
Created page with "File:lighterstill.jpg '''Rob wrote: to Tom Newbill April 1, 2018 at 3:43pm''' ​Dear Tom, ​ T​hank you for this compilation of your group's transmissions (~30) of..."

'''Rob wrote: to Tom Newbill April 1, 2018 at 3:43pm'''

​Dear Tom,

T​hank you for this compilation of your group's transmissions (~30) of Dr. Mendoza​! I have used this opportunity to double check the [ category of his work] that features 96 lessons at this time. I discovered two pieces you enclosed that could not be found in the Teaching Mission Dialogues. These are:

*1. [[2015-03-29-N. Idaho TeaM]] - While most of this lesson was found, Cathy's portion was not so I added it as a "Supplement".
*2. [[2015-07-05-N. Idaho TeaM]] - Again, this was not in the collection, and appears to be a supplement to another lesson though I find no other N. Idaho TeaM lesson for this date or close to it in 2015. If you can shed light on the lesson of which this is part, I will add it to the collection.



'''Tom Newbill wrote in reply: April 1, 2018 at 8:09pm'''

RE: 2015-03-29...good eye...We sometimes have 2 postings, one to tmtranscripts and one to just our group. This particular session had many personal comments, even one from Michael which referenced a vision Cathy had and Michael responded. Not sure why we didn't include it, maybe her request, I cannot remember however, here it is, use it if you feel it stands on its own. : Michael: [Cathy] My children, I rejoice in your ability to step forward and forge new paths for action of spirit. The path is unknown now but will be useful for others to follow. I am bringing my love to bind you together in action for our Father. The action of love and mercy is indeed our Father's will. Together we glorify His name. It is a beautiful sight, my peace I leave with you.....Cathy's portion was missed so thanks.

as regards the 2015-07-05...good eye...perhaps your Adjuster suggested you look into this and you are right. This was only posted to our team, perhaps awaiting correction from Mark Rogers and just fell through the cracks or we thought because of the personal messages contained that this was for our eyes only. Today, upon rereading this to the group, everyone was for reposting this...thanks for the heads up...this one should not have been missed. I will send a copy to you as we speak...thanks...Tom