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74:8.1 The [[story]] of the [[creation]][] of [[Urantia]] in six days was based on the [[tradition]] that Adam and Eve had spent just six days in their initial survey of [[the Garden]]. This circumstance lent almost [[sacred]] [[sanction]] to the time period of the week, which had been originally introduced by the [[Dalamatians]]. [[Adam]]'s spending six days inspecting [[the Garden]] and formulating preliminary [[plans]] for [[organization]] was not prearranged; it was worked out from day to day. The choosing of the seventh day for [[worship]] was wholly incidental to the [[facts]] herewith narrated.
74:8.1 The [[story]] of the [[creation]][] of [[Urantia]] in six days was based on the [[tradition]] that Adam and Eve had spent just six days in their initial survey of [[the Garden]]. This circumstance lent almost [[sacred]] [[sanction]] to the time period of the week, which had been originally introduced by the [[Dalamatians]]. [[Adam]]'s spending six days inspecting [[the Garden]] and formulating preliminary [[plans]] for [[organization]] was not prearranged; it was worked out from day to day. The choosing of the seventh day for [[worship]] was wholly incidental to the [[facts]] herewith narrated.
74:8.2 The [[legend]] of the making of the world in six days was an afterthought, in [[fact]], more than thirty thousand years afterwards. One feature of the [[narrative]], the sudden [[appearance]] of the [[sun]] and [[moon]], may have taken [[origin]] in the [[traditions]] of the onetime sudden [[emergence]] of the world from a [ dense space cloud] of minute [[matter]] which had long obscured both [[sun]] and [[moon]].
74:8.2 The [[legend]] of the making of the world in six days was an afterthought, in [[fact]], more than thirty thousand years afterwards. One feature of the [[narrative]], the sudden [[appearance]] of the [[sun]] and [[moon]], may have taken [[origin]] in the [[traditions]] of the onetime sudden [[emergence]] of the world from a [ dense space cloud] of minute [[matter]] which had long obscured both [[sun]] and [[moon]].
74:8.3 The [[story]] of creating [[Eve]] out of [[Adam]]'s rib[] is a confused [[condensation]] of the Adamic arrival and the [[celestial]] surgery connected with the interchange of living substances [[associated]] with the coming of the [ corporeal staff] of the [[Planetary Prince]] more than four hundred and fifty thousand years previously.
74:8.3 The [[story]] of creating [[Eve]] out of [[Adam]]'s rib[] is a confused [[condensation]] of the Adamic arrival and the [[celestial]] surgery connected with the interchange of living substances [[associated]] with the coming of the [ corporeal staff] of the [[Planetary Prince]] more than four hundred and fifty thousand years previously.
74:8.4 The [[majority]] of the world's peoples have been [[influenced]] by the [[tradition]] that Adam and Eve had [[physical]] forms [[created]] for them upon their arrival on [[Urantia]]. The [[belief]] in man's having been [[created]] from [ clay] was well-nigh [[universal]] in the [ Eastern Hemisphere]; this [[tradition]] can be traced from the [ Philippine Islands] around the world to [ Africa]. And many [[groups]] accepted this [[story]] of man's clay [[origin]] by some form of special [[creation]] in the place of the earlier [[beliefs]] in [[progressive]] [[creation]]— [[evolution]].
74:8.4 The [[majority]] of the world's peoples have been [[influenced]] by the [[tradition]] that Adam and Eve had [[physical]] forms [[created]] for them upon their arrival on [[Urantia]]. The [[belief]] in man's having been [[created]] from [ clay] was well-nigh [[universal]] in the [ Eastern Hemisphere]; this [[tradition]] can be traced from the [ Philippine Islands] around the world to [ Africa]. And many [[groups]] accepted this [[story]] of man's clay [[origin]] by some form of special [[creation]] in the place of the earlier [[beliefs]] in [[progressive]] [[creation]]— [[evolution]].
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74:8.6 The [ Babylonians], because of [[immediate]] [[contact]] with the remnants of the [[civilization]] of the Adamites, enlarged and embellished the [[story]] of man's [[creation]]; they taught that he had descended directly from the [[gods]]. They held to an [[aristocratic]] [[origin]] for the [[race]] which was incompatible with even the [[doctrine]] of [[creation]] out of clay.
74:8.6 The [ Babylonians], because of [[immediate]] [[contact]] with the remnants of the [[civilization]] of the Adamites, enlarged and embellished the [[story]] of man's [[creation]]; they taught that he had descended directly from the [[gods]]. They held to an [[aristocratic]] [[origin]] for the [[race]] which was incompatible with even the [[doctrine]] of [[creation]] out of clay.
74:8.7 The [[Old Testament]] account of [[creation]] dates from long after the time of [ Moses]; he never taught the [[Hebrews]] such a distorted [[story]]. But he did present a [[simple]] and condensed [[narrative]] of [[creation]] to the Israelites, hoping thereby to augment his [[appeal]] to [[worship]] the [[Creator]], the [[Universal Father]], whom he called the [ Lord God of Israel].
74:8.7 The [[Old Testament]] account of [[creation]] dates from long after the time of [ Moses]; he never taught the [[Hebrews]] such a distorted [[story]]. But he did present a [[simple]] and condensed [[narrative]] of [[creation]] to the Israelites, hoping thereby to augment his [[appeal]] to [[worship]] the [[Creator]], the [[Universal Father]], whom he called the [ Lord God of Israel].
74:8.8 In his early teachings, [ Moses] very wisely did not attempt to go back of [[Adam]]'s time, and since Moses was the supreme [[teacher]] of the [[Hebrews]], the stories of Adam became [[intimately]] associated with those of [[creation]]. That the earlier [[traditions]] recognized pre-Adamic [[civilization]] is clearly shown by the [[fact]] that later [[editors]], intending to eradicate all [[reference]] to [[human]] affairs before [[Adam]]'s time, neglected to remove the telltale [[reference]] to Cain's [[emigration]] to the "[[Nodites|land of Nod]]," where he took himself a [[wife]].
74:8.8 In his early teachings, [ Moses] very wisely did not attempt to go back of [[Adam]]'s time, and since Moses was the supreme [[teacher]] of the [[Hebrews]], the stories of Adam became [[intimately]] associated with those of [[creation]]. That the earlier [[traditions]] recognized pre-Adamic [[civilization]] is clearly shown by the [[fact]] that later [[editors]], intending to eradicate all [[reference]] to [[human]] affairs before [[Adam]]'s time, neglected to remove the telltale [[reference]] to Cain's [[emigration]] to the "[[Nodites|land of Nod]]," where he took himself a [[wife]].
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74:8.15 Narrated by [[Solonia]], the seraphic "voice in the Garden."  
74:8.15 Narrated by [[Solonia]], the seraphic "voice in the Garden."  
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