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===Topic: ''Peace Begins in Each Human Heart''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
​​The Beloved One: “It is true, my child, that in order to completely [[forgive]], an in-depth [[understanding]] of the wrongdoer’s [[motivation]] is essential. This understanding on your part needs to be thorough, so no bitterness or [[resentment]] will remain in your [[heart]].

“Only one Mortal understood this principle perfectly, when He in his [[agony]], whilst [[The Crucifixion|being nailed to a cross]], could say: ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’

“Long ago you [[learned]] that the most careless [[word]], and practically every reckless [[act]] was unintended, because it thoughtlessly surfaced in [[the mind]] to be impulsively acted upon.

“There exist not a [[soul]] on this, [[your planet]], who is not being tested in like [[manner]] to you in your daily trials. They are your time/space [[experiences]] that bring you the [[wisdom]] you seek. They are the needed lessons which will [[grow]] your soul when you take them to heart.

“The more [[pure]] in [[thought]] you become, the more [[sincere]] in your endeavors you will be. And the more you will be troubled by the real and [[perceived]] impurities of your mind. When remembering and realizing insincerities in actions of the [[past]], a deeper [[insight]] will be dawning in you about that which is not [[ideal]].

“Therefore, slowly and often painfully, step by [[step]], the [[human being]] will learn to experience [[compassion]] towards others, as he or she learns compassion for their very selves.

“In order for you to progress, the [[forgiveness]] of [[self]], the [[acceptance]] of self, and the loving of self are [[mandatory]]!
“Should you not [[love]], accept and forgive yourself the way you are, the way you [[progress]] and the way you [[mature]], you will likewise fail to love, accept and [[appreciate]] others, who are traveling their own rock-strewn [[path]] to [[perfection]].

“Ponder these [[thoughts]] and gather the [[wisdom]] of your human [[entitlement]], My most treasured child.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2019]]