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(Questions and comments to be continued)
(Questions and comments to be continued)
Student: Hi, Mother and Father Spirit, and Jerry. I want to thank Jerry for his service of t/r-ing Mother and Father, and I’m grateful we are continuing the Lightline. I’m just grateful to hear your words of wisdom and love.
(Your great free will)
Michael: Thank you, my dear. Something that Mother Spirit and I do thrive on is the love of our children. Just as you too thrive on and are tickled with—and maybe a little bit exasperated with--your own loved ones, it is our willingness to let others be. We encourage you to be free, even as you encourage your own children to be free from yourselves. It is letting them know that their great free will--right from God to a personal being--gives so much value to everything else. So thank you, my dear.
Student: I have been getting onto my two grown children lately. I needed to be reminded of their free will too. Thank you.
Michael: Life is something you have that you can pass along, even while you cannot absolutely control it. It is something that has its own way. Just like your most treasured pets or plants--whether a little geranium on the windowsill or a 100 acres of corn out there--every little living plant and animal has its own individual life you can treasure and take care of. You get such a reward in their continued life. And of course they feed you, all these plants and animals that you raise. They keep you alive. I think this is one of God’s great ideas.
Student #2: I have a question, Michael. From your vantage point, where is the United States heading?
(The “United States” is different for each person)
Michael: Well, my son, I would say it is always best to keep in mind that the “United States” is a concept that differs with every one of the three hundred and some million people that comprise it; and then too, every one among the billions of people on this world who are aware of it. Every single one of these concepts is unique to the person holding it.
Most essentially it is its people, all its unique personal beings. Of course it is also that land mass that is part of the North American continent between Canada and Mexico, and bordered by the oceans. But mainly it is the people and all they are going through. The last time I noticed they are still multiplying with great joy. There will be more and more United States citizens coming into existence, and every family is unique to its parents and brothers and sisters.
Think of yourself and your circle of friends, and all those thousands of other persons you know through your television and your internet. Think of all your literature and all its peoples--not only of your own country but of this whole world whose works you know, whether it be the latest novel or one of Shakespeare’s plays.
The United States is its history, not only for Mother Spirit and me, but what is in your own living mind. It’s what you know and feel of its story that led up today, and all it is going through now, by whatever means you are tuning in to it. It’s all the news that is available through those thousand-and-one different viewpoints and opinions of what is happening. This is somewhat like the United States to Mother Spirit and me, even if we do have our own comprehension, our own different experience that goes clear back to the formation of this planet.
We see this country as a living thing. My whole lesson tonight is that this whole world is a living thing of mostly of its people, but also of all the plants and animals that are contained in it. As such a huge living thing it is even somewhat incomprehensible to us. Because while we contain it in a way--my Spirit of Truth and Mother Spirit’s Mind/Spirit Adjutants are part of every person, our essential grasp of it is to let it go. We encourage freedom in and for all its individuals.
(Reality is surprising—wonderfully, divinely so)
I think you can get a feeling for how it is so surprising--even wonderfully, divinely so to us. We too must wait, moment by moment, to experience it. Does that give you a feeling for what it is for us?
Student #2: Yes. Thank you. It certainly is a great experiment. Its direction is still in the hands of its people. Is that what you are saying?
Michael: Yes, and in the hands of the world’s people too. They too are living dynamically and tied in through every country on every continent in the world, and on all the levels of the physical, mental, and spiritual. This is especially true now with your internet and those satellites above you. Physically it is the trade through all of the exchanges everywhere. It’s all the ideas floating around, and all the different spiritual influences tying them together. In this sense it is a huge living organism of all the different nation-states.
Student #2: Well, yes. It seems where the trouble starts is with those who are denying that fact.
Michael: Oh, I don’t know that fact can be denied, my son. Don’t worry about that. That is only through the ways you think you are connected, or not. However individuals sense they are disassociated from the whole of things, it is still there.
Student #2: Yes, great! Thank you.
Michael: One freedom of individuals is to ignore the connections, or embrace lesser ideas of the way things are tied together, but that is part of their free will. Hopefully in the more democratic nation-states, individuals of different viewpoints are free to express them, and free to associate with those who believe in and share the same ideas about things. This is a wonderful thing--being able to share your notions about what is happening.
(Dependence and independence)
We see this as very dynamic, and there are no individuals or groups, however they might conceive of themselves, who are not involved in a combination of dependence and independence.
Student #2: Yes, thanks.
Michael: Thank you for your question, my son. Each country is such a living, dynamic reality with its own history, and its own future potential within the abilities and limitations of its people.
Student #3: I have a question, Mother Spirit and Michael. I liked your answer about where we are heading because I know we are all wondering. But my question is: When do we get to decide if we want to live forever? Will we be on the Mansion worlds? Where does that actually happen?
(Capable of choosing eternal life—or not)
Michael: Yes, my dear, the best explanation I can give you is: When you are capable of it. Here we always caution you not to think of this in terms of suicide. True, that is a conscious choice--or even a lack of choice, of being driven to it--of ending this first phase of your eternal life. Yet even these individuals will find themselves on the first Mansion world. And as your Urantia Book states, you will never in all eternity forget that initial realization of having survived, of being on a miraculously changed world.
It’s a more soulful world and, walking out of your Assembly Hall into that world, you’ll be marveling at it in spite of yourselves, no matter how cynically you might be thinking as a person today. There will be no dissembling your surprise.
So it takes a while to get the ability--in your totality-- in this new light!--to choose to cease to exist. It is so rare. Think of the former head of your Local System, a being of such light he was given the name Lucifer. The Urantia Book talks about what was involved in his self-destruction by totally identifying with his own twisted personal notions of his own importance. He denigrated all of the rest of existence, even of God, the Creator, and the creation itself. He so totally identified with this, and kept clinging to it in the face of all the rehabilitation he was graciously offered, it became a function of God’s mercy to let him continue to the point of ceasing to exist.
Student #3: But the question is: How do we know to choose eternal life? How do we know? Is there ever a place or a time when we can choose to live forever? Where will we be when we make that choice?
Michael: That choice is usually made on the very first Mansion world very shortly after resurrection, if you want to pin it down that way. I was explaining what the choice is, and how it will very quickly occur to you right within the marvel you find yourself in the middle of.
(The first moments of having survived)
Think of walking out of the Assembly Hall into that first Mansion world. There is no question but you will be aware of that glorious reality in such a way it will be made clear to you, you could choose to cease to exist. But think too of what that might involve. This experience will be your eternal possession—these first moments of having survived! In the face of this, can you imagine choosing to cease to exist? Believe me, my dear, it is the most humbling experience--this super-conscious reincarnation.
Student #3: Thank you very much. I have one more question.
Michael: Again, the way I put it: You will not dissemble your surprise; and your question?
Student #3: Thank you very much for that wonderful answer. My question is: How can we all help the earth take a positive step after this “time out” we’re having because of the virus? What can we do individually to add to the goodness of the world?
Michael: My dear, what Mother Spirit suggested last time was to do your best to use this “time out”--as you call it. Meditate deeply on what this experience is showing you in terms of value. What is really important in your life? In this particular country, especially in the cities and the suburbs, it is largely the regular and dependable source of food. Your civilization has developed to such a degree this ability has become an unconscious thing of going to the supermarket and having an enormous choice in front of you. Now it’s to be aware of food: who grew it and how it gets to you.
(Your evaluation of what is really important)
This ongoing evaluation, this spiritual question of value, is how you can always best support not only yourself but the others around you. Not only in your country, but the world is being opened to a day-by-day reevaluation of everything that sustains life. It’s the energy you are using. What is its source? How sustainable is it? What are the costs of things not only to you, but to the other people of the world?  What are your luxuries costing someone else?
It’s to really feel yourself to be a member of humanity, my dear. This is a spiritual thing that is always nice to consider day-by-day, even moment-by-moment in your thankfulness for being alive.
Student #3: Great answer. Thank you, Mother Spirit and Michael.
Michael: Be in my peace.
Student #4: I was wondering if I may ask a question? I’m a relatively newcomer here so I appreciate the rest of the group, just to listen in and to be part of it. And thank Jerry, Michael, and Mother Spirit for entertaining my question.
I just want to relay that: Michael, as you were talking about wiggling my toes and fingers, I was actually doing that at the same time! I started to laugh, then, coincidentally a few seconds later, you started to laugh! I thought that was pretty funny and coincidental.
I was hoping you might be able to address something I’ve been trying to reconcile. When I’m in and around my city, I see folks who are less fortunate than myself. They are really down and having a hard time, and asking for material things like money to help their situation. I have a real challenge in my mind between what they are asking for, and what they may do with it. I guess my heart says I should help, and I have the means to help them. Yet at times I have a conflict as to whether I should or not. I don’t know if that takes away from me being a caring and giving creature, or if using my mind and my logic detracts from me being a good person. I just have a real conflict there.
(Internal conflicts make you aware of choices)
Michael: Well, my son, that conflict is itself one of the greatest spiritual endeavors you are facing, so do your best to accept it. Keep that conflict alive. It is the different parts of yourself, you might say, that are pulling you this way and that. Yet, ironically, by being aware of the choices and feeling them with all of your ability, the conflict is actually tying you together.
One of the greatest gifts that we and God can give you is the courage to accept that sometimes the very pain of being open-minded is the price you pay to be aware of others around you who are less fortunate.
So you do all you can. Keep weighing things. Keep open to those hungry eyes seeking some response from you. This is your response-ability, your ability-to-respond to that which is other than you. It is a kind of love, a kind of connection and caring. And so, above all, experiment. Try things. Give even a little and see how that feels. Enter into it and keep wondering, always: Is it enough?  For only you can make that choice.
Student #4: Thank you.
Michael: Be in my peace. You will find it right in the middle of that struggle.
(Be still and feel your breath, your heart beating)
Well, my dears, this has been a long session, and a wonderful one for Mother Spirit and me. Take some time out of each day if you can--make it a regular habit if it helps you to remember--to meditate. Just be still and feel yourself breathing, and then through that, that heart of yours beating. Wiggle your fingers and your toes.
We thank our Father that we are! We join our Father to realize and declare, “I am!”
Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you: Be in my peace. You are actually earning it day by day, and sometimes even moment by moment. Good night.
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