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159:5.1 At [ Philadelphia], where [[James, the Apostle|James]] was working, [[Jesus]] taught the [[disciples]] about the [[positive]] [[nature]] of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. When, in the [[course]] of his remarks, he intimated that some [[parts]] of the [[Scripture]] were more [[truth]]-containing than others and [[admonished]] his hearers to feed their [[souls]] upon the best of the spiritual food, [[James, the Apostle|James]] interrupted [[the Master]], asking: " Would you be good enough, Master, to suggest to us how we may [[choose]] the better passages from the [[Scriptures]] for our [[personal]] edification? " And [[Jesus]] replied: " Yes, James, when you [[read]] the [[Scriptures]] look for those [[eternally]] true and [[divine]]ly [[beautiful]] teachings, such as:
159:5.1 At [ Philadelphia], where [[James, the Apostle|James]] was working, [[Jesus]] taught the [[disciples]] about the [[positive]] [[nature]] of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. When, in the [[course]] of his remarks, he intimated that some [[parts]] of the [[Scripture]] were more [[truth]]-containing than others and [[admonished]] his hearers to feed their [[souls]] upon the best of the spiritual food, [[James, the Apostle|James]] interrupted [[the Master]], asking: " Would you be good enough, Master, to suggest to us how we may [[choose]] the better passages from the [[Scriptures]] for our [[personal]] edification? " And [[Jesus]] replied: " Yes, James, when you [[read]] the [[Scriptures]] look for those [[eternally]] true and [[divine]]ly [[beautiful]] teachings, such as:
*1. 159:5.2 " Create in me a clean heart, O Lord.[]
*1. 159:5.2 " Create in me a clean heart, O Lord.[]
*2. 159:5.3 " The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.[]
*2. 159:5.3 " The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.[]
*3. 159:5.4 " You should love your neighbor as yourself.[]
*3. 159:5.4 " You should love your neighbor as yourself.[]
*4. 159:5.5 " For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying, fear not; I will help you.[]
*4. 159:5.5 " For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying, fear not; I will help you.[]
*5. 159:5.6 " Neither shall the nations learn war any more. "[][]
*5. 159:5.6 " Neither shall the nations learn war any more. "[][]
159:5.7 And this is [[illustrative]] of the way [[Jesus]], day by day, appropriated the cream of the [ Hebrew scriptures] for the instruction of his followers and for inclusion in the teachings of the new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. Other [[religions]] had suggested the [[thought]] of the nearness of [[God]] to [[man]], but [[Jesus]] made the [[care]] of God for man like the [[solicitude]] of a loving [[father]] for the welfare of his dependent [[children]] and then made this teaching the cornerstone of his [[religion]]. And thus did the [[doctrine]] of the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] make [[imperative]] the [[practice]] of the brotherhood of man. The [[worship]] of [[God]] and the [[service]] of man became the sum and substance of his [[religion]]. [[Jesus]] took the best of the [ Jewish religion] and [[translated]] it to a [[worthy]] setting in the new teachings of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
159:5.7 And this is [[illustrative]] of the way [[Jesus]], day by day, appropriated the cream of the [ Hebrew scriptures] for the instruction of his followers and for inclusion in the teachings of the new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. Other [[religions]] had suggested the [[thought]] of the nearness of [[God]] to [[man]], but [[Jesus]] made the [[care]] of God for man like the [[solicitude]] of a loving [[father]] for the welfare of his dependent [[children]] and then made this teaching the cornerstone of his [[religion]]. And thus did the [[doctrine]] of the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] make [[imperative]] the [[practice]] of the brotherhood of man. The [[worship]] of [[God]] and the [[service]] of man became the sum and substance of his [[religion]]. [[Jesus]] took the best of the [ Jewish religion] and [[translated]] it to a [[worthy]] setting in the new teachings of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
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159:5.8 [[Jesus]] put the [[spirit]] of [[positive]] [[action]] into the passive [[doctrines]] of the [ Jewish religion]. In the place of [[negative]] compliance with [[ceremonial]] requirements, [[Jesus]] enjoined the [[positive]] doing of that which his new religion required of those who [[accepted]] it. [[Jesus]]' [[religion]] consisted not merely in [[believing]], but in [[actually]] doing, those things which the [[gospel]] required. He did not teach that the [[essence]] of his [[religion]] consisted in [[social]] [[service]], but rather that social [[service]] was one of the certain [[effects]] of the [[possession]] of the [[spirit]] of true [[religion]].
159:5.8 [[Jesus]] put the [[spirit]] of [[positive]] [[action]] into the passive [[doctrines]] of the [ Jewish religion]. In the place of [[negative]] compliance with [[ceremonial]] requirements, [[Jesus]] enjoined the [[positive]] doing of that which his new religion required of those who [[accepted]] it. [[Jesus]]' [[religion]] consisted not merely in [[believing]], but in [[actually]] doing, those things which the [[gospel]] required. He did not teach that the [[essence]] of his [[religion]] consisted in [[social]] [[service]], but rather that social [[service]] was one of the certain [[effects]] of the [[possession]] of the [[spirit]] of true [[religion]].
159:5.9 [[Jesus]] did not [[hesitate]] to appropriate the better half of a [[Scripture]] while he repudiated the lesser portion. His great [[exhortation]], " [[Love]] your [[neighbor]] as yourself, " he took from the [[Scripture]] which reads: " You shall not take [[vengeance]] against the [[children]] of your people, but you shall [[love]] your [[neighbor]] as yourself. "[] [[Jesus]] appropriated the [[positive]] portion of this [[Scripture]] while rejecting the [[negative]] part. He even [[opposed]] [[negative]] or purely passive [[nonresistance]]. Said he: " When an enemy smites you on one cheek, do not stand there dumb and [[passive]] but in [[positive]] [[attitude]] turn the other; that is, do the best thing possible actively to [[lead]] your brother in [[error]] away from the [[evil]] paths into the better ways of [[righteous]] living. "[] [[Jesus]] required his followers to [[react]] positively and aggressively to every life situation. The turning of the other cheek, or whatever [[act]] that may typify, demands [[initiative]], necessitates [[vigorous]], [[active]], and [[courageous]] [[expression]] of the [[believer]]'s [[personality]].
159:5.9 [[Jesus]] did not [[hesitate]] to appropriate the better half of a [[Scripture]] while he repudiated the lesser portion. His great [[exhortation]], " [[Love]] your [[neighbor]] as yourself, " he took from the [[Scripture]] which reads: " You shall not take [[vengeance]] against the [[children]] of your people, but you shall [[love]] your [[neighbor]] as yourself. "[] [[Jesus]] appropriated the [[positive]] portion of this [[Scripture]] while rejecting the [[negative]] part. He even [[opposed]] [[negative]] or purely passive [[nonresistance]]. Said he: " When an enemy smites you on one cheek, do not stand there dumb and [[passive]] but in [[positive]] [[attitude]] turn the other; that is, do the best thing possible actively to [[lead]] your brother in [[error]] away from the [[evil]] paths into the better ways of [[righteous]] living. "[] [[Jesus]] required his followers to [[react]] positively and aggressively to every life situation. The turning of the other cheek, or whatever [[act]] that may typify, demands [[initiative]], necessitates [[vigorous]], [[active]], and [[courageous]] [[expression]] of the [[believer]]'s [[personality]].
159:5.10 [[Jesus]] did not [[advocate]] the [[practice]] of [[negative]] submission to the indignities of those who might [[purposely]] seek to impose upon the practitioners of [[nonresistance]] to [[evil]], but rather that his followers should be [[wise]] and alert in the quick and [[positive]] [[reaction]] of [[good]] to [[evil]] to the end that they might [[effectively]] overcome [[evil]] with [[good]]. Forget not, the truly [[good]] is invariably more [[powerful]] than the most malignant [[evil]]. [[The Master]] taught a positive [[standard]] of [[righteousness]]: " Whosoever wishes to be my [[disciple]], let him disregard himself and take up the full [[measure]] of his [[responsibilities]] daily to follow me. "[] And he so lived himself in that " he went about doing [[good]]. " And this aspect of the [[gospel]] was well [[illustrated]] by many [[parables]] which he later spoke to his followers. He never exhorted his followers [[patiently]] to bear their [[obligations]] but rather with [[energy]] and [[enthusiasm]] to live up to the full measure of their [[human]] [[responsibilities]] and divine [[privileges]] in [[the kingdom]] of [[God]].
159:5.10 [[Jesus]] did not [[advocate]] the [[practice]] of [[negative]] submission to the indignities of those who might [[purposely]] seek to impose upon the practitioners of [[nonresistance]] to [[evil]], but rather that his followers should be [[wise]] and alert in the quick and [[positive]] [[reaction]] of [[good]] to [[evil]] to the end that they might [[effectively]] overcome [[evil]] with [[good]]. Forget not, the truly [[good]] is invariably more [[powerful]] than the most malignant [[evil]]. [[The Master]] taught a positive [[standard]] of [[righteousness]]: " Whosoever wishes to be my [[disciple]], let him disregard himself and take up the full [[measure]] of his [[responsibilities]] daily to follow me. "[] And he so lived himself in that " he went about doing [[good]]. " And this aspect of the [[gospel]] was well [[illustrated]] by many [[parables]] which he later spoke to his followers. He never exhorted his followers [[patiently]] to bear their [[obligations]] but rather with [[energy]] and [[enthusiasm]] to live up to the full measure of their [[human]] [[responsibilities]] and divine [[privileges]] in [[the kingdom]] of [[God]].
159:5.11 When [[Jesus]] instructed his [[apostles]] that they should, when one unjustly took away the coat, offer the other garment, he referred not so much to a [[literal]] second coat as to the [[idea]] of doing something [[positive]] to save the wrongdoer in the place of the olden advice to retaliate—" an eye for an eye "[] and so on. [[Jesus]] abhorred the [[idea]] either of retaliation or of becoming just a [[passive]] sufferer or [[victim]] of injustice. On this occasion he taught them the [[three]] ways of contending with, and resisting, [[evil]]:
159:5.11 When [[Jesus]] instructed his [[apostles]] that they should, when one unjustly took away the coat, offer the other garment, he referred not so much to a [[literal]] second coat as to the [[idea]] of doing something [[positive]] to save the wrongdoer in the place of the olden advice to retaliate—" an eye for an eye "[] and so on. [[Jesus]] abhorred the [[idea]] either of retaliation or of becoming just a [[passive]] sufferer or [[victim]] of injustice. On this occasion he taught them the [[three]] ways of contending with, and resisting, [[evil]]:
*1. To return evil for evil—the [[positive]] but unrighteous [[method]].
*1. To return evil for evil—the [[positive]] but unrighteous [[method]].
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159:5.13 The [ Jews] had heard of a [[God]] who would [[forgive]] [[repentant]] sinners and try to forget their misdeeds, but not until [[Jesus]] came, did men hear about a [[God]] who went in search of lost sheep, who took the [[initiative]] in looking for [[sinners]], and who [[rejoiced]] when he found them willing to return to [[the Father]]'s house. This [[positive]] note in [[religion]] [[Jesus]] extended even to his [[prayers]]. And he [[converted]] the [[negative]] [[golden rule]] into a [[positive]] [[admonition]] of [[human]] [[fairness]].
159:5.13 The [ Jews] had heard of a [[God]] who would [[forgive]] [[repentant]] sinners and try to forget their misdeeds, but not until [[Jesus]] came, did men hear about a [[God]] who went in search of lost sheep, who took the [[initiative]] in looking for [[sinners]], and who [[rejoiced]] when he found them willing to return to [[the Father]]'s house. This [[positive]] note in [[religion]] [[Jesus]] extended even to his [[prayers]]. And he [[converted]] the [[negative]] [[golden rule]] into a [[positive]] [[admonition]] of [[human]] [[fairness]].
159:5.14 In all his teaching [[Jesus]] unfailingly avoided distracting details. He shunned flowery [[language]] and avoided the mere [[poetic]] imagery of a play upon [[words]]. He [[habitually]] put large [[meanings]] into small [[expressions]]. For [[purposes]] of [[illustration]] [[Jesus]] reversed the current [[meanings]] of many terms, such as salt, leaven, fishing, and little children. He most effectively employed the [[antithesis]], [[comparing]] the minute to the [[infinite]] and so on. His pictures were striking, such as, " The blind leading the blind. "[] But the greatest [[strength]] to be found in his [[illustrative]] teaching was its [[natural]]ness. [[Jesus]] brought the [[philosophy]] of [[religion]] from [[heaven]] down to [[earth]]. He portrayed the elemental needs of the [[soul]] with a new [[insight]] and a new [[bestowal]] of [[affection]].
159:5.14 In all his teaching [[Jesus]] unfailingly avoided distracting details. He shunned flowery [[language]] and avoided the mere [[poetic]] imagery of a play upon [[words]]. He [[habitually]] put large [[meanings]] into small [[expressions]]. For [[purposes]] of [[illustration]] [[Jesus]] reversed the current [[meanings]] of many terms, such as salt, leaven, fishing, and little children. He most effectively employed the [[antithesis]], [[comparing]] the minute to the [[infinite]] and so on. His pictures were striking, such as, " The blind leading the blind. "[] But the greatest [[strength]] to be found in his [[illustrative]] teaching was its [[natural]]ness. [[Jesus]] brought the [[philosophy]] of [[religion]] from [[heaven]] down to [[earth]]. He portrayed the elemental needs of the [[soul]] with a new [[insight]] and a new [[bestowal]] of [[affection]].
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[[Category:Paper 159 - The Decapolis Tour]]
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[[Category: Spirituality]]
[[Category: Nonresistance]]
[[Category: Nonresistance]]