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*1. 195:0.6 [[Organization]]. [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] was a great organizer and his successors kept up the [[pace]] he set.
*1. 195:0.6 [[Organization]]. [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] was a great organizer and his successors kept up the [[pace]] he set.
*2. 195:0.7 [[Christianity]] was thoroughly [ Hellenized]. It [[embraced]] the best in [ Greek philosophy] as well as the cream of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]].
*2. 195:0.7 [[Christianity]] was thoroughly [ Hellenized]. It [[embraced]] the best in [ Greek philosophy] as well as the cream of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]].
*3. 195:0.8 But best of all, it contained a new and great [[ideal]], the [[echo]] of the [ life bestowal of Jesus] and the [[reflection]] of his [[message]] of [[salvation]] for all [[mankind]].
*3. 195:0.8 But best of all, it contained a new and great [[ideal]], the [[echo]] of the [ life bestowal of Jesus] and the [[reflection]] of his [[message]] of [[salvation]] for all [[mankind]].
*4. 195:0.9 The [[Christian]] [[leaders]] were willing to make such [[compromises]] with [ Mithraism] that the better half of its adherents were won over to the [ Antioch cult].
*4. 195:0.9 The [[Christian]] [[leaders]] were willing to make such [[compromises]] with [ Mithraism] that the better half of its adherents were won over to the [ Antioch cult].
*5. 195:0.10 Likewise did the next and later [[generations]] of [[Christian]] [[leaders]] make such further [[compromises]] with [[paganism]] that even the [[Roman]] [[emperor]] [ Constantine] was won to the [ new religion].
*5. 195:0.10 Likewise did the next and later [[generations]] of [[Christian]] [[leaders]] make such further [[compromises]] with [[paganism]] that even the [[Roman]] [[emperor]] [ Constantine] was won to the [ new religion].
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*4. 195:0.17 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was given to man's [[hungry]] [[soul]].
*4. 195:0.17 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was given to man's [[hungry]] [[soul]].
195:0.18 Many of the great [[truths]] taught by [[Jesus]] were almost lost in these early [[compromises]], but they yet [[slumber]] in this [[religion]] of [[paganized]] [[Christianity]], which was in turn the [ Pauline] version of the life and teachings] of the [ Son of Man]. And [[Christianity]], even before it was [[paganized]], was first thoroughly [ Hellenized]. [[Christianity]] owes much, very much, to the [[Greeks]]. It was a Greek, from Egypt, who so [[bravely]] stood up at [ Nicaea] and so fearlessly challenged this assembly that it [[dared]] not so obscure the [[concept]] of the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] that the real [[truth]] of [ his bestowal] might have been in [[danger]] of being lost to the world. This [[Greek]]'s name was [ Athanasius], and but for the [[eloquence]] and the [[logic]] of this believer, the [[persuasions]] of [ Arius] would have [[triumphed]].
195:0.18 Many of the great [[truths]] taught by [[Jesus]] were almost lost in these early [[compromises]], but they yet [[slumber]] in this [[religion]] of [[paganized]] [[Christianity]], which was in turn the [ Pauline] version of the life and teachings] of the [ Son of Man]. And [[Christianity]], even before it was [[paganized]], was first thoroughly [ Hellenized]. [[Christianity]] owes much, very much, to the [[Greeks]]. It was a Greek, from Egypt, who so [[bravely]] stood up at [ Nicaea] and so fearlessly challenged this assembly that it [[dared]] not so obscure the [[concept]] of the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] that the real [[truth]] of [ his bestowal] might have been in [[danger]] of being lost to the world. This [[Greek]]'s name was [ Athanasius], and but for the [[eloquence]] and the [[logic]] of this believer, the [[persuasions]] of [ Arius] would have [[triumphed]].
195:1.1 The [ Hellenization] of [[Christianity]] started in [[earnest]] on that eventful day when the [[Apostle Paul]] stood before the [[council]] of the [ Areopagus] in [ Athens] and told the Athenians about " the Unknown God. "[] There, under the [[shadow]] of the [ Acropolis], this [[Roman]] [[citizen]] [[proclaimed]] to these [[Greeks]] his version of the [ new religion] which had taken [[origin]] in the [[Jewish]] [[land]] of [[Galilee]]. And there was something strangely alike in [ Greek philosophy] and many of the [[teachings]] of [[Jesus]]. They had a common goal—both aimed at the [[emergence]] of the [[individual]]. The [[Greek]], at [[social]] and [[political]] [[emergence]]; [[Jesus]], at [[moral]] and [[spiritual]] emergence. The [[Greek]] taught [[intellectual]] [[liberalism]] leading to [[political]] [[freedom]]; [[Jesus]] taught spiritual liberalism leading to [[religious]] [[liberty]]. These two [[ideas]] put together constituted a new and mighty charter for [[human]] [[freedom]]; they presaged man's [[social]], [[political]], and [[spiritual]] [[liberty]].
195:1.1 The [ Hellenization] of [[Christianity]] started in [[earnest]] on that eventful day when the [[Apostle Paul]] stood before the [[council]] of the [ Areopagus] in [ Athens] and told the Athenians about " the Unknown God. "[] There, under the [[shadow]] of the [ Acropolis], this [[Roman]] [[citizen]] [[proclaimed]] to these [[Greeks]] his version of the [ new religion] which had taken [[origin]] in the [[Jewish]] [[land]] of [[Galilee]]. And there was something strangely alike in [ Greek philosophy] and many of the [[teachings]] of [[Jesus]]. They had a common goal—both aimed at the [[emergence]] of the [[individual]]. The [[Greek]], at [[social]] and [[political]] [[emergence]]; [[Jesus]], at [[moral]] and [[spiritual]] emergence. The [[Greek]] taught [[intellectual]] [[liberalism]] leading to [[political]] [[freedom]]; [[Jesus]] taught spiritual liberalism leading to [[religious]] [[liberty]]. These two [[ideas]] put together constituted a new and mighty charter for [[human]] [[freedom]]; they presaged man's [[social]], [[political]], and [[spiritual]] [[liberty]].
195:1.2 [[Christianity]] came into [[existence]] and [[triumphed]] over all [[contending]] religions primarily because of two things:
195:1.2 [[Christianity]] came into [[existence]] and [[triumphed]] over all [[contending]] religions primarily because of two things:
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*2. 195:1.4 [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] and his successors were willing but shrewd and [[sagacious]] [[compromisers]]; they were keen [[theologic]] [[traders]].
*2. 195:1.4 [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] and his successors were willing but shrewd and [[sagacious]] [[compromisers]]; they were keen [[theologic]] [[traders]].
195:1.5 At the time [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] stood up in [ Athens] [[preaching]] " Christ and Him Crucified, "[] the [[Greeks]] were [[spiritually]] [[hungry]]; they were [[inquiring]], interested, and actually looking for [[spiritual]] [[truth]]. Never [[forget]] that at first the [[Romans]] fought [[Christianity]], while the [[Greeks]] [[embraced]] it, and that it was the [[Greeks]] who [[literally]] [[forced]] the [[Romans]] subsequently to [[accept]] this [ new religion], as then [[modified]], as a part of [[Greek]] [[culture]].
195:1.5 At the time [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] stood up in [ Athens] [[preaching]] " Christ and Him Crucified, "[] the [[Greeks]] were [[spiritually]] [[hungry]]; they were [[inquiring]], interested, and actually looking for [[spiritual]] [[truth]]. Never [[forget]] that at first the [[Romans]] fought [[Christianity]], while the [[Greeks]] [[embraced]] it, and that it was the [[Greeks]] who [[literally]] [[forced]] the [[Romans]] subsequently to [[accept]] this [ new religion], as then [[modified]], as a part of [[Greek]] [[culture]].
195:1.6 The [[Greek]] [[revered]] [[beauty]], the [[Jew]] [[holiness]], but both peoples loved [[truth]]. For centuries the [[Greek]] had seriously [[thought]] and [[earnestly]] [[debated]] about all [[human]] [[problems]]—[[social]], [[economic]], [[political]], and [[philosophic]]—except [[religion]]. Few [[Greeks]] had paid much [[attention]] to [[religion]]; they did not take even their own religion very seriously. For centuries the [[Jews]] had neglected these other fields of [[thought]] while they [[devoted]] their [[minds]] to [[religion]]. They took their [[religion]] very seriously, too seriously. As [[illuminated]] by the content of [[Jesus]]' [[message]], the united product of the centuries of the [[thought]] of these two peoples now became the driving [[power]] of a new order of [[human]] [[society]] and, to a certain extent, of a new order of human [[religious]] [[belief]] and [[practice]].
195:1.6 The [[Greek]] [[revered]] [[beauty]], the [[Jew]] [[holiness]], but both peoples loved [[truth]]. For centuries the [[Greek]] had seriously [[thought]] and [[earnestly]] [[debated]] about all [[human]] [[problems]]—[[social]], [[economic]], [[political]], and [[philosophic]]—except [[religion]]. Few [[Greeks]] had paid much [[attention]] to [[religion]]; they did not take even their own religion very seriously. For centuries the [[Jews]] had neglected these other fields of [[thought]] while they [[devoted]] their [[minds]] to [[religion]]. They took their [[religion]] very seriously, too seriously. As [[illuminated]] by the content of [[Jesus]]' [[message]], the united product of the centuries of the [[thought]] of these two peoples now became the driving [[power]] of a new order of [[human]] [[society]] and, to a certain extent, of a new order of human [[religious]] [[belief]] and [[practice]].
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195:6.14 The [[fact]] of the [[absolute]] [[mechanism]] of [[Paradise]] at the [[center]] of the [[universe of universes]], in the [[presence]] of the unqualified [[volition]] of the [[Second Source and Center]], makes forever certain that determiners are not the exclusive [[law]] of the [[cosmos]]. [[Materialism]] is there, but it is not exclusive; [[mechanism]] is there, but it is not unqualified; [[determinism]] is there, but it is not [[alone]].
195:6.14 The [[fact]] of the [[absolute]] [[mechanism]] of [[Paradise]] at the [[center]] of the [[universe of universes]], in the [[presence]] of the unqualified [[volition]] of the [[Second Source and Center]], makes forever certain that determiners are not the exclusive [[law]] of the [[cosmos]]. [[Materialism]] is there, but it is not exclusive; [[mechanism]] is there, but it is not unqualified; [[determinism]] is there, but it is not [[alone]].
195:6.15 The [[finite]] [[universe]] of [[matter]] would [[eventually]] become [[uniform]] and [[deterministic]] but for the combined [[presence]] of [[mind]] and [[spirit]]. The [[influence]] of the [ cosmic mind] constantly injects [[spontaneity]] into even the [[material worlds]].
195:6.15 The [[finite]] [[universe]] of [[matter]] would [[eventually]] become [[uniform]] and [[deterministic]] but for the combined [[presence]] of [[mind]] and [[spirit]]. The [[influence]] of the [ cosmic mind] constantly injects [[spontaneity]] into even the [[material worlds]].
195:6.16 [[Freedom]] or [[initiative]] in any realm of [[existence]] is directly [[proportional]] to the [[degree]] of [[spiritual]] [[influence]] and [ cosmic-mind] [[control]]; that is, in [[human]] [[experience]], the degree of the actuality of [[Doing the will of God|doing " the Father's will. "]] And so, when you once start out to find [[God]], that is the conclusive [[proof]] that [[God]] has already found you.
195:6.16 [[Freedom]] or [[initiative]] in any realm of [[existence]] is directly [[proportional]] to the [[degree]] of [[spiritual]] [[influence]] and [ cosmic-mind] [[control]]; that is, in [[human]] [[experience]], the degree of the actuality of [[Doing the will of God|doing " the Father's will. "]] And so, when you once start out to find [[God]], that is the conclusive [[proof]] that [[God]] has already found you.
195:6.17 The [[sincere]] pursuit of [[goodness]], [[beauty]], and [[truth]] [[leads]] to [[God]]. And every [[scientific]] [[discovery]] [[demonstrates]] the [[existence]] of both [[freedom]] and [[uniformity]] in the [[universe]]. The discoverer was [[free]] to make the [[discovery]]. The [[thing]] discovered is [[real]] and apparently [[uniform]], or else it could not have become known as a thing.
195:6.17 The [[sincere]] pursuit of [[goodness]], [[beauty]], and [[truth]] [[leads]] to [[God]]. And every [[scientific]] [[discovery]] [[demonstrates]] the [[existence]] of both [[freedom]] and [[uniformity]] in the [[universe]]. The discoverer was [[free]] to make the [[discovery]]. The [[thing]] discovered is [[real]] and apparently [[uniform]], or else it could not have become known as a thing.
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195:7.1 How [[foolish]] it is for [[material]]-minded man to allow such [[vulnerable]] [[theories]] as those of a [[mechanistic]] [[universe]] to deprive him of the vast [[spiritual]] [[resources]] of the [[personal]] [[experience]] of [ true religion]. [[Facts]] never quarrel with real [[spiritual]] [[faith]]; [[theories]] may. Better that [[science]] should be [[devoted]] to the destruction of [[superstition]] rather than attempting the overthrow of [[religious]] [[faith]]—[[human]] [[belief]] in [[spiritual]] [[realities]] and [[divine]] [[values]].
195:7.1 How [[foolish]] it is for [[material]]-minded man to allow such [[vulnerable]] [[theories]] as those of a [[mechanistic]] [[universe]] to deprive him of the vast [[spiritual]] [[resources]] of the [[personal]] [[experience]] of [ true religion]. [[Facts]] never quarrel with real [[spiritual]] [[faith]]; [[theories]] may. Better that [[science]] should be [[devoted]] to the destruction of [[superstition]] rather than attempting the overthrow of [[religious]] [[faith]]—[[human]] [[belief]] in [[spiritual]] [[realities]] and [[divine]] [[values]].
195:7.2 [[Science]] should do for man [[materially]] what [[religion]] does for him [[spiritually]]: extend the [[horizon]] of life and enlarge his [[personality]]. True [[science]] can have no lasting quarrel with [ true religion]. The " [[scientific method]] " is merely an [[intellectual]] yardstick wherewith to [[measure]] [[material]] [[adventures]] and [[physical]] [[achievements]]. But being [[material]] and wholly [[intellectual]], it is utterly useless in the [[evaluation]] of [[spiritual]] [[realities]] and [[religious]] [[experiences]].
195:7.2 [[Science]] should do for man [[materially]] what [[religion]] does for him [[spiritually]]: extend the [[horizon]] of life and enlarge his [[personality]]. True [[science]] can have no lasting quarrel with [ true religion]. The " [[scientific method]] " is merely an [[intellectual]] yardstick wherewith to [[measure]] [[material]] [[adventures]] and [[physical]] [[achievements]]. But being [[material]] and wholly [[intellectual]], it is utterly useless in the [[evaluation]] of [[spiritual]] [[realities]] and [[religious]] [[experiences]].
195:7.3 The inconsistency of the [[modern]] [[mechanist]] is: If this were merely a [[material]] [[universe]] and man only a [[machine]], such a man would be wholly unable to [[recognize]] himself as such a [[machine]], and likewise would such a [[machine]]-man be wholly [[unconscious]] of the [[fact]] of the [[existence]] of such a material universe. The [[materialistic]] dismay and [[despair]] of a [[mechanistic]] [[science]] has failed to [[recognize]] the [[fact]] of the [[spirit]]-indwelt [[mind]] of the scientist whose very supermaterial [[insight]] [[formulates]] these mistaken and self-[[contradictory]] [[concepts]] of a materialistic universe.
195:7.3 The inconsistency of the [[modern]] [[mechanist]] is: If this were merely a [[material]] [[universe]] and man only a [[machine]], such a man would be wholly unable to [[recognize]] himself as such a [[machine]], and likewise would such a [[machine]]-man be wholly [[unconscious]] of the [[fact]] of the [[existence]] of such a material universe. The [[materialistic]] dismay and [[despair]] of a [[mechanistic]] [[science]] has failed to [[recognize]] the [[fact]] of the [[spirit]]-indwelt [[mind]] of the scientist whose very supermaterial [[insight]] [[formulates]] these mistaken and self-[[contradictory]] [[concepts]] of a materialistic universe.
195:7.4 [[Paradise]] [[values]] of [[eternity]] and [[infinity]], of [ truth, beauty, and goodness], are concealed within the [[facts]] of the [[phenomena]] of the [[universes]] of [[time and space]]. But it requires the eye of [[faith]] in a spirit-born [[mortal]] to detect and [[discern]] these [[spiritual]] [[values]].
195:7.4 [[Paradise]] [[values]] of [[eternity]] and [[infinity]], of [ truth, beauty, and goodness], are concealed within the [[facts]] of the [[phenomena]] of the [[universes]] of [[time and space]]. But it requires the eye of [[faith]] in a spirit-born [[mortal]] to detect and [[discern]] these [[spiritual]] [[values]].
195:7.5 The [[realities]] and [[values]] of spiritual [[progress]] are not a " [ psychologic projection] "—a mere [[glorified]] daydream of the [[material]] [[mind]]. Such [[things]] are the spiritual [[forecasts]] of the [[indwelling Adjuster]], the spirit of [[God]] living in the mind of man. And let not your dabblings with the faintly glimpsed findings of " [[relativity]] " disturb your [[concepts]] of the [[eternity]] and [[infinity]] of [[God]]. And in all your solicitation concerning the [[necessity]] for [[self]]-[[expression]] do not make the mistake of [[failing]] to provide for [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster]]-[[expression]], the [[manifestation]] of your real and better self.
195:7.5 The [[realities]] and [[values]] of spiritual [[progress]] are not a " [ psychologic projection] "—a mere [[glorified]] daydream of the [[material]] [[mind]]. Such [[things]] are the spiritual [[forecasts]] of the [[indwelling Adjuster]], the spirit of [[God]] living in the mind of man. And let not your dabblings with the faintly glimpsed findings of " [[relativity]] " disturb your [[concepts]] of the [[eternity]] and [[infinity]] of [[God]]. And in all your solicitation concerning the [[necessity]] for [[self]]-[[expression]] do not make the mistake of [[failing]] to provide for [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster]]-[[expression]], the [[manifestation]] of your real and better self.
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195:8.6 [[Secularism]] can never bring [[peace]] to [[mankind]]. Nothing can take the place of [[God]] in human [[society]]. But mark you well! do not be quick to [[surrender]] the [[beneficent]] gains of the secular [[revolt]] from [[ecclesiastical]] [[totalitarianism]]. [ Western civilization] today enjoys many [[liberties]] and [[satisfactions]] as a result of the secular revolt. The great mistake of [[secularism]] was this: In revolting against the almost total [[control]] of life by [[religious]] [[authority]], and after [[attaining]] the liberation from such [[ecclesiastical]] [[tyranny]], the secularists went on to institute a revolt against [[God]] himself, sometimes tacitly and sometimes openly.
195:8.6 [[Secularism]] can never bring [[peace]] to [[mankind]]. Nothing can take the place of [[God]] in human [[society]]. But mark you well! do not be quick to [[surrender]] the [[beneficent]] gains of the secular [[revolt]] from [[ecclesiastical]] [[totalitarianism]]. [ Western civilization] today enjoys many [[liberties]] and [[satisfactions]] as a result of the secular revolt. The great mistake of [[secularism]] was this: In revolting against the almost total [[control]] of life by [[religious]] [[authority]], and after [[attaining]] the liberation from such [[ecclesiastical]] [[tyranny]], the secularists went on to institute a revolt against [[God]] himself, sometimes tacitly and sometimes openly.
195:8.7 To the secularistic [[revolt]] you owe the amazing [[creativity]] of [[American]] [[Industry|industrialism]] and the unprecedented [[material]] [[progress]] of [ Western civilization]. And because the secularistic [[revolt]] went too far and lost [[sight]] of [[God]] and [ true religion], there also followed the unlooked-for [[harvest]] of [ world wars] and international unsettledness.
195:8.7 To the secularistic [[revolt]] you owe the amazing [[creativity]] of [[American]] [[Industry|industrialism]] and the unprecedented [[material]] [[progress]] of [ Western civilization]. And because the secularistic [[revolt]] went too far and lost [[sight]] of [[God]] and [ true religion], there also followed the unlooked-for [[harvest]] of [ world wars] and international unsettledness.
195:8.8 It is not [[necessary]] to [[sacrifice]] [[faith]] in [[God]] in order to enjoy the [[blessings]] of the [[modern]] secularistic revolt: [[tolerance]], social service, [[democratic]] [[government]], and civil liberties. It was not necessary for the secularists to antagonize [ true religion] in order to promote [[science]] and to advance [[education]].
195:8.8 It is not [[necessary]] to [[sacrifice]] [[faith]] in [[God]] in order to enjoy the [[blessings]] of the [[modern]] secularistic revolt: [[tolerance]], social service, [[democratic]] [[government]], and civil liberties. It was not necessary for the secularists to antagonize [ true religion] in order to promote [[science]] and to advance [[education]].
195:8.9 But [[secularism]] is not the sole [[parent]] of all these recent gains in the enlargement of [[living]]. Behind the gains of the [ twentieth century] are not only [[science]] and [[secularism]] but also the unrecognized and unacknowledged [[spiritual]] workings of the life and teaching of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
195:8.9 But [[secularism]] is not the sole [[parent]] of all these recent gains in the enlargement of [[living]]. Behind the gains of the [ twentieth century] are not only [[science]] and [[secularism]] but also the unrecognized and unacknowledged [[spiritual]] workings of the life and teaching of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
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195:9.4 [[Religion]] does need new [[leaders]], [[spiritual]] men and women who will [[dare]] to depend solely on [[Jesus]] and his incomparable teachings. If [[Christianity]] [[persists]] in neglecting its [[spiritual]] [[mission]] while it continues to [[busy]] itself with [[social]] and [[material]] [[problems]], the spiritual [[renaissance]] must await the coming of these new [[teachers]] of [[Jesus]]' [[religion]] who will be exclusively [[devoted]] to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these [[spirit]]-[[born]] [[souls]] quickly supply the [[leadership]] and [[inspiration]] requisite for the [[social]], [[moral]], [[economic]], and [[political]] reorganization of the world.
195:9.4 [[Religion]] does need new [[leaders]], [[spiritual]] men and women who will [[dare]] to depend solely on [[Jesus]] and his incomparable teachings. If [[Christianity]] [[persists]] in neglecting its [[spiritual]] [[mission]] while it continues to [[busy]] itself with [[social]] and [[material]] [[problems]], the spiritual [[renaissance]] must await the coming of these new [[teachers]] of [[Jesus]]' [[religion]] who will be exclusively [[devoted]] to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these [[spirit]]-[[born]] [[souls]] quickly supply the [[leadership]] and [[inspiration]] requisite for the [[social]], [[moral]], [[economic]], and [[political]] reorganization of the world.
195:9.5 The [[modern]] age will refuse to [[accept]] a [[religion]] which is inconsistent with [[facts]] and out of [[harmony]] with its highest [[conceptions]] of [ truth, beauty, and goodness]. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and [[original]] [[foundations]] of present-day [[distorted]] and [[compromised]] [[Christianity]]—the real life and teachings of [[Jesus]].
195:9.5 The [[modern]] age will refuse to [[accept]] a [[religion]] which is inconsistent with [[facts]] and out of [[harmony]] with its highest [[conceptions]] of [ truth, beauty, and goodness]. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and [[original]] [[foundations]] of present-day [[distorted]] and [[compromised]] [[Christianity]]—the real life and teachings of [[Jesus]].
195:9.6 [ Primitive man] lived a life of [[superstitious]] [[bondage]] to religious [[fear]]. [[Modern]], civilized men dread the [[thought]] of falling under the [[dominance]] of strong [[religious]] [[convictions]]. [[Thinking]] man has always [[feared]] to be held by a [[religion]]. When a strong and moving [[religion]] threatens to [[dominate]] him, he invariably tries to [[rationalize]], [[traditionalize]], and [[institutionalize]] it, thereby hoping to gain [[control]] of it. By such [[procedure]], even a revealed religion becomes man-made and man-[[dominated]]. [[Modern]] men and women of [[intelligence]] evade the [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] because of their [[fears]] of what it will do to them—and with them. And all such [[fears]] are well founded. The [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] does, indeed, [[dominate]] and [[transform]] its [[believers]], demanding that men [[dedicate]] their lives to seeking for a [[knowledge]] of the will of [[the Father]] in heaven and requiring that the [[energies]] of [[living]] be [[consecrated]] to the [[unselfish]] [[service]] of the brotherhood of man.
195:9.6 [ Primitive man] lived a life of [[superstitious]] [[bondage]] to religious [[fear]]. [[Modern]], civilized men dread the [[thought]] of falling under the [[dominance]] of strong [[religious]] [[convictions]]. [[Thinking]] man has always [[feared]] to be held by a [[religion]]. When a strong and moving [[religion]] threatens to [[dominate]] him, he invariably tries to [[rationalize]], [[traditionalize]], and [[institutionalize]] it, thereby hoping to gain [[control]] of it. By such [[procedure]], even a revealed religion becomes man-made and man-[[dominated]]. [[Modern]] men and women of [[intelligence]] evade the [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] because of their [[fears]] of what it will do to them—and with them. And all such [[fears]] are well founded. The [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] does, indeed, [[dominate]] and [[transform]] its [[believers]], demanding that men [[dedicate]] their lives to seeking for a [[knowledge]] of the will of [[the Father]] in heaven and requiring that the [[energies]] of [[living]] be [[consecrated]] to the [[unselfish]] [[service]] of the brotherhood of man.
195:9.7 [[Selfish]] men and women simply will not pay such a price for even the greatest [[spiritual]] [[treasure]] ever offered [[mortal]] man. Only when man has become sufficiently [[disillusioned]] by the sorrowful [[disappointments]] attendant upon the [[foolish]] and [[deceptive]] pursuits of [[selfishness]], and subsequent to the [[discovery]] of the barrenness of [[formalized]] [[religion]], will he be disposed to turn wholeheartedly to the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], the [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
195:9.7 [[Selfish]] men and women simply will not pay such a price for even the greatest [[spiritual]] [[treasure]] ever offered [[mortal]] man. Only when man has become sufficiently [[disillusioned]] by the sorrowful [[disappointments]] attendant upon the [[foolish]] and [[deceptive]] pursuits of [[selfishness]], and subsequent to the [[discovery]] of the barrenness of [[formalized]] [[religion]], will he be disposed to turn wholeheartedly to the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], the [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
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195:10.10 If the [[Christian]] [[church]] would only dare to espouse [[the Master]]'s program, thousands of apparently indifferent [[youths]] would rush forward to enlist in such a [[spiritual]] undertaking, and they would not [[hesitate]] to go all the way through with this great [[adventure]].
195:10.10 If the [[Christian]] [[church]] would only dare to espouse [[the Master]]'s program, thousands of apparently indifferent [[youths]] would rush forward to enlist in such a [[spiritual]] undertaking, and they would not [[hesitate]] to go all the way through with this great [[adventure]].
195:10.11 [[Christianity]] is seriously [[confronted]] with the [[doom]] embodied in one of its own [[slogans]]: " A house divided against itself cannot stand. "[] The non-Christian world will hardly capitulate to a [[sect]]-divided [ Christendom]. The living [[Jesus]] is the only [[hope]] of a possible unification of [[Christianity]]. The true church—the [[Jesus]] brotherhood—is invisible, [[spiritual]], and is characterized by [[unity]], not necessarily by [[uniformity]]. Uniformity is the earmark of the [[physical]] world of [[mechanistic]] nature. [[Spiritual]] [[unity]] is the fruit of [[faith]] union with the living [[Jesus]]. The visible [[church]] should refuse longer to [[handicap]] the [[progress]] of the invisible and [[spiritual]] brotherhood of [[the kingdom]] of God. And this brotherhood is [[destined]] to become a living [[organism]] in [[contrast]] to an institutionalized [[social]] [[organization]]. It may well utilize such social organizations, but it must not be supplanted by them.
195:10.11 [[Christianity]] is seriously [[confronted]] with the [[doom]] embodied in one of its own [[slogans]]: " A house divided against itself cannot stand. "[] The non-Christian world will hardly capitulate to a [[sect]]-divided [ Christendom]. The living [[Jesus]] is the only [[hope]] of a possible unification of [[Christianity]]. The true church—the [[Jesus]] brotherhood—is invisible, [[spiritual]], and is characterized by [[unity]], not necessarily by [[uniformity]]. Uniformity is the earmark of the [[physical]] world of [[mechanistic]] nature. [[Spiritual]] [[unity]] is the fruit of [[faith]] union with the living [[Jesus]]. The visible [[church]] should refuse longer to [[handicap]] the [[progress]] of the invisible and [[spiritual]] brotherhood of [[the kingdom]] of God. And this brotherhood is [[destined]] to become a living [[organism]] in [[contrast]] to an institutionalized [[social]] [[organization]]. It may well utilize such social organizations, but it must not be supplanted by them.
195:10.12 But the [[Christianity]] of even the [ twentieth century] must not be despised. It is the product of the combined [[moral]] [[genius]] of the God-knowing men of many [[races]] during many ages, and it has truly been one of the greatest [[powers]] for [[good]] on [[earth]], and therefore no man should lightly regard it, notwithstanding its [[inherent]] and acquired [[defects]]. [[Christianity]] still contrives to move the minds of [[reflective]] men with mighty [[moral]] [[emotions]].
195:10.12 But the [[Christianity]] of even the [ twentieth century] must not be despised. It is the product of the combined [[moral]] [[genius]] of the God-knowing men of many [[races]] during many ages, and it has truly been one of the greatest [[powers]] for [[good]] on [[earth]], and therefore no man should lightly regard it, notwithstanding its [[inherent]] and acquired [[defects]]. [[Christianity]] still contrives to move the minds of [[reflective]] men with mighty [[moral]] [[emotions]].
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195:10.13 But there is no excuse for the involvement of the [[church]] in [[commerce]] and [[politics]]; such unholy [[alliance]]s are a flagrant [[betrayal]] of [[the Master]]. And the genuine lovers of [[truth]] will be slow to forget that this powerful [[institutionalized]] [[church]] has often dared to smother newborn [[faith]] and [[persecute]] [[truth]] bearers who chanced to [[appear]] in unorthodox raiment.
195:10.13 But there is no excuse for the involvement of the [[church]] in [[commerce]] and [[politics]]; such unholy [[alliance]]s are a flagrant [[betrayal]] of [[the Master]]. And the genuine lovers of [[truth]] will be slow to forget that this powerful [[institutionalized]] [[church]] has often dared to smother newborn [[faith]] and [[persecute]] [[truth]] bearers who chanced to [[appear]] in unorthodox raiment.
195:10.14 It is all too true that such a [[church]] would not have [[survived]] unless there had been men in the world who preferred such a [[Form|style]] of [[worship]]. Many spiritually [[indolent]] [[souls]] crave an ancient and [[authoritative]] religion of [[ritual]] and [[sacred]] [[traditions]]. Human [[evolution]] and spiritual [[progress]] are hardly sufficient to enable all men to dispense with [[religious]] [[authority]]. And the invisible brotherhood of [[the kingdom]] may well include these family [[groups]] of various [[social]] and [[temperamental]] [[classes]] if they are only willing to become truly [[spirit]]-led [ sons of God]. But in this brotherhood of [[Jesus]] there is no place for [[sectarian]] [[rivalry]], [[group]] bitterness, nor assertions of [[moral]] superiority and spiritual [[infallibility]].
195:10.14 It is all too true that such a [[church]] would not have [[survived]] unless there had been men in the world who preferred such a [[Form|style]] of [[worship]]. Many spiritually [[indolent]] [[souls]] crave an ancient and [[authoritative]] religion of [[ritual]] and [[sacred]] [[traditions]]. Human [[evolution]] and spiritual [[progress]] are hardly sufficient to enable all men to dispense with [[religious]] [[authority]]. And the invisible brotherhood of [[the kingdom]] may well include these family [[groups]] of various [[social]] and [[temperamental]] [[classes]] if they are only willing to become truly [[spirit]]-led [ sons of God]. But in this brotherhood of [[Jesus]] there is no place for [[sectarian]] [[rivalry]], [[group]] bitterness, nor assertions of [[moral]] superiority and spiritual [[infallibility]].
195:10.15 These various groupings of [[Christians]] may serve to accommodate numerous [[different]] [[types]] of would-be [[believers]] among the various peoples of [ Western civilization], but such division of [ Christendom] presents a grave [[weakness]] when it attempts to carry the [[gospel]] of [[Jesus]] to [[Oriental]] peoples. These [[races]] do not yet understand that there is a religion of Jesus separate, and somewhat apart, from Christianity, which has more and more become a religion about Jesus.
195:10.15 These various groupings of [[Christians]] may serve to accommodate numerous [[different]] [[types]] of would-be [[believers]] among the various peoples of [ Western civilization], but such division of [ Christendom] presents a grave [[weakness]] when it attempts to carry the [[gospel]] of [[Jesus]] to [[Oriental]] peoples. These [[races]] do not yet understand that there is a religion of Jesus separate, and somewhat apart, from Christianity, which has more and more become a religion about Jesus.
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195:10.17 Even [[secular]] [[education]] could help in this great [[spiritual]] [[renaissance]] if it would pay more [[attention]] to the [[work]] of teaching [[youth]] how to [[engage]] in life planning and [[character]] progression. The [[purpose]] of all [[education]] should be to foster and further the [[supreme]] [[purpose]] of life, the [[development]] of a [[majestic]] and well-[[balanced]] [[personality]]. There is great need for the teaching of [[moral]] [[discipline]] in the place of so much [[self-gratification]]. Upon such a [[foundation]] religion may contribute its [[spiritual]] [[incentive]] to the enlargement and enrichment of [[mortal]] life, even to the [[security]] and enhancement of life [[eternal]].
195:10.17 Even [[secular]] [[education]] could help in this great [[spiritual]] [[renaissance]] if it would pay more [[attention]] to the [[work]] of teaching [[youth]] how to [[engage]] in life planning and [[character]] progression. The [[purpose]] of all [[education]] should be to foster and further the [[supreme]] [[purpose]] of life, the [[development]] of a [[majestic]] and well-[[balanced]] [[personality]]. There is great need for the teaching of [[moral]] [[discipline]] in the place of so much [[self-gratification]]. Upon such a [[foundation]] religion may contribute its [[spiritual]] [[incentive]] to the enlargement and enrichment of [[mortal]] life, even to the [[security]] and enhancement of life [[eternal]].
195:10.18 [[Christianity]] is an extemporized [[religion]], and therefore must it operate in low gear. High-gear [[spiritual]] [[performances]] must await the new [[revelation]] and the more general [[acceptance]] of the [ real religion] of Jesus. But [[Christianity]] is a mighty religion, seeing that the commonplace [[disciples]] of a [[crucified]] [[carpenter]] set in motion those teachings which conquered the [ Roman world] in three hundred years and then went on to [[triumph]] over the [[barbarians]] who overthrew [[Rome]]. This same [[Christianity]] [[conquered]]—absorbed and exalted—the whole [[stream]] of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]] and [[Greek]] [[philosophy]]. And then, when this Christian religion became [[Sleep|comatose]] for more than a thousand years as a result of an overdose of [[mysteries]] and [[paganism]], it resurrected itself and virtually reconquered the whole [ Western world]. Christianity contains enough of [[Jesus]]' teachings to immortalize it.
195:10.18 [[Christianity]] is an extemporized [[religion]], and therefore must it operate in low gear. High-gear [[spiritual]] [[performances]] must await the new [[revelation]] and the more general [[acceptance]] of the [ real religion] of Jesus. But [[Christianity]] is a mighty religion, seeing that the commonplace [[disciples]] of a [[crucified]] [[carpenter]] set in motion those teachings which conquered the [ Roman world] in three hundred years and then went on to [[triumph]] over the [[barbarians]] who overthrew [[Rome]]. This same [[Christianity]] [[conquered]]—absorbed and exalted—the whole [[stream]] of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]] and [[Greek]] [[philosophy]]. And then, when this Christian religion became [[Sleep|comatose]] for more than a thousand years as a result of an overdose of [[mysteries]] and [[paganism]], it resurrected itself and virtually reconquered the whole [ Western world]. Christianity contains enough of [[Jesus]]' teachings to immortalize it.
195:10.19 If [[Christianity]] could only grasp more of Jesus' teachings, it could do so much more in helping [[modern]] man to solve his new and increasingly [[complex]] [[problems]].
195:10.19 If [[Christianity]] could only grasp more of Jesus' teachings, it could do so much more in helping [[modern]] man to solve his new and increasingly [[complex]] [[problems]].
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195:10.21 The [[hope]] of [[modern]] Christianity is that it should cease to sponsor the [[social]] [[systems]] and [[industrial]] [[policies]] of [ Western civilization] while it [[humbly]] bows itself before the [[cross]] it so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] the greatest [[truths]] mortal man can ever hear—the living [[gospel]] of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
195:10.21 The [[hope]] of [[modern]] Christianity is that it should cease to sponsor the [[social]] [[systems]] and [[industrial]] [[policies]] of [ Western civilization] while it [[humbly]] bows itself before the [[cross]] it so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] the greatest [[truths]] mortal man can ever hear—the living [[gospel]] of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
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