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96:2.1 The [ Semites] of the East were well-[[organized]] and well-led horsemen who [[invaded]] the eastern regions of the [ fertile crescent] and there united with the [ Babylonians]. The [ Chaldeans] near [ Ur] were among the most advanced of the eastern [ Semites]. The [ Phoenicians] were a superior and well-[[organized]] group of mixed Semites who held the western section of [[Palestine]], along the [[Mediterranean]] coast. Racially the [ Semites] were among the most blended of [[Urantia]] peoples, containing hereditary [[factors]] from almost all of the [ nine world races].
96:2.1 The [ Semites] of the East were well-[[organized]] and well-led horsemen who [[invaded]] the eastern regions of the [ fertile crescent] and there united with the [ Babylonians]. The [ Chaldeans] near [ Ur] were among the most advanced of the eastern [ Semites]. The [ Phoenicians] were a superior and well-[[organized]] group of mixed Semites who held the western section of [[Palestine]], along the [[Mediterranean]] coast. Racially the [ Semites] were among the most blended of [[Urantia]] peoples, containing hereditary [[factors]] from almost all of the [ nine world races].
96:2.2 Again and again the [ Arabian] [ Semites] fought their way into the northern [ Promised Land], the land that "flowed with milk and honey,"[] but just as often were they ejected by the better-organized and more highly civilized northern Semites and [ Hittites]. Later, during an unusually severe [[famine]], these roving [ Bedouins] entered Egypt in large numbers as contract laborers on the Egyptian public works, only to find themselves undergoing the bitter [[experience]] of [[enslavement]] at the hard daily toil of the common and downtrodden laborers of the [ Nile valley].
96:2.2 Again and again the [ Arabian] [ Semites] fought their way into the northern [ Promised Land], the land that "flowed with milk and honey,"[] but just as often were they ejected by the better-organized and more highly civilized northern Semites and [ Hittites]. Later, during an unusually severe [[famine]], these roving [ Bedouins] entered Egypt in large numbers as contract laborers on the Egyptian public works, only to find themselves undergoing the bitter [[experience]] of [[enslavement]] at the hard daily toil of the common and downtrodden laborers of the [ Nile valley].
96:2.3 It was only after the days of [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]] and [[Abraham]] that certain [[tribes]] of [ Semites], because of their peculiar religious [[beliefs]], were called the children of [[Israel]] and later on [[Hebrews]], Jews, and the "[[chosen people]]." [[Abraham]] was not the [[racial]] [[father]] of all the [[Hebrews]]; he was not even the progenitor of all the [ Bedouin] Semites who were held captive in [ Egypt]. True, his [[offspring]], coming up out of Egypt, did form the [[nucleus]] of the later Jewish people, but the vast [[majority]] of the men and women who became incorporated into the [[clans]] of [[Israel]] had never [[sojourned]] in Egypt. They were merely fellow [[nomads]] who chose to follow the [[leadership]] of [ Moses] as the [[children]] of [[Abraham]] and their [ Semite] associates from [ Egypt] [[journeyed]] through northern [ Arabia].
96:2.3 It was only after the days of [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]] and [[Abraham]] that certain [[tribes]] of [ Semites], because of their peculiar religious [[beliefs]], were called the children of [[Israel]] and later on [[Hebrews]], Jews, and the "[[chosen people]]." [[Abraham]] was not the [[racial]] [[father]] of all the [[Hebrews]]; he was not even the progenitor of all the [ Bedouin] Semites who were held captive in [ Egypt]. True, his [[offspring]], coming up out of Egypt, did form the [[nucleus]] of the later Jewish people, but the vast [[majority]] of the men and women who became incorporated into the [[clans]] of [[Israel]] had never [[sojourned]] in Egypt. They were merely fellow [[nomads]] who chose to follow the [[leadership]] of [ Moses] as the [[children]] of [[Abraham]] and their [ Semite] associates from [ Egypt] [[journeyed]] through northern [ Arabia].
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96:2.5 [[Yahweh]] was [[worshiped]] by more than one hundred separate [ Arabian tribes], and except for the tinge of the [[El Elyon]] [[concept]] of [[Melchizedek]] which persisted among the more educated classes of [ Egypt], including the mixed [[Hebrew]] and Egyptian stocks, the [[religion]] of the rank and file of the Hebrew captive [[slaves]] was a [[modified]] version of the old [[Yahweh]] [[ritual]] of [[magic]] and [[sacrifice]].
96:2.5 [[Yahweh]] was [[worshiped]] by more than one hundred separate [ Arabian tribes], and except for the tinge of the [[El Elyon]] [[concept]] of [[Melchizedek]] which persisted among the more educated classes of [ Egypt], including the mixed [[Hebrew]] and Egyptian stocks, the [[religion]] of the rank and file of the Hebrew captive [[slaves]] was a [[modified]] version of the old [[Yahweh]] [[ritual]] of [[magic]] and [[sacrifice]].
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