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===Topic: ''Collective Karma and not Revelation''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Damascus Scribe]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
The Scribe: “It’s [[good]] to be here once again and it is rewarding for Me to see how many of your ([[celestial]]) [[friends]] are surrounding you at this time. I have needed [[information]] to pass on, a [[comparison]] to strike and, perhaps, a question to answer, so let us begin. Let yourself drift now. Go deeper and deeper and empty your [[mind]] of all extraneous [[thoughts]] and let those who surround you assist you in this endeavor.

“Since you long ago ‘broke through the [[silence]] barrier’ five Teachers have at different times spoken to you about [[karma]], specifically Collective or Group karma. Now that you have concluded there to be somewhat of a [[coincidence]] between human [[responsibilities]] for the enduring unremarkable scent of the [[Borderland]] and the prevailing doubtful [[aroma]] about Collective Karma, I deem it appropriate for Me to confirm same.

“It’s yes, yes and yes. Yes, it’s an all-human [[responsibility]] to see to it that the Borderland stays manageable. It’s kept spotless on most worlds and given time, it will be so here. Yes, as voting members of a democratic [[society]] you are collectively responsible for the [[honesty]], the behavior and the [[fairness]] to your people, in the world and in [[your Father]]’s universe. You must first-of-all actually [[decide]] to vote, secondly you must select the right representative and finally keep him or her honest.

“It is a great responsibility to be a Member of [[Parliament]], the [[Senate]] or the House, whatever, but collectively it is an even greater [[duty]] to continue to aid your chosen representative on his or her smooth [[path]] of [[service]] to all who are counting on them doing their important task. We who make our [[homes]] in the higher realms all too often hear the sayings, ‘I don’t have time to vote,’ ‘I don’t care who wins,’ or ‘This is an opposition stronghold, we don’t stand a [[chance]], so why vote?’

“Well, my student, this is nothing new to you. You were quite aware of all this, but you were slow in [[formulating]] how dreadfully important can be the collective positive [[karma]] of insuring that your world progresses, how vital it is that all contribute to a steady global development by the monitoring of those placed in charge and how one loses out by ignoring one’s right to [[vote]] and having a vital awareness of the changing [[status quo]]. All this is but [[common sense]], no, not [[revelation]]. More of this later. I Am the Damascus Scribe.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Scribe]]
[[Category: George Barnard]]
[[Category: 2017]]