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===Topic: ''Walk More Humbly With Your God''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
​The Beloved One: “Come and delve deeper into your [[being]]-ness, for I Am [[calling]] out to you now. [[Feel]] [[Ta|My Presence]] as you come nearer to Me. As you enter the holy temple within your heart, you are being purified, a deep [[healing]] comes about and the [[soul]], which is centered in Me, begins to sing a love [[song]] to the [[Creator]] of all souls.

“Let this song’s [[vibration]] [[touch]] all the other souls; those that are in various stages of [[awakening]], and those who continue to slumber on this planet. Let us be about the Creator’s business, and awaken anyone who has the secret [[desire]] to be awakened, although his or her conscious [[mind]] may not yet be aware of this [[desire]].

“Every soul has within itself the [[power]] to recognize the call from on High to awaken, but many owners of these precious [[seed]]-souls are still [[mesmerized]] by the clamor of the outer world to the neglect of their [[inner world]]. There are too many undernourished souls on [[this planet]]. While their [[bodies]] grow fat and their minds grow [[lazy]] from the empty and hollow [[entertainment]] around them, which is used as a pacifier, the true [[hunger]] of the soul goes unrecognized.

“All awakening souls are to increase the power of the [[love]] vibrations of unconditional [[forgiveness]], not just to kin and [[friends]], but especially to those who knowingly, or unknowingly, perpetrate all sorts of [[evil]] and maladies on the planet.

“Increase your own loving [[vibrations]], so that the ‘Net of [[Light]] and Love’ around the planet may grow stronger and the very air of goodwill to all may be strengthened. The celestial world stands ready and is willing to help, but it all still depends on the [[motivation]] and [[dedication]] of the mortals living upon her as to how fast the blight of severe lack, deadly [[famine]] and useless [[war]] will change and cease.
“Planet [[earth]] is a tiny spaceship in [[Master Universe|God’s universes]], and her sister planets are anxiously awaiting the time when the [[majority]] of Earth’s [[citizens]] will actively and earnestly seek [[peace]]. Peace begins in each human [[heart]], and it will slowly and surely spread its way worldwide through [[individual]] peacemaking [[efforts]]. Each and every mortal bears this [[responsibility]] and all [[intent]] is noted on High.

“Be assured that each mortal is [[accepted]] and lovingly administered to. [[Become]] more [[aware]] of the workers in the [[celestial]] realm and call on their [[expertise]] to help set things straight.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2018]]