

:Each and every soul is keyed or has a signature vibration
:That can only incarnate or embody a certain level of creation
:The more you remember / experience the greater your soul’s vibration
:The more vibration the less space that exists between memories

:note: your soul is not "you" it is a part of you as you are a part of another "you" :end note

:If you destroy your vehicle you then cannot drive unless
:You make another vehicle that you can operate with the
:Same "key" as the vehicle you just destroyed

:Your key no longer operates any other vehicles so now
:You must steal another vehicle and proceed to modify it
:Hot-wire or re-key it so you can then drive it

:The "shadows" cannot rise above their vibrational key
:And their vehicles (bodies) are crumbling, destroyed
:Unable to further experience, remember and rise
:They took their final refuge within your solar system
:And eventually took Earth herself and all as hostage

:The shadows pretended to be your gods, your angels,
:Your protectors, saviours Annunaki, Greek mythology,
:Indian Vedic, Judeo Christian, Nordic and many others
:They are all one and the same

:note: both polarities existed i.e. good/negative in all the above however keep your eye on the bouncing ball because not all portrayed as good were good and bad were bad. Those that won the war wrote the history books :end note

:The shadows - needed to re-engineer a planet and a suitable body/temple
:To match and be accepting of their soulular key vibration
:They chose this solar system as the closest to their vibration
:But their main goal - they were seeking a body made for Angels

:We, together in a time before time designed your human biological temples
:As ordained by Creation, half Angel and half Androgyne
:The mid-point between Hydrogyne and Oxygyne
:The Chrysalis, the Chryst and Trinity

:Earth and the human angelic being became their hostage
:There have been many past battles of Atlantis' and Lemuria's
:The original Atlantis was on Mars and Lemuria was on Earth
:As there are many "gardens of Eden" genetic engineering facilities

:Note: Gar-Den / E-Den

:Since a time before time a war has been raging above and beyond your awareness
:There is difficulty prescribing in words a war on multiple and timeless levels
:Consciousness wars
:Energy/plasma wars
:Electric wars
:Time and space wars
:Mind wars
:Astral wars
:Light/dark wars
:Frequency wars
:Genetic/biological wars
:Weather wars

:In one war the shadows destroyed their own planet Mars
:And directed asteroids towards the Earth

:note: discussed in the Blue Laments and Ascension Chronicles :end note

:The shadows in part have managed to infiltrate and incarnate in large
:Numbers on your Earth given thanks to your endless vaccine programs
:And terraforming your Earth through corrupted food, toxins, pollution and
:The electromagnetic spectrum in large part through sound/light of video/music

:Although the above is material a more sinister program in place is
:To keep your soul's experience vibration low through FEAR programs
:Endless wars, riots, hate, race, massacres, greed, disease are all engineered
:To keep you and the Earth from growing and vibrating higher than them

:note: the above is also part of the re-incarnation program

:1. Lessen your life-span through modification forcing more in-carnations than intended
:2. Have you re-incarnating repeatedly with memory wipe (due to your low vibration)
:3. The above is accomplished by you not having new positive experiences
:4. When you remember the same memory/experience over and over and over
:5. Your soul is not gaining new experiences, cannot grow, vibrate higher

:Your Earth has been attempting to heal her broken spine and in doing so
:She is disrupting the shadows program through earthquakes and hurricanes
:Your sun is also doing the same sending flares to support the Earth
:If it comes to it, the Earth and Sun will self-destruct as they will not allow
:The shadows to transform her into something she was not intended to be
:She will not allow parasites to infest her totally and completely

:We cannot state this more purely:
:Your only refuge is through higher vibrations (ascension)
:You can only do yourself but will soon get a helping boost from creation

:You cannot fight what you cannot see
:Wars are being fought for dominion and control of creation
:And have ever existed since consciousness polarised itself
:In order to experience itself from within/inside the dream

:If you can control the dreamer(s) then you
:Control creation and all that exists within it

:All that exists is contained within your consciousness
:But your consciousness is not contained by them
:No-thing can exist without consciousness
:And consciousness cannot exist without no-thing

:This universe you experience is only one of infinite all existing within you
:Consciousness shines forth divine light from within to see its own creation
:All that exists form and matter is only a reflection of that divine light
:In essence an illusion needing external light source to see

:You have been tricked to only believe that divine light is outside of you
:When you come to know and realise that divine light only comes from within
:The veils and illusions shall fall like the rain before your hearts

:You are one and many within a body of creation
:The only end you shall come to experience is the end of illusion
:When you have nothing left to lose you shall have gained everything
:And only when you have let it all go shall you be left holding only real truth

:As you are now may be difficult to comprehend and accept what is said above
:Consider water, steam and snow are the same but existing in different states of vibration
:Neither are separate, all one and the same with varying tempic existences

:There is neither division nor separation between string, particle, wave and quantum
:There is neither division nor separation between evolution and creation
:They are all one and the same existing simultaneously in different tempic states
:The division and depth between is the degree of separation, in itself an illusion

:G.O.D (Generator of Dreams) could not eat nor taste the cake
:Because it was only an imagining, a dream, an illusion, a picture
:Unless GOD was inside the dream itself there was no way
:She could experience eating of the cake from outside the dream

:Knowing that you are dreaming does not validate the experience within the dream
:Not knowing you are dreaming makes the dream the only reference point of existence
:And thus the veils and illusion of separation came into being
:The only reference point of existence became the I/EGO (Existence/Experience Generated Observer)
:And they were infinite in number with infinite points of existence and experience

:note: you go to sleep and have a vivid dream with vivid experiences
:you are not aware you are dreaming and as far as you are concerned
:the only reality you know is that vivid dream (until you are abruptly awoken)
:This is what creation and experience of creation is likened to

:note: a vivid dream can last for many minutes but to you inside the dream may have experienced hours or days if not weeks passing by memory = experience = time :end note

:Reality only exists if you are observing it hence the illusion of appearance
:But do not mistake observation as experience for it is not and therefore
:Your location within the experience is determined by your consciousness
:And ultimately without dreaming there is no creation

:In the end nothing is lost just like having a bad dream
:However the purpose is to awaken through higher vibrations
:From the repeated nightmares and dream a new beautiful dream

:Forever we walk upon Gaia's shores
:You are the seeds of an awakened humanity
:In the fullness and ripeness of your hearts you are given to the wind
:And should a seed find itself on pure and sacred ground
:It shall blossom into a new Earth

:Forever-blue horizons reach way back into your future
:And as the sun rises you remember your forgotten dreams
:Only to find yourself standing in deep water
:Your hearts beating upon Gaia's shores

:Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
:Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
:And Earth ascends to what she was once before, GAIA.

:When all is done shall be undone ....

:to be continued
Most all Blue transmissions :

Also mirrored [ here].

Subscribe for further transmissions send email: [ Raphiem]

==See also==
*'''''[ Read Part #1]'''''

[[Category: Raphiem]]