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===Topic: ''About Overcoming Fear''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “There is no [[doubt]] that [[fear]] has spread all over [[this world]]. The overabundance of bad news and the way in which the worst of human nature is promoted by the [[media]] contributes to the sense of insecurity that is felt by many. This makes the [[population]] susceptible to [[manipulation]] and to making rash [[decisions]] based on the [[impulse]] of self preservation.

“How can you overcome this [[fear]]? Many of the things mortals fear are things that will never happen. When human beings [[worry]] about something they generally [[imagine]] what might happen and they often forget that, as yet, nothing has happened. Certainly, some [[prevention]] is needed for success in each mortal life, but when all that is [[necessary]] to preserve one’s life has been done, it is useless to worry about the things over which you have no [[control]]. In this world, you must work to get sustenance, but once you have done your job in a satisfactory [[manner]], you get no additional benefits by worrying about losing what you possess, or about how the [[economy]] will fare. Not one of these circumstances is under your control and no amount of concern will do anything to solve those issues.

“Many human worries are in the realm of things that cannot be controlled. As well, many fears are [[irrational]] because even when the fear is real, the thing that is feared doesn’t actually exist. Many among you have fear of losing their [[wealth]] and do everything in their power to ensure their position of [[advantage]] in this world. Many think that the global economy will [[collapse]] and do scores of things to feel secure. Many [[expect]] society to crumble and they buy weapons or raise ever higher walls in order to create a false sense of [[security]]. The [[truth]] is that, even if some of these things were to happen, there would be little one could do to avoid suffering the [[consequences]]. There is no benefit in worrying. All you do is increase your [[tension]], affect your [[health]] and alter your peace.

“When the [[reality]] of the lack of [[control]] over circumstances is realized, fatalism may come to the forefront, [[thinking]] that everything is getting worse. This effectively eliminates initiative and promotes the [[stagnation]] of civilization. This is when [[faith]] comes to the [[rescue]] and this is where the cure for fear can be found. Those who learn to see the world from a higher [[point of view]] [[understand]] that there is a reason for everything that happens and that the [[sufferings]] of today may well be growing [[pains]] before the [[dawn]] of a new era. And there are those who have [[discovered]] [[the Father]] in their hearts and know without significant doubts that no real damage will befall them, even when the [[appearances]] of their world seem to indicate the opposite. They see the universe as a friendly place, a playground and a [[school]] for constant [[growth]] in [[faith]] and [[perfection]], where the only law is [[love]] and where no shadow of [[evil]] or [[confusion]] can stand for long against the light of [[truth]].
“This is why the example of the lives of men and women [[free]] of [[fear]] and filled with a dynamic and intelligent [[faith]] is so needed in [[this world]] today. The [[peace]] beyond all understanding and the implicit [[trust]] in the [[future]] and in your siblings forges a [[personality]] in the human beings living this way that becomes [[attractive]] to their [[peers]], who naturally [[desire]] to enjoy the same peace and the same health their enlightened siblings possess. This is how the [[reality]] of the will of the Father becomes flesh and speaks eloquently to all. This is the mission of [[the teachers]] of the new era, not only to speak about the truth, but to be that same living truth to all those around them.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]