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===Topic: ''It is the Time of Purification''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
Urantia: “Dear daughter of Mine, you [[wish]] for us to establish a [[heart]]-to-heart [[relationship]]. You wish to get to know Me more in depth. Indeed, so few of My children really [[understand]] what I am all about.

“I am not merely a ball of [[minerals]] swirling through the [[ether]]. Just as He created you to live in more than one [[dimension]], [[the Father]] created Me with similar [[abilities]] and in like modalities.

“As you do, I have a very material [[body]]. Sadly, this is what most of you [[understand]] Me to be. They overlook the [[fact]] that I too have an [[emotional]] and a [[spiritual]] body. I am your Mother Earth. I am nurturing each one of you during your stay in My [[womb]]. I am providing you with the elements necessary to sustain your body — but I am also providing you with a loving [[cocoon]].

“Whenever [[Love]] is involved, [[Truth, Beauty, and Goodness]] are present. I am [[sincere]] and consistent in the Love I feel for all the creatures living in my auric field. I am also displaying much [[Beauty]] for those who have eyes to see. My heart is filled with the [[desire]] to do [[Good]] to My children of time.

“Yet, love unreceived is love unreciprocated and this is the cause of great emotional [[hurt]] as well as planetary [[turmoil]]. I am subjected to extremely unbalanced human [[emotions]] and when constantly fed, they are [[poisoning]] My own being by the emotional toxicity they generate and that is also [[mirrored]] in actions driven by [[greed]] and [[selfishness]] — actions that do not take into account the [[necessity]] for a wise planetary management.

“[[Anger]] affects me deeply — just as it affects you when there is ‘[[electricity]] in the air.’ I was not created to be the battlefield of [[hate]]. Yet, so many wars have taken place on My [ epidermis] that I too have become a deeply wounded and traumatized [[victim]].

“It is time for My children to realize the impact of their short-sighted [[decisions]]. Not only do they harm themselves in the [[process]] but they also adversely affect their life’s environment — Me included.
“Now is the Time of [[Purification]]. I am not rebelling through climatic events and [[cataclysms]]. Just as [[your mind]] is being adjusted by your [[Indwelling Spirit]] in order to bring you back on a rightful spiritual track, I am undergoing a mighty energetic adjustment that, at the same time, makes My children [[aware]] that I am a living entity.

“Learn to connect with Me in [[Love]] and [[Peace]]. This will [[change]] the emotional [[climate]] and do all of us great good. Love and Peace restore [[the soul]] and mend broken hearts.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2017]]