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===Topic: ''Guardian Angels''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “The ministry of your [[Guardian Angels]] is not so much to exert [[influence]] over your [[mind]] and your [[decisions]]. This [[function]] is fully realized by your [[Thought Adjuster]]. Your Destiny Guardians promote situations that allow you to make decisions of a [[spiritual]] nature. They are the [[invisible]] hands of [[providence]] for human beings.

“It would not be right to think of your Guardians as mischievous spirits who are entertained by placing [[difficulties]] along your [[path]] to see you trip and fall. It is also not very realistic to think of them as bodyguards, placing an umbrella over your head to prevent you from getting wet. Your [[Angels]] are the Guardians of your [[soul]], of that which is [[eternal]] and real in your true being — which has been placed under their oversight.

“You can consider your Angels to be your [[Teachers]], who sometimes must design the tests and create de situations that will help you learn new lessons or [[demonstrate]] that you have learned them. Their mission is not to make your life easier or more difficult. They are in charge to make your life more productive towards the goal of achieving perfection. In this sense, your Guardians are the ones who strive to bring you happiness, true happiness, which is only possible when a soul freely chooses to follow the will of [[the Father]] and achieve the most complete [[manifestation]] of being.

“Your Guardians put in front of you the [[opportunities]] of life, that many times have been ignored or simply [[rejected]] by you. What they offer is alternatives, suggestions and indications. It will always depend on you to choose what you will take advantage of and what you will pass up. However, those students who develop [[trust]] in their teachers are the ones who get the most benefit out of the educational [[process]]. Rest [[assured]] that all the labors of your Destiny Guardians are intended for your and your siblings’ greatest benefit. Their actions are always in harmony with the plans of the [[Ta|Divine Presence]] for every mortal they accompany. Learn to trust in your invisible Teachers and take advantage of each offered opportunity to [[grow]] and [[progress]].

“Your Destiny Guardians will never stop working to your benefit and your progress. Their greatest [[pleasure]] is for them to observe how you achieve the results they [[desired]] to manifest, when you accept gratefully the assignments and tests they put in front of you. Your Angels are [[consecrated]] to the task of [[inspiring]] you to make the [[supreme decision]] of reaching [[perfection]]. You only need to live with a spirit of adventure and exploration, with confidence in the [[fact]] that the opportunities will arrive. You can also count on the presence of your Creator Father to [[guide]] you in your decisions and actions, showing you the best [[path]] and allowing you the [[freedom]] of choosing to follow it.

“[[Paradise Citizens|Beings]] who are [[born]] in [[perfection]] innately know which is the best path. Mortal evolutionary beings are born without preconceived [[ideas]] and have absolute [[freedom]] to explore all the paths and discover independently and without any type of [[coercion]] the best and higher path. Then this human decision becomes [[supreme]] by choosing of their own accord this path, enjoying for [[eternity]] the glory of having discovered [[truth]] on their own terms and through their own [[effort]]. Such a great Gift from the Father to His mortal children — the freedom to forge their own spiritual [[existence]]! You are a creation of the Father, but the [[enlightened]] and perfected being that will reach [[finality]] in eternal union with the Divine Presence will be forever a creation of your own will in [[collaboration]] with the will of God.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]