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===Topic: ''Two Extremes''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “A life without [[faith]] in the [[existence]] of a [[Creator]] Father is in the end a life without [[impulse]], [[motivation]], or [[purpose]]. Among you there are many that are considered to be [[atheists]] and in spite of this they seem to be very successful in their lives, even with healthy [[relationships]] with their [[family]] and [[friends]]. These may even be persons who [[cooperate]] within their social group and provide benefits to others. However, they do not possess the [[momentum]] that [[inspires]] their [[actions]] and their [[decisions]] towards higher [[goals]]. When they are shaken by the [[storms]] of [[this world]], their [[moral]] rules crumble and the way they see their life stumbles, because they are like the masons who build upon false [[foundations]].

“These [[individuals]] place their [[hopes]] and their [[strengths]] upon themselves and when they face those [[challenges]] in which they reach the [[limits]] of their human [[endurance]] they find themselves adrift and without destination. In other [[words]], lost. Many of them think that their [[siblings]] who believe in [[invisible]] ‘things’ are [[deceiving]] themselves, holding onto [[fantasies]] that do not produce anything in return. In their spiritual [[blindness]] they can’t [[understand]] the real power of dynamic faith during a human life.

“At the other [[extreme]] you will find those who [[accept]] everything without [[question]]. They are the ones who are easier in being controlled by their religious [[leaders]] and unscrupulous [[politicians]] who seek to promote their own [[agendas]], forgetting their initial [[purpose]] of showing a better way to their siblings. These are the ones who live ‘by the book’ and have crystallized the [[truth]] in their hearts, turning this truth into a heavy load that prevents them from looking beyond and understanding that truth [[grows]], expands and is better understood through the [[experiences]] of life and the successive [[revelations]] from the spiritual world.

“However, halfway between these two [[extremes]] you will find many human beings in this world who search with [[sincerity]] to know more about their [[purpose]] in life and whether there is anything beyond the material world. When they search with [[honesty]] and [[hope]] for the [[truth]] about the [[Universal Father|Celestial Father]], they unavoidably find Him, and in the place they least [[suspect]] — right within their own [[being]], always present, always [[listening]] and always willing to offer everything a mortal may need to [[achieve]] his or her maximum [[potential]].

“These honest truth [[seekers]] are the ones who [[observe]] how their lives [[change]] and how within their [[minds]] new [[values]] and [[meanings]] are [[revealed]] to make sense of life and fill their actions with purpose. They have placed their strength in the [[Ta|Divine Fragment]] that they possess and when they are hit by the [[tides]] of this world their ships remain afloat, because they are able to leave the rudder in the hands of the One Who Knows for real which way is the best, the [[perfect]] way. It is they who always come out [[victorious]] even in [[defeat]], because when they see that their [[resources]] and their human [[strength]] have failed they [[discover]] that they are in the hands of someone Who is perfect in all His actions and that they will never lack anything they may need to live a life really vibrant and full.

“For these fortunate [[mortals]] who searched and found, who asked and [[received]], who know about a [[reality]] without a beginning and with an [[eternal]] [[destiny]], the idea of a [[universe]] without [[God]] would seem [[absurd]] and senseless. Their own life [[experience]], observing how they progressively controlled their [[animal]] tendencies and [[fears]] to [[transform]] into new beings with qualities that they would not have been able to [[imagine]] on their own, constitutes the most eloquent [[proof]] of the [[existence]] and the [[love]] of [[the Father]]. It is they who [[demonstrate]] a true and dynamic [[faith]], which is not simply accepting what they hear from others, but the hope of counting with an Inner Teacher — [[Ta|the Presence of God in a human being]] — to triumph over all the situations of life and move increasingly closer toward the [[perfection]] of [[being]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]