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Created page for insertion under url called [[Their Source and Background]] for the url's opening page.
Created page for insertion under url called [[Their Source and Background]] for the url's opening page.
==Byron's proposal==
===August 3, 2020===
On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 12:22 AM Byron Belitsos <> wrote:
I'll offer some simple changes. All of this is first draft. At the very top I suggest some other heading, but not sure what at this point.
NOTE: I don't see a need to make other major changes in the entire archive other than this home page, which might also require a new URL.
After the heading, I suggest that these 5 numbered items below should occupy the home page. I would also suggest adding a few historic photos of TM groups, or else an uplighting "cosmic" graphic, perhaps by Gary Tonge.
Underlined items are links. . .
1. Original:
Change the title "'''Source, Background, & FAQ'''" :
<center>Welcome to the Gift of Celestial Dialogue</center>
<center>An archive of celestial transmissions based on The Urantia Book</center>
2. Original:
Change the paragraph to something like:
'''Transcripts of The Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission'''
For over three decades, numerous Urantia students have been engaged in contact with a Teaching Corps of loving celestial beings devoted to humanity's spiritual progress. Beginning especially in 1992, contact has been made in numerous locations in many countries with more than 500 beings, many of them exclusively described in the Urantia text. Over 6,000 transcribed lessons are now extant. The transcripts of these lessons are archived in this website and are key-word searchable.
To learn more about this unique contact movement, see this link to Teaching Mission FAQs. To read about the history of celestial contact in the Urantia movement, go here. Published secondary works about this phenomenon can be found at this page. In addition, selected essays about it may be found here.
Urantia Book students involved in these celestial dialogues have been instructed that this phenomenon of mind-to-mind contact, originally known as the Teaching Mission, is just one part of a comprehensive planetary reclamation program known as the Correcting Time. In addition, we suggest you see this link to FAQs about the Magisterial Mission, a more recent program of the Correcting Time that builds upon the Teaching Mission and the Urantia Revelation.
3. Under this item I would put this, centered on the page:
<center>[[File:TeaM search.png]]</center>
4. Next, add this:
Sign up here to receive our bi-monthly updates of
new transmissions, related materials, or pertinent news.
5. I would keep the disclaimer, but with light editing.
That's it.