
Created page with "==Heading== ===Topic: ''An Essay on Strength''=== ===Group: 11:11 Progress Group=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher: The Beloved One=== ===TR: Lytske=== ==Session== ==..."
===Topic: ''An Essay on Strength''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: It may not have occurred to you that there are different forms and degrees of strength even though they are from the same basis. Humans waver from one level of strength to the other, often unawares, until they have to 'walk through something which requires their last ounce of strength' and then they often find an untapped pool of strength hidden inside of them and they can carry on yet another mile.

The different ways strength is used is strength of courage to persevere towards a goal you have set your eyes on. There is a strength in tolerance which is a softer strength but a strength, nevertheless. There is strength in forgiveness, which becomes even more important when it is totally unconditional.

There is strength in experiential wisdom. One only becomes wise when one dares to walk through negative experiences and persevere to the end to come out victorious. All these different strengths build character for your eternal existence.

Strength in sincerity, honesty and goodness are often painfully acquired, which is important in that it helps one to develop strength of character and grow in grace and stature. They are the positive qualities which are enhanced when walking the path with the most love in it. Simply explained, this is the will of God.

Because so many humans are wondering what the will of God is. (let it be known that whatever deity you profess your belief in), all your prayers ultimately rise to the same Source and Center of all. Whatever you call your personal deity, this matters only to the caller. There is no difference except in the mind of humankind and its convoluted belief systems and the therefrom evolved creeds, dogmas and superstitions.

It takes strength of character and a questioning mind, to start examining all these different forms of manmade religions and obtain the best in all of them in the form of truth, beauty and goodness. There is a great personal reward to be had, when one dares to question its elders, because it might awaken the same hunger and quest for knowing more of truth, beauty and goodness.

It takes stamina and perseverance and above all dedication to set apart daily time for the seeking of those mysterious and as yet hidden things which satisfy the depth and the breadth of the human soul. It is coming into the Stillness of your own human heart, taking the time to wait in a wordless waiting without any expectation before the God of your being.

I am that Being, living so deep within you. That Spark of the eternal God come to indwell you when you made your first moral choice. Think about what this means, to have a guide within you to lead you on the way of “the everlasting”, never coercing you and only giving advice when asked.

I labor 24/7 untiring in you to help uplift your thoughts to a higher and more satisfying level. You can even partake of My unconditional love as I accept you just the way you are, because I know what you are capable of becoming. So, use your strength, always in a positive way with uplifting and loving thoughts towards each one you come into contact with. You will notice, how much smoother life and living will become. Just strengthen your muscles of faith and trust.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2020]]