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===Topic: ''First Satisfy the Inner Self''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “A [[life]] well lived is a life that leads to victory over [[the self]]. It is the overcoming of all [[negative]] tendencies of the baser [[creature]] nature with its instant [[gratification]] urges. A well-lived life will accomplish this.

“[[Think]] about how much you may [[desire]] something special. And then on [[purpose]], train and [[discipline]] yourself to wait. This training would also help you in not acting until you have discerned God’s will to be [[manifest]] in your life. You would in this [[manner]] avoid many pitfalls that humankind is heir to.

“It is the [[satisfaction]] of the urge for instant gratification that needs to be curbed.

“It is this very [[materialistic]] tendency that has fostered and fed the monster by the name of [[greed]], which hides behind a [[façade]] of glittering [[commercialism]] and false promises. The tendency to buy this or that to be [[happy]] has brought no end of misery to the planet: the weaker ones who cannot [[resist]] ‘keeping up with the Jones’s’ place themselves at great [[peril]] and risk.

“I [[explain]] this to you; that it is because of an innate [[hunger]] in humankind that lives deep within them and beckons to be satisfied. They will keep looking in the wrong [[direction]] to still their hunger, when they are meant to develop a [[relationship]] with their [[Ta|God within]].

“Instead they are looking at material [[things]] and [[pleasures]], to satisfy themselves with. Meanwhile their [[souls]] are crying out for nourishment.
“Beloved, always seek to [[satisfy]] first the [[inner self]] by seeking Me in the [[Silence]] of your [[heart]]. The outer urge for satisfaction will lose its need for [[fulfillment]]. Instead, [[discernment]] will grow within you as to its importance in your life.

“[[Practice]] the discipline of denying the baser self and giving your higher self the [[chance]] to grow in [[grace]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2017]]