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===Topic: ''Explore the Evolution of the Soul''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear Students, today we would like to [[explore]] the [[111:3|evolution of the soul]] and what it means to actively [[participate]] in your own [[ascension]]. Many of you have achieved, have surpassed, or are approaching; the Third Circle of Adjuster Attunement also known as the [[Third Psychic Circle]]. What this indicates is that there is an increasing exchange of [[communications]] in the conscious mind between you and your [[Thought Adjuster]] (TA), yet most of you do not recognize this exchange as being a [[conversation]] with the [[Divine]] — it feels more like your own voice, but if you could step back into your thoughts from a decade ago, you would quickly recognize the difference in the [[quality]] of your [[thoughts]] then as compared to now. It is in this difference that we are speaking of today which you may recognize as your own [[spiritual evolution]].

“[[110:6|Circle attainment]] (7th to the 1st) is an evolution of [[mind]] and thought played out on the stage of time as a construct for [[Soul growth|soul development]]. As you are presented with opportunities for growth throughout your life — [[moral]] [[choices]], it is your ability to make [[decisions]] that reflect and demonstrate the divine [[attitude]] that determines the rate at which you grow. A 7th Circler is starting at a place where it’s ‘all about me,’ so to speak, and decisions are based on this ego-centric world view. In this place, there is little conscious input from the [[Adjuster]] because there is no open circuit in the mind for such input — the mind is locked down and the world is seen as being very ‘black and white,’ and decisions are largely made as a means of answering, ‘How does this benefit me in my black and white world?’

“It is only when the churning of life and the [[relationships]] and opportunities therewith provides a ‘[[color]]’ to the black and white landscape does the [[individual]] ‘stop’ and take notice for the first time that something in his or her personal life has changed. There is a need for a [[decision]] that does not fit into the lexicon of black and white vocabulary. It is here where the individual has the opportunity to ‘step outside the box’ of [[predictable]] [[patterns]] and open a new circuit in [[the mind]] where the TA may speak into the heart. It is here where the divine attitude sits waiting for the choosing to act. If the [[individual]] acts on this ‘[[feeling]]’ a new circuit in the mind opens and remains open for other Adjuster input unless the individual regresses back into black and white thinking — old patterns.

“As more and more [[decisions]] are made to stop and consider the [[divine]] [[attitude]], more and more circuits are open for TA input. This [[progressive]] type of thinking will lead to [[110:3|attunement with the TA]] where He can more easily work with you directly rather than through the more difficult [[process]] of painful life lessons. Working directly with the TA means you are giving more pause and thought to the situations and [[relationships]] in your life and you are being more pro-active than re-active allowing TA input to [[flow]] through you. When the TA becomes a conscious [[partner]] in your thought-life, there shall be [[soul]] evolution — it must be so, for the soul begins to take on the form of the [[divine]] and when it is [[mature]] enough, [[fusion]] shall occur!
“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2017]]