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140:5.1 From the [ Sermon on the Mount] to [ the discourse] of the [ Last Supper], [[Jesus]] taught his followers to [[manifest]] [[fatherly]] [[love]] rather than brotherly love. Brotherly love would love your [[neighbor]] as you [[love]] yourself, and that would be adequate fulfillment of the " [[golden rule]]. " But fatherly [[affection]] would require that you should love your fellow [[mortals]] as [[Jesus]] loves you.
140:5.1 From the [ Sermon on the Mount] to [ the discourse] of the [ Last Supper], [[Jesus]] taught his followers to [[manifest]] [[fatherly]] [[love]] rather than brotherly love. Brotherly love would love your [[neighbor]] as you [[love]] yourself, and that would be adequate fulfillment of the " [[golden rule]]. " But fatherly [[affection]] would require that you should love your fellow [[mortals]] as [[Jesus]] loves you.
140:5.2 [[Jesus]] loves [[mankind]] with a [[dual]] [[affection]]. He lived on [[earth]] as a twofold [[personality]]—[[human]] and [[divine]]. As the [[Creator Son|Son of God]] he [[loves]] man with a [[fatherly]] love—he is man's [[Creator]], his [[Local Universe|universe Father]]. As the [ Son of Man], [[Jesus]] loves [[mortals]] as a [[brother]]—he was truly a man among men.
140:5.2 [[Jesus]] loves [[mankind]] with a [[dual]] [[affection]]. He lived on [[earth]] as a twofold [[personality]]—[[human]] and [[divine]]. As the [[Creator Son|Son of God]] he [[loves]] man with a [[fatherly]] love—he is man's [[Creator]], his [[Local Universe|universe Father]]. As the [ Son of Man], [[Jesus]] loves [[mortals]] as a [[brother]]—he was truly a man among men.
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140:5.6 The [[faith]] and the [[love]] of these beatitudes strengthen [[moral]] [[character]] and create [[happiness]]. [[Fear]] and [[anger]] weaken [[character]] and destroy [[happiness]]. This momentous [[sermon]] started out upon the note of [[happiness]].
140:5.6 The [[faith]] and the [[love]] of these beatitudes strengthen [[moral]] [[character]] and create [[happiness]]. [[Fear]] and [[anger]] weaken [[character]] and destroy [[happiness]]. This momentous [[sermon]] started out upon the note of [[happiness]].
140:5.7 1. " ''Happy are the poor in spirit—the humble''. "[] To a child, [[happiness]] is the [[satisfaction]] of [[immediate]] [[pleasure]] craving. The adult is willing to sow [[seeds]] of self-denial in order to reap subsequent [[harvest]]s of augmented [[happiness]]. In [[Jesus]]' times and since, [[happiness]] has all too often been [[associated]] with the [[idea]] of the possession of [[wealth]]. In the [[story]] of the [[Pharisee]] and the publican praying in the [[temple]], the one felt rich in spirit—[[egotistical]]; the other felt " poor in spirit "—[[humble]]. One was self-sufficient; the other was teachable and [[truth]]-seeking. The poor in spirit seek for goals of [[spiritual]] [[wealth]]—for [[God]]. And such seekers after [[truth]] do not have to wait for rewards in a distant [[future]]; they are rewarded now. They find the [[kingdom of heaven]] within their own [[hearts]], and they [[experience]] such [[happiness]] now.
140:5.7 1. " ''Happy are the poor in spirit—the humble''. "[] To a child, [[happiness]] is the [[satisfaction]] of [[immediate]] [[pleasure]] craving. The adult is willing to sow [[seeds]] of self-denial in order to reap subsequent [[harvest]]s of augmented [[happiness]]. In [[Jesus]]' times and since, [[happiness]] has all too often been [[associated]] with the [[idea]] of the possession of [[wealth]]. In the [[story]] of the [[Pharisee]] and the publican praying in the [[temple]], the one felt rich in spirit—[[egotistical]]; the other felt " poor in spirit "—[[humble]]. One was self-sufficient; the other was teachable and [[truth]]-seeking. The poor in spirit seek for goals of [[spiritual]] [[wealth]]—for [[God]]. And such seekers after [[truth]] do not have to wait for rewards in a distant [[future]]; they are rewarded now. They find the [[kingdom of heaven]] within their own [[hearts]], and they [[experience]] such [[happiness]] now.
140:5.8 2. " ''Happy are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled''. "[] Only those who feel [[poor]] in [[spirit]] will ever [[hunger]] for [[righteousness]]. Only the [[humble]] seek for [[divine]] [[strength]] and crave spiritual [[power]]. But it is most [[dangerous]] to knowingly [[engage]] in [[spiritual]] [[fasting]] in order to improve one's [[appetite]] for spiritual [[endowments]]. Physical fasting becomes [[dangerous]] after four or five days; one is apt to lose all [[desire]] for [[food]]. Prolonged fasting, either [[physical]] or [[spiritual]], tends to destroy [[hunger]].
140:5.8 2. " ''Happy are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled''. "[] Only those who feel [[poor]] in [[spirit]] will ever [[hunger]] for [[righteousness]]. Only the [[humble]] seek for [[divine]] [[strength]] and crave spiritual [[power]]. But it is most [[dangerous]] to knowingly [[engage]] in [[spiritual]] [[fasting]] in order to improve one's [[appetite]] for spiritual [[endowments]]. Physical fasting becomes [[dangerous]] after four or five days; one is apt to lose all [[desire]] for [[food]]. Prolonged fasting, either [[physical]] or [[spiritual]], tends to destroy [[hunger]].
140:5.9 [[Experiential]] [[righteousness]] is a [[pleasure]], not a [[duty]]. [[Jesus]]' righteousness is a [[dynamic]] [[love]]—[[fatherly]]-[[brotherly]] [[affection]]. It is not the [[negative]] or thou-shalt-not type of righteousness. How could one ever [[hunger]] for something [[negative]]—something " not to do "?
140:5.9 [[Experiential]] [[righteousness]] is a [[pleasure]], not a [[duty]]. [[Jesus]]' righteousness is a [[dynamic]] [[love]]—[[fatherly]]-[[brotherly]] [[affection]]. It is not the [[negative]] or thou-shalt-not type of righteousness. How could one ever [[hunger]] for something [[negative]]—something " not to do "?
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140:5.10 It is not so easy to teach a [[child]] mind these first two of the [ beatitudes], but the [[mature]] [[mind]] should grasp their significance.
140:5.10 It is not so easy to teach a [[child]] mind these first two of the [ beatitudes], but the [[mature]] [[mind]] should grasp their significance.
140:5.11 3. " ''Happy are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth''. "[] Genuine [[meekness]] has no [[relation]] to [[fear]]. It is rather an [[attitude]] of man [[co-operating]] with [[God]]—" Your will be done. " It [[embraces]] [[patience]] and [[forbearance]] and is [[motivated]] by an unshakable [[faith]] in a lawful and friendly [[universe]]. It masters all [[temptations]] to [[rebel]] against the [[divine]] [[leading]]. [[Jesus]] was the [[ideal]] [[meek]] man of [[Urantia]], and he [[inherited]] a vast [[Local Universe|universe]].
140:5.11 3. " ''Happy are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth''. "[] Genuine [[meekness]] has no [[relation]] to [[fear]]. It is rather an [[attitude]] of man [[co-operating]] with [[God]]—" Your will be done. " It [[embraces]] [[patience]] and [[forbearance]] and is [[motivated]] by an unshakable [[faith]] in a lawful and friendly [[universe]]. It masters all [[temptations]] to [[rebel]] against the [[divine]] [[leading]]. [[Jesus]] was the [[ideal]] [[meek]] man of [[Urantia]], and he [[inherited]] a vast [[Local Universe|universe]].
140:5.12 4. " ''Happy are the pure in heart, for they shall see God''. "[] [[Spiritual]] [[purity]] is not a [[negative]] [[quality]], except that it does lack [[suspicion]] and [[revenge]]. In discussing purity, [[Jesus]] did not intend to deal exclusively with [[human]] [[sex]] [[attitudes]]. He referred more to that [[faith]] which man should have in his fellow man; that [[faith]] which a [[parent]] has in his child, and which enables him to [[love]] his fellows even as a [[father]] would [[love]] them. A father's love need not pamper, and it does not condone [[evil]], but it is always anticynical. [[Fatherly]] [[love]] has singleness of [[purpose]], and it always looks for the best in man; that is the [[attitude]] of a true [[parent]].
140:5.12 4. " ''Happy are the pure in heart, for they shall see God''. "[] [[Spiritual]] [[purity]] is not a [[negative]] [[quality]], except that it does lack [[suspicion]] and [[revenge]]. In discussing purity, [[Jesus]] did not intend to deal exclusively with [[human]] [[sex]] [[attitudes]]. He referred more to that [[faith]] which man should have in his fellow man; that [[faith]] which a [[parent]] has in his child, and which enables him to [[love]] his fellows even as a [[father]] would [[love]] them. A father's love need not pamper, and it does not condone [[evil]], but it is always anticynical. [[Fatherly]] [[love]] has singleness of [[purpose]], and it always looks for the best in man; that is the [[attitude]] of a true [[parent]].
140:5.13 To see [[God]]—by [[faith]]—means to acquire true [[spiritual]] [[insight]]. And spiritual insight enhances [[Adjuster]] [[guidance]], and these in the end augment [[God-consciousness]]. And when you know [[the Father]], you are confirmed in the [[assurance]] of divine sonship, and you can increasingly [[love]] each of your [[brothers]] in the [[flesh]], not only as a brother—with brotherly love—but also as a [[father]]—with fatherly [[affection]].
140:5.13 To see [[God]]—by [[faith]]—means to acquire true [[spiritual]] [[insight]]. And spiritual insight enhances [[Adjuster]] [[guidance]], and these in the end augment [[God-consciousness]]. And when you know [[the Father]], you are confirmed in the [[assurance]] of divine sonship, and you can increasingly [[love]] each of your [[brothers]] in the [[flesh]], not only as a brother—with brotherly love—but also as a [[father]]—with fatherly [[affection]].
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140:5.14 It is easy to [[teach]] this admonition even to a child. [[Children]] are naturally [[trust]]ful, and [[parents]] should see to it that they do not lose that [[simple]] [[faith]]. In dealing with children, avoid all [[deception]] and refrain from suggesting [[suspicion]]. [[Wisely]] help them to [[choose]] their [[heroes]] and select their [[Vocation|lifework]].
140:5.14 It is easy to [[teach]] this admonition even to a child. [[Children]] are naturally [[trust]]ful, and [[parents]] should see to it that they do not lose that [[simple]] [[faith]]. In dealing with children, avoid all [[deception]] and refrain from suggesting [[suspicion]]. [[Wisely]] help them to [[choose]] their [[heroes]] and select their [[Vocation|lifework]].
140:5.15 And then [[Jesus]] went on to instruct his followers in the [[realization]] of the chief [[purpose]] of all [[human]] struggling—[[perfection]]—even [[divine]] [[attainment]]. Always he admonished them: " Be you perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. "[] He did not exhort [[the twelve]] to love their [[neighbors]] as they loved themselves. That would have been a [[worthy]] achievement; it would have indicated the achievement of [[brotherly]] love. He rather admonished his [[apostles]] to [[love]] men as he had loved them—to love with a [[fatherly]] as well as a brotherly affection. And he [[illustrated]] this by pointing out four [[supreme]] [[reactions]] of [[fatherly]] [[love]]:
140:5.15 And then [[Jesus]] went on to instruct his followers in the [[realization]] of the chief [[purpose]] of all [[human]] struggling—[[perfection]]—even [[divine]] [[attainment]]. Always he admonished them: " Be you perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. "[] He did not exhort [[the twelve]] to love their [[neighbors]] as they loved themselves. That would have been a [[worthy]] achievement; it would have indicated the achievement of [[brotherly]] love. He rather admonished his [[apostles]] to [[love]] men as he had loved them—to love with a [[fatherly]] as well as a brotherly affection. And he [[illustrated]] this by pointing out four [[supreme]] [[reactions]] of [[fatherly]] [[love]]:
140:5.16 1. " ''Happy are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted''. "[] So-called [[common sense]] or the best of [[logic]] would never suggest that [[happiness]] could be derived from [[mourning]]. But [[Jesus]] did not refer to outward or [[ostentatious]] mourning. He alluded to an [[emotional]] [[attitude]] of tenderheartedness. It is a great [[error]] to teach boys and young men that it is unmanly to show tenderness or otherwise to give [[evidence]] of [[emotional]] [[feeling]] or physical [[suffering]]. [[Sympathy]] is a [[worthy]] attribute of the [[male]] as well as the [[female]]. It is not [[necessary]] to be calloused in order to be manly. This is the wrong way to create [[courageous]] men. The world's great men have not been afraid to [[mourn]]. [ Moses],[] the mourner, was a greater man than either [ Samson] or [ Goliath]. Moses was a superb [[leader]], but he was also a man of [[meekness]]. Being [[sensitive]] and responsive to [[human]] need creates genuine and lasting [[happiness]], while such kindly [[attitudes]] safeguard the [[soul]] from the destructive [[influences]] of [[anger]], [[hate]], and [[suspicion]].
140:5.16 1. " ''Happy are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted''. "[] So-called [[common sense]] or the best of [[logic]] would never suggest that [[happiness]] could be derived from [[mourning]]. But [[Jesus]] did not refer to outward or [[ostentatious]] mourning. He alluded to an [[emotional]] [[attitude]] of tenderheartedness. It is a great [[error]] to teach boys and young men that it is unmanly to show tenderness or otherwise to give [[evidence]] of [[emotional]] [[feeling]] or physical [[suffering]]. [[Sympathy]] is a [[worthy]] attribute of the [[male]] as well as the [[female]]. It is not [[necessary]] to be calloused in order to be manly. This is the wrong way to create [[courageous]] men. The world's great men have not been afraid to [[mourn]]. [ Moses],[] the mourner, was a greater man than either [ Samson] or [ Goliath]. Moses was a superb [[leader]], but he was also a man of [[meekness]]. Being [[sensitive]] and responsive to [[human]] need creates genuine and lasting [[happiness]], while such kindly [[attitudes]] safeguard the [[soul]] from the destructive [[influences]] of [[anger]], [[hate]], and [[suspicion]].
140:5.17 2. " ''Happy are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy''. " [][[Mercy]] here denotes the height and depth and breadth of the truest [[friendship]]—loving-[[kindness]]. [[Mercy]] sometimes may be [[passive]], but here it is [[active]] and [[dynamic]]—[[supreme]] fatherliness. A loving [[parent]] [[experiences]] little [[difficulty]] in [[forgiving]] his child, even many times. And in an unspoiled child the urge to relieve [[suffering]] is [[natural]]. [[Children]] are [[normally]] kind and [[sympathetic]] when old enough to [[appreciate]] actual conditions.
140:5.17 2. " ''Happy are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy''. " [][[Mercy]] here denotes the height and depth and breadth of the truest [[friendship]]—loving-[[kindness]]. [[Mercy]] sometimes may be [[passive]], but here it is [[active]] and [[dynamic]]—[[supreme]] fatherliness. A loving [[parent]] [[experiences]] little [[difficulty]] in [[forgiving]] his child, even many times. And in an unspoiled child the urge to relieve [[suffering]] is [[natural]]. [[Children]] are [[normally]] kind and [[sympathetic]] when old enough to [[appreciate]] actual conditions.
140:5.18 3. " ''Happy are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God''. "[] [[Jesus]]' hearers were longing for [[military]] deliverance, not for peacemakers. But Jesus' [[peace]] is not of the pacific and [[negative]] kind. In the face of [[trials]] and [[persecutions]] he said, " My peace I leave with you. " " Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "[] This is the [[peace]] that prevents ruinous [[conflicts]]. [[Personal]] [[peace]] [[integrates]] [[personality]]. [[Social]] peace prevents [[fear]], [[greed]], and [[anger]]. [[Political]] peace prevents [[race]] antagonisms, [[national]] [[suspicions]], and [[war]]. Peacemaking is the cure of distrust and suspicion.
140:5.18 3. " ''Happy are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God''. "[] [[Jesus]]' hearers were longing for [[military]] deliverance, not for peacemakers. But Jesus' [[peace]] is not of the pacific and [[negative]] kind. In the face of [[trials]] and [[persecutions]] he said, " My peace I leave with you. " " Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "[] This is the [[peace]] that prevents ruinous [[conflicts]]. [[Personal]] [[peace]] [[integrates]] [[personality]]. [[Social]] peace prevents [[fear]], [[greed]], and [[anger]]. [[Political]] peace prevents [[race]] antagonisms, [[national]] [[suspicions]], and [[war]]. Peacemaking is the cure of distrust and suspicion.
140:5.19 [[Children]] can easily be taught to [[function]] as peacemakers. They enjoy team [[activities]]; they like to [[play]] [[together]]. Said [[the Master]] at another time: " Whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life shall find it. "[]
140:5.19 [[Children]] can easily be taught to [[function]] as peacemakers. They enjoy team [[activities]]; they like to [[play]] [[together]]. Said [[the Master]] at another time: " Whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life shall find it. "[]
140:5.20 4. " ''Happy are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven''. "[]
140:5.20 4. " ''Happy are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven''. "[]
140:5.21 So often [[persecution]] does follow [[peace]]. But [[young people]] and [[brave]] adults never shun [[difficulty]] or [[danger]]. " Greater [[love]] has no man than to lay down his life for his [[friends]]. "[] And a [[fatherly]] love can freely do all these [[things]]—things which brotherly love can hardly [[encompass]]. And [[progress]] has always been the final [[harvest]] of [[persecution]].
140:5.21 So often [[persecution]] does follow [[peace]]. But [[young people]] and [[brave]] adults never shun [[difficulty]] or [[danger]]. " Greater [[love]] has no man than to lay down his life for his [[friends]]. "[] And a [[fatherly]] love can freely do all these [[things]]—things which brotherly love can hardly [[encompass]]. And [[progress]] has always been the final [[harvest]] of [[persecution]].
140:5.22 [[Children]] always [[respond]] to the [[challenge]] of [[courage]]. [[Youth]] is ever willing to " take a [[dare]]. " And every child should early learn to [[sacrifice]].
140:5.22 [[Children]] always [[respond]] to the [[challenge]] of [[courage]]. [[Youth]] is ever willing to " take a [[dare]]. " And every child should early learn to [[sacrifice]].
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140:5.24 [[Fatherly]] [[love]] delights in returning [[good]] for [[evil]]—doing good in retaliation for injustice.
140:5.24 [[Fatherly]] [[love]] delights in returning [[good]] for [[evil]]—doing good in retaliation for injustice.
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[[Category:Paper 140 - The Ordination of the Twelve]]
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