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===Topic: ''Focusing on Jesus, the Meaning of His Human Life''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, our hearts are full of gratitude and love for you as we move into this time of celebrating the birth of Jesus on Urantia. As we open ourselves to you, may we receive more of what we need to continue to evolve on our spiritual path and be a light into the world as our Father-brother was. And we thank you for your WILL being done in us now.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Celebrating Christmas is a time of high spiritual vibrancy on the planet. There are many hearts and minds focused on the meaning of Jesus’ earth life as one of you. There is much richness and texture of Spirit dimension that can be integrated into the fabric of human consciousness as more minds and hearts are now poised to consider what Jesus did while He was here as a human. Irrespective of the influence of organized religion and the traditions of Christmas, there is still enough movement within the heart to receive Jesus anew during this Christmas holiday season.

So in today’s infusion, before we consider your questions, I invite you to focus on Jesus and the meaning of His life to move into you and to help you understand what it means to be a human. Take a few moments now to set that as a desire or intention. Let the connection that you share with Him through your Spirit of Truth begin to convey something of great meaning and value to your heart and mind now as I move in you now, my children, and help you expand in the meaning of Jesus’ life on earth as a human. If it is helpful to focus, simply see the word JESUS in your mind’s eye, and let us move in you now, my beloveds. (Pause)

The meaning of why Jesus came to earth is often times obscured by certain dogmas and theologies of the Christian Church. But beyond all human thought is the relationship you have to Him. He can relate to you as both your brother and as your Father. As a brother you benefit greatly from the wisdom of His human life experience and how He was able to devote Himself fully to the outworking of the Father’s WILL in and through Him. His exhortation to have His will be the Father’s WILL is the same for you, albeit in a somewhat different context because you live in a different period of time, and you see things from a different perspective.

But what is similar is the desire to learn the best and God-given way to live your life, and that is allowing the WILL of the Father to lead, just as Jesus experienced and mastered. As we continue to move in you, keep that desire strong to perceive new meanings and values about your own life, as Jesus helps you see His life through the lens of what He experienced. Let His experiences shine light on those areas of concern in your own life, that you may be fortified in Him and through Him and the faith that He developed as a human. (Pause)

Over the course of your lives you will encounter challenges within the social context of your culture to reconcile them in your own mind and with relationships with family and friends, colleagues and associates. Do not think that you must face these problems alone. Not only do you have a Spirit of the Father within you to guide you into a higher perspective of how to view the situation, you also have within you that exquisite bond that you have with your Father Michael and your brother Jesus through the Spirit of Truth. And He can help you through any life experience that you find daunting and overwhelming. There is no reason to fear what you do not understand when you have all of this help waiting inside of you to disclose new meanings and perspectives to your mind and heart. So use what you have within you, and let Jesus and His life experience fill you with COURAGE and STRENGTH, FAITH and HOPE, and with that inner PEACE that keeps you steadfast and calm in the midst of whatever you must encounter and overcome.

Allow these energies of Jesus to penetrate into those places where you need more human wisdom to grow, to expand in your mind that you may also perceive the higher perspectives of the divine level that Jesus was able to so fully master. He shares this with you, my dear ones. Let yourself grow in this dynamic as well. (Pause)

As you move into your Christmas celebration, your Father and I encourage you to also celebrate your human life experience, for this is one experience you share with Him. He understands the fullness of what you are living here and now. While the challenges He faced where of a different quality than the challenges that you face now in your culture, the dynamic is still the same: how to respond to those situations with the higher values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY, and He will help you. He will encourage you to draw from His human life experience that you may grow in the same composure and faith-certainty that He experienced.

So let this be His gift to you as you celebrate Christmas. Allow yourself to feel that LIGHT OF CHRIST alive within your hearts, filling you and feeding you with His LOVE. Not only for you as a person but for the human life experience that you are now living. Drink deeply of His cup, my children, and grow strong and productive in it. (Pause)

I will now entertain your questions, my children, should you have something pressing on your heart and mind, or if you have any questions about the nature of Jesus’ earth life and its true meaning and value to human life experience. You may address me when you feel ready to speak.
STUDENT: This is L, Michael, and I have a question about a project that I am working on for the Correcting Time and I would really appreciate any input from you as to if I am going about it the right way, and the help that I have, and should I change course in this project in any way. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: My dear daughter L, this is Nebadonia. When a individual offers to be of service to the furthering of the Father’s WILL in any endeavor, you are always supported. However, that support does not always indicate that you are on the right path. This is where FAITH comes in to escort you on your journey to bring your project to full fruition. I advise you to spend more time in stillness in developing your relationship with your Spirit, that you may ascertain the best way to engage with your project and bring it to full fruition. There is a time element involved, there is also a dynamic of open-heartedness and faithfulness that the human mind must align with so that you can be assured that what you are doing is indeed the best and highest way.

While I cannot give you any concrete answers because this is a faith undertaking on your part and you will learn from this experience, I can encourage you to keep going, and to use this project as a means to deepen your faith and to become more familiar with the rhythm of the action of the Father’s WILL within you. This involves a deeper sense of letting go, and giving over of your project to me and to the angels and to all of your helpers that we may amplify your efforts in helping you achieve your objectives. This is one of the ways in which you collaborate with us during this agenda of the Correcting Time period wherein human mind is being stimulated to learn the requisite cooperation necessary to bring about positive change.

Most people still live their lives very mindlessly, going about one task to another with their thoughts projecting all over the place. But here you are learning certain disciplines of focus, perspective, alignment, timing, trust, and that surrendering of your will that a greater dynamic can be achieved. I will pause here and ask, does this help, my daughter, or do you need further elaboration?

Student: This is of great help, and I will study more closely the written transcript to more fully absorb what you are saying, and I thank you very very much, Mother.

NEBADONIA: You are most welcome, my daughter, and trust that there is something very wonderful and powerful brewing in you as you go about this project. You do not know what the consequence will be of your actions, and that is perfectly acceptable. It is a faith enterprise, and you do not see the fruits of what you are doing while you are in the midst of it. But continue to progress and trust that the requisite assistance you need will be available to you when the time is ripe and ready. And thrive in my LOVE, my dear.

Student: Thank you so very, very much.

Student: Thank you, Mother, for this message, this wonderful message to connect with Jesus’ life and His experiences. I have a question about something that is written in the Urantia Book about Jesus: how He acquired or learned to use the energy of the spiritual drive to turn the mechanism of material achievement. And I was quite intrigued by that because there is so much to accomplish and so much to do in moving toward the betterment of our societies, and I often find myself with less energy than I would like to have. And I feel that I cannot use the fullest of my capacities to do everything that I could do, because of a lack of energy. And so I was wondering what exactly that means to use the energy of the spiritual drive to turn the mechanism of material achievement, and if there is anything else that you can add to help us acquire more energy to do everything that we want to do in the work of the Father. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: Thank you for your question, B my son, this is Nebadonia once again. The best practice that you can replicate that Jesus mastered was the communion with His Indwelling Spirit. Recall that He would go off by Himself into nature and have those moments of conversation and communion with His Indwelling Spirit presence. This deep level of communion afforded Him not only the spiritual insights and perspective of how to meet the challenges of material living, but to fortify Him with courage and strength and vitality that he could wield the power of LOVE and the calmness of PEACE. And the wisdom that He experienced through living out the spiritual perspective afforded Him that magnificent vitality that He exuded when He went out and minister to His brethren.

People around Him felt fortified in Spirit because He was exuding such a high magnetism of LOVE that people were drawn to Him and where motivated by what He spoke and how He lived. This is how you, as He did, meet the challenges of material living. If you do not fortify yourself with communion with Father you will squander your personal energy and find yourself devitalized and tired to the point where it becomes difficult to go on. Many people live their lives this way and try to push through the challenges of daily life through the power of their own minds, never understanding that there is another power source within them to help them elevate their thinking to higher realms of universe understanding wherein new insights can be gleaned that will eventually lead to wisdom.

If you find yourself depleted physically, emotionally, mentally, go off and commune with the Father. Take as much time as you need to refortify yourself until you feel that enlightened Presence Within you giving you that internal stimulus to move forward again. But do not let the time of stillness become too long apart from one another, because the more challenges you have, the more you need that time of quiet reflection to commune with the Father that you may seek guidance and perceive how to best move forward.

This is the way Jesus was able to master not only His own personal energy system—his self—but to wield that great spiritual power where He could overcome the material conditions in His own life and help others in the promotion of peace and happiness even in the midst of very difficult circumstances. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes it helps greatly! And I will certainly endeavor to find those moments and to commune not just by sitting still but indeed to wander off and walk through nature and find peaceful environments to just focus on the presence of the Spirit Within. Thank you, Mother

NEBADONIA: You are most welcome, and the more you do this the more you may perceive that your mind gravitates towards the Spirit and you perceive the answers throughout the day. Considerations for you to ponder, new ideas and insights will come your way because now you are opening up that communication pathway between you and the Father so that the spirit energy in your system is able to function better. So continue to do this and you will see much better results in how you live each and every day, my son. And thrive in my LOVE.
My children, this time of year is ripe with possibilities of LOVE and PEACE and FELLOWSHIP and GOODWILL to take deeper root in human consciousness. The spirit of Christmas is indeed bathing this world. And as you contemplate the meaning of Jesus’ earth life, remember that He is one of you. He has human life experience, and He knows the way to achieving that exquisite union with the Father. And He will help you achieve that if that is your desire, if that is your priority in life. So let this meaning of Spirit of Christmas envelop you, hold you, expand you, that your inner light may shine more brightly and help others perceive that there is great meaning during this period as you celebrate Christmas with your friends and family.

He is alive and he has always been alive, and he lives in you, and His Spirit of Truth urges you forward to experiencing human life more fully with abundance, gusto, joy and relish. And even those challenges you find so disconcerting and even insurmountable at times, He will help you see your way through, hold your hand and walk the path with you—your individual walk of faith as you grow in your status as a son and daughter of God.

My blessings of PEACE and JOY are upon you, my children, and may you flourish in them during this season of LIGHT and LIFE, and move into your next New Year with great hope for more spiritual transformation to move Urantia on her way to her destiny of Light and Life. Merry Christmas, my children, and enjoy your holiday. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]