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===Topic: ''Love and Teamwork''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “[[Glorious]] indeed is the [[infinite]] future, especially when you begin to realize your [[eternal]] goal: that you are becoming a true [[reflection]] of your Divine Parents, the Rulers of this Universe.

“You [[humans]] are intended to become a reflection of Father [[Michael]], who lived among you as [[Jesus]], and his consort, the local Mother Spirit [[Nebadonia]], after whom this universe is named.

“Incalculable [[potential]] little [[seeds]] are locked up in your [[personality]]. Together, under my watchful [[guidance]], we shall make everyone of these potentials into [[actuals]] and to our complete [[satisfaction]]. It will be a marvelous and [[gradual]] blending of human and divine — a [[fusion]] when no one will be able to tell us apart anymore.

“Just like your Master Jesus did, when He blended his [[divinity]] with earth’s [[humanity]] as the Son of God. He thereby earned the title the Son of Man. His [[personality]] is matchless to such a degree that there is no one like him. He was tested in all points and at the completion of [[Seventh bestowal|his bestowal on this earth]]; he died a most [[the crucifixion|horrendous and ignominious death on a cross]].

“His [[suffering]] was totally unnecessary for he did not have to [[atone]] for the supposed [[sins]] of erring humankind. Each mortal is held accountable for their personal sins.

“The unconditional loving Father in His almighty [[wisdom]], allowed the will of the people to prevail. This whole affair has nothing whatsoever to do with the ‘appeasing of an angry offended God’.

“[[The Father]] like [[the Son]] is all-loving and all-merciful in allowing humankind to [[wake]] up to their holy destiny by [[becoming]] perfect like the Father in Heaven is perfect.

“It is unreasoned [[fear]] that holds un-[[thinking]] and un-[[feeling]] humans in its sorry grip. They are the baser [[creature]] fears, [[greed]] and the [[instinct]] for [[survival]], which set brother against brother and which creates all disagreements and [[wars]].
“It is time for [[humankind]] to wake up and start thinking clearly and [[rationally]], each for him or herself by throwing off the shackles of unprogressive and [[oppressive]] systems of [[superstition]] and [[religion]]; and discover the [[sublime]] and living [[faith of Jesus]] in the [[Fatherhood of God]] and the brotherhood of humankind.

“[[Love]] and [[teamwork]] are the [[watchwords]] of [[the universe]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2018]]