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172:0.2 That evening, [[Jesus]] [[received]] many [[visitors]], and the common folks of [ Bethany] and Bethpage did their best to make him [[feel]] [[welcome]]. Although many [[thought]] [[Jesus]] was now going into [[Jerusalem]], in utter defiance of the [[Sanhedrin]]'s [[decree]] of [[death]], to [[proclaim]] himself [[king]] of the [[Jews]], the [ Bethany] [[family]]—[[Lazarus]], [ Martha], and [ Mary]—more fully [[realized]] that [[the Master]] was not that kind of a [[king]]; they dimly felt that this might be his last [[visit]] to [[Jerusalem]] and [ Bethany].
172:0.2 That evening, [[Jesus]] [[received]] many [[visitors]], and the common folks of [ Bethany] and Bethpage did their best to make him [[feel]] [[welcome]]. Although many [[thought]] [[Jesus]] was now going into [[Jerusalem]], in utter defiance of the [[Sanhedrin]]'s [[decree]] of [[death]], to [[proclaim]] himself [[king]] of the [[Jews]], the [ Bethany] [[family]]—[[Lazarus]], [ Martha], and [ Mary]—more fully [[realized]] that [[the Master]] was not that kind of a [[king]]; they dimly felt that this might be his last [[visit]] to [[Jerusalem]] and [ Bethany].
172:0.3 The [ chief priests] were informed that [[Jesus]] lodged at [ Bethany], but they [[thought]] best not to attempt to seize him among his [[friends]]; they [[decided]] to await his coming on into [[Jerusalem]]. [[Jesus]] knew about all this, but he was [[majestically]] calm; his [[friends]] had never seen him more [[composed]] and congenial; even [[the apostles]] were astounded that he should be so unconcerned when the [[Sanhedrin]] had called upon all [ Jewry] to deliver him into their hands. While [[the Master]] [[slept]] that night, [[the apostles]] watched over him by [[two]]s, and many of them were girded with [ swords]. Early the next morning they were [[awakened]] by hundreds of [[pilgrims]] who came out from [[Jerusalem]], even on the [[Sabbath]] day, to see [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]], whom he had [ raised from the dead].
172:0.3 The [ chief priests] were informed that [[Jesus]] lodged at [ Bethany], but they [[thought]] best not to attempt to seize him among his [[friends]]; they [[decided]] to await his coming on into [[Jerusalem]]. [[Jesus]] knew about all this, but he was [[majestically]] calm; his [[friends]] had never seen him more [[composed]] and congenial; even [[the apostles]] were astounded that he should be so unconcerned when the [[Sanhedrin]] had called upon all [ Jewry] to deliver him into their hands. While [[the Master]] [[slept]] that night, [[the apostles]] watched over him by [[two]]s, and many of them were girded with [ swords]. Early the next morning they were [[awakened]] by hundreds of [[pilgrims]] who came out from [[Jerusalem]], even on the [[Sabbath]] day, to see [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]], whom he had [ raised from the dead].
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172:1.2 Six days before the [[Passover]], on the evening after the [[Sabbath]], all [ Bethany] and Bethpage joined in [[celebrating]] the arrival of [[Jesus]] by a [[public]] [[banquet]] at the [[home]] of Simon. This supper was in [[honor]] of both [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]]; it was tendered in defiance of the [[Sanhedrin]]. [ Martha] directed the serving of the food; her sister [ Mary] was among the [[women]] onlookers as it was against the [[custom]] of the [[Jews]] for a [[woman]] to sit at a [[public]] banquet. The [[agents]] of the [[Sanhedrin]] were present, but they [[feared]] to [[apprehend]] [[Jesus]] in the midst of his [[friends]].
172:1.2 Six days before the [[Passover]], on the evening after the [[Sabbath]], all [ Bethany] and Bethpage joined in [[celebrating]] the arrival of [[Jesus]] by a [[public]] [[banquet]] at the [[home]] of Simon. This supper was in [[honor]] of both [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]]; it was tendered in defiance of the [[Sanhedrin]]. [ Martha] directed the serving of the food; her sister [ Mary] was among the [[women]] onlookers as it was against the [[custom]] of the [[Jews]] for a [[woman]] to sit at a [[public]] banquet. The [[agents]] of the [[Sanhedrin]] were present, but they [[feared]] to [[apprehend]] [[Jesus]] in the midst of his [[friends]].
172:1.3 [[Jesus]] talked with Simon about [ Joshua] of old, whose namesake he was, and [[recited]] how[  Joshua] and the [ Israelites] had come up to [[Jerusalem]] through [ Jericho]. In commenting on the [[legend]] of the walls of [ Jericho] falling down[], [[Jesus]] said: " I am not concerned with such walls of brick and stone; but I would [[cause]] the walls of [[prejudice]],[[ self-righteousness]], and [[hate]] to crumble before this [[preaching]] of [[the Father]]'s [[love]] for all men. "
172:1.3 [[Jesus]] talked with Simon about [ Joshua] of old, whose namesake he was, and [[recited]] how[  Joshua] and the [ Israelites] had come up to [[Jerusalem]] through [ Jericho]. In commenting on the [[legend]] of the walls of [ Jericho] falling down[], [[Jesus]] said: " I am not concerned with such walls of brick and stone; but I would [[cause]] the walls of [[prejudice]],[[ self-righteousness]], and [[hate]] to crumble before this [[preaching]] of [[the Father]]'s [[love]] for all men. "
172:1.4 The [[banquet]] went along in a very [[cheerful]] and [[normal]] [[manner]] except that all [[the apostles]] were unusually [[sober]]. [[Jesus]] was exceptionally [[cheerful]] and had been [[playing]] with the [[children]] up to the time of coming to the table.
172:1.4 The [[banquet]] went along in a very [[cheerful]] and [[normal]] [[manner]] except that all [[the apostles]] were unusually [[sober]]. [[Jesus]] was exceptionally [[cheerful]] and had been [[playing]] with the [[children]] up to the time of coming to the table.
172:1.5 Nothing out of the [[ordinary]] happened until near the close of the [[feasting]] when [ Mary] the sister of [[Lazarus]] stepped forward from among the [[group]] of [[women]] onlookers and, going up to where [[Jesus]] reclined as the guest of [[honor]], [[proceeded]] to open a large [ alabaster] cruse of very rare and costly [ ointment]; and after [[anointing]] [[the Master]]'s head, she began to pour it upon his feet as she took down her hair and wiped them with it. The whole house became filled with the [[odor]] of the [ ointment], and everybody present was [[amazed]] at what [ Mary] had done. [[Lazarus]] said nothing, but when some of the people [[Whisper|murmured]], showing [[indignation]] that so costly an ointment should be thus used, [[Judas Iscariot]] stepped over to where [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] reclined and said: " Why was this ointment not sold and the [[money]] [[bestowed]] to feed the [[poor]]? You should speak to [[the Master]] that he [[rebuke]] such [[waste]]. "[]
172:1.5 Nothing out of the [[ordinary]] happened until near the close of the [[feasting]] when [ Mary] the sister of [[Lazarus]] stepped forward from among the [[group]] of [[women]] onlookers and, going up to where [[Jesus]] reclined as the guest of [[honor]], [[proceeded]] to open a large [ alabaster] cruse of very rare and costly [ ointment]; and after [[anointing]] [[the Master]]'s head, she began to pour it upon his feet as she took down her hair and wiped them with it. The whole house became filled with the [[odor]] of the [ ointment], and everybody present was [[amazed]] at what [ Mary] had done. [[Lazarus]] said nothing, but when some of the people [[Whisper|murmured]], showing [[indignation]] that so costly an ointment should be thus used, [[Judas Iscariot]] stepped over to where [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] reclined and said: " Why was this ointment not sold and the [[money]] [[bestowed]] to feed the [[poor]]? You should speak to [[the Master]] that he [[rebuke]] such [[waste]]. "[]
172:1.6 [[Jesus]], knowing what they [[thought]] and hearing what they said, put his hand upon [ Mary]'s head as she knelt by his side and, with a kindly [[expression]] upon his [[face]], said: " Let her alone, every one of you. Why do you trouble her about this, seeing that she has done a [[good]] [[thing]] in her [[heart]]? To you who [[murmur]] and say that this [ ointment] should have been sold and the [[money]] given to the [[poor]], let me say that you have the [[poor]] always with you so that you may [[minister]] to them at any time it seems [[good]] to you; but I shall not always be with you; I go soon to [[the Father|my Father]]. This [[woman]] has long saved this [ ointment] for my [[body]] at its [[burial]], and now that it has seemed [[good]] to her to make this [[anointing]] in [[anticipation]] of my [[death]], she shall not be denied such [[satisfaction]]. In the doing of this, [ Mary] has [[reproved]] all of you in that by this [[act]] she evinces [[faith]] in what I have said about my [[death]] and [ ascension] to [[the Father|my Father]] in [[heaven]]. This [[woman]] shall not be [[reproved]] for that which she has this night done; rather do I say to you that in the [[Epoch|ages]] to come, wherever this [[gospel]] shall be [[preached]] throughout the whole world, what she has done will be [[spoken]] of in [[memory]] of her. "[]
172:1.6 [[Jesus]], knowing what they [[thought]] and hearing what they said, put his hand upon [ Mary]'s head as she knelt by his side and, with a kindly [[expression]] upon his [[face]], said: " Let her alone, every one of you. Why do you trouble her about this, seeing that she has done a [[good]] [[thing]] in her [[heart]]? To you who [[murmur]] and say that this [ ointment] should have been sold and the [[money]] given to the [[poor]], let me say that you have the [[poor]] always with you so that you may [[minister]] to them at any time it seems [[good]] to you; but I shall not always be with you; I go soon to [[the Father|my Father]]. This [[woman]] has long saved this [ ointment] for my [[body]] at its [[burial]], and now that it has seemed [[good]] to her to make this [[anointing]] in [[anticipation]] of my [[death]], she shall not be denied such [[satisfaction]]. In the doing of this, [ Mary] has [[reproved]] all of you in that by this [[act]] she evinces [[faith]] in what I have said about my [[death]] and [ ascension] to [[the Father|my Father]] in [[heaven]]. This [[woman]] shall not be [[reproved]] for that which she has this night done; rather do I say to you that in the [[Epoch|ages]] to come, wherever this [[gospel]] shall be [[preached]] throughout the whole world, what she has done will be [[spoken]] of in [[memory]] of her. "[]
172:1.7 It was because of this [[rebuke]], which he took as a [[personal]] reproof, that [[Judas Iscariot]] finally made up his [[mind]] to seek [[revenge]] for his [[hurt]] [[feelings]]. Many times had he entertained such [[ideas]] [[subconsciously]], but now he [[dared]] to [[think]] such [[wicked]] [[thoughts]] in his open and [[conscious]] [[mind]]. And many others [[encouraged]] him in this [[attitude]] since the [[cost]] of this [ ointment] was a [[sum]] [[equal]] to the earnings of one man for one year—enough to [[provide]] bread for five thousand persons. But [ Mary] [[loved]] [[Jesus]]; she had provided this precious ointment with which to [[embalm]] his [[body]] in [[death]], for she [[believed]] his [[words]] when he fore[[warn]]ed them that he must [[die]], and it was not to be denied her if she [[changed]] her [[mind]] and [[chose]] to [[bestow]] this offering upon [[the Master]] while he yet lived.
172:1.7 It was because of this [[rebuke]], which he took as a [[personal]] reproof, that [[Judas Iscariot]] finally made up his [[mind]] to seek [[revenge]] for his [[hurt]] [[feelings]]. Many times had he entertained such [[ideas]] [[subconsciously]], but now he [[dared]] to [[think]] such [[wicked]] [[thoughts]] in his open and [[conscious]] [[mind]]. And many others [[encouraged]] him in this [[attitude]] since the [[cost]] of this [ ointment] was a [[sum]] [[equal]] to the earnings of one man for one year—enough to [[provide]] bread for five thousand persons. But [ Mary] [[loved]] [[Jesus]]; she had provided this precious ointment with which to [[embalm]] his [[body]] in [[death]], for she [[believed]] his [[words]] when he fore[[warn]]ed them that he must [[die]], and it was not to be denied her if she [[changed]] her [[mind]] and [[chose]] to [[bestow]] this offering upon [[the Master]] while he yet lived.
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172:1.8 Both [[Lazarus]] and [ Martha] knew that [ Mary] had long saved the [[money]] wherewith to buy this cruse of [ spikenard], and they [[heart]]ily [[approved]] of her doing as her [[heart]] [[desired]] in such a matter, for they were [[well-to-do]] and could easily afford to make such an offering.
172:1.8 Both [[Lazarus]] and [ Martha] knew that [ Mary] had long saved the [[money]] wherewith to buy this cruse of [ spikenard], and they [[heart]]ily [[approved]] of her doing as her [[heart]] [[desired]] in such a matter, for they were [[well-to-do]] and could easily afford to make such an offering.
172:1.9 When the [ chief priests] heard of this dinner in [ Bethany] for [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]], they began to take [[counsel]] among themselves as to what should be done with [[Lazarus]]. And presently they [[decided]] that [[Lazarus]] must also die. They rightly concluded that it would be useless to put [[Jesus]] to [[death]] if they permitted [[Lazarus]], whom he had [ raised from the dead], to live.
172:1.9 When the [ chief priests] heard of this dinner in [ Bethany] for [[Jesus]] and [[Lazarus]], they began to take [[counsel]] among themselves as to what should be done with [[Lazarus]]. And presently they [[decided]] that [[Lazarus]] must also die. They rightly concluded that it would be useless to put [[Jesus]] to [[death]] if they permitted [[Lazarus]], whom he had [ raised from the dead], to live.
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172:2.1 On this Sunday morning, in Simon's [[beautiful]] [[garden]], [[the Master]] called his [[twelve apostles]] around him and gave them their final instructions [[preparatory]] to entering [[Jerusalem]]. He told them that he would probably deliver many addresses and teach many lessons before returning to [[the Father]] but advised the [[apostles]] to refrain from doing any [[public]] work during this [[Passover]] [[sojourn]] in [[Jerusalem]]. He instructed them to remain near him and to " watch and [[pray]]. " [[Jesus]] knew that many of his [[apostles]] and [[immediate]] followers even then carried [ swords] concealed on their [[persons]], but he made no [[reference]] to this [[fact]].
172:2.1 On this Sunday morning, in Simon's [[beautiful]] [[garden]], [[the Master]] called his [[twelve apostles]] around him and gave them their final instructions [[preparatory]] to entering [[Jerusalem]]. He told them that he would probably deliver many addresses and teach many lessons before returning to [[the Father]] but advised the [[apostles]] to refrain from doing any [[public]] work during this [[Passover]] [[sojourn]] in [[Jerusalem]]. He instructed them to remain near him and to " watch and [[pray]]. " [[Jesus]] knew that many of his [[apostles]] and [[immediate]] followers even then carried [ swords] concealed on their [[persons]], but he made no [[reference]] to this [[fact]].
172:2.2 This [[morning]]'s instructions [[embraced]] a brief review of their [[ministry]] from the day of their [[ordination]][] near [ Capernaum] down to this day when they were [[preparing]] to enter [[Jerusalem]]. [[The apostles]] [[listened]] in [[silence]]; they asked no [[questions]].
172:2.2 This [[morning]]'s instructions [[embraced]] a brief review of their [[ministry]] from the day of their [[ordination]][] near [ Capernaum] down to this day when they were [[preparing]] to enter [[Jerusalem]]. [[The apostles]] [[listened]] in [[silence]]; they asked no [[questions]].
172:2.3 Early that [[morning]] [[David Zebedee]] had turned over to [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] the [[funds]] realized from the sale of the equipment of the [,_Jordan Pella] encampment, and [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]], in turn, had placed the greater part of this [[money]] in the hands of Simon, their [[host]], for safekeeping in [[anticipation]] of the [[exigencies]] of their entry into [[Jerusalem]].
172:2.3 Early that [[morning]] [[David Zebedee]] had turned over to [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] the [[funds]] realized from the sale of the equipment of the [,_Jordan Pella] encampment, and [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]], in turn, had placed the greater part of this [[money]] in the hands of Simon, their [[host]], for safekeeping in [[anticipation]] of the [[exigencies]] of their entry into [[Jerusalem]].
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172:3.1 [ Bethany] was about two miles from [ the temple], and it was half past one that Sunday afternoon when [[Jesus]] made ready to start for [[Jerusalem]]. He had [[feelings]] of [[profound]] [[affection]] for [ Bethany] and its [[simple]] people. [[Nazareth]], [ Capernaum], and [[Jerusalem]] had [[rejected]] him, but [ Bethany] had [[accepted]] him, had [[believed]] in him. And it was in this small village, where almost every [[man]], [[woman]], and [[child]] were [[believers]], that he [[chose]] to [[perform]] the mightiest work of his [ earth bestowal], the [ resurrection of Lazarus]. He did not raise [[Lazarus]] that the villagers might [[believe]], but rather because they already believed.
172:3.1 [ Bethany] was about two miles from [ the temple], and it was half past one that Sunday afternoon when [[Jesus]] made ready to start for [[Jerusalem]]. He had [[feelings]] of [[profound]] [[affection]] for [ Bethany] and its [[simple]] people. [[Nazareth]], [ Capernaum], and [[Jerusalem]] had [[rejected]] him, but [ Bethany] had [[accepted]] him, had [[believed]] in him. And it was in this small village, where almost every [[man]], [[woman]], and [[child]] were [[believers]], that he [[chose]] to [[perform]] the mightiest work of his [ earth bestowal], the [ resurrection of Lazarus]. He did not raise [[Lazarus]] that the villagers might [[believe]], but rather because they already believed.
172:3.2 All [[morning]] [[Jesus]] had [[thought]] about his entry into [[Jerusalem]]. Heretofore he had always endeavored to [[suppress]] all [[public]] [[acclaim]] of him as [ the Messiah], but it was [[different]] now; he was nearing the end of his [[career]] in the [[flesh]], his [[death]] had been [[decreed]] by the [[Sanhedrin]], and no [[harm]] could come from allowing his [[disciples]] to give [[free]] [[expression]] to their [[feelings]], just as might occur if he [[elected]] to make a [[formal]] and [[public]] entry into the [[city]].
172:3.2 All [[morning]] [[Jesus]] had [[thought]] about his entry into [[Jerusalem]]. Heretofore he had always endeavored to [[suppress]] all [[public]] [[acclaim]] of him as [ the Messiah], but it was [[different]] now; he was nearing the end of his [[career]] in the [[flesh]], his [[death]] had been [[decreed]] by the [[Sanhedrin]], and no [[harm]] could come from allowing his [[disciples]] to give [[free]] [[expression]] to their [[feelings]], just as might occur if he [[elected]] to make a [[formal]] and [[public]] entry into the [[city]].
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172:3.3 [[Jesus]] did not [[decide]] to make this [[public]] entrance into [[Jerusalem]] as a last bid for [[popular]] [[favor]] nor as a final grasp for [[power]]. Neither did he do it altogether to [[satisfy]] the [[human]] [[longings]] of his [[disciples]] and [[apostles]]. [[Jesus]] entertained none of the [[illusions]] of a [[fantastic]] [[dreamer]]; he well [[knew]] what was to be the outcome of this [[visit]].
172:3.3 [[Jesus]] did not [[decide]] to make this [[public]] entrance into [[Jerusalem]] as a last bid for [[popular]] [[favor]] nor as a final grasp for [[power]]. Neither did he do it altogether to [[satisfy]] the [[human]] [[longings]] of his [[disciples]] and [[apostles]]. [[Jesus]] entertained none of the [[illusions]] of a [[fantastic]] [[dreamer]]; he well [[knew]] what was to be the outcome of this [[visit]].
172:3.4 Having [[decided]] upon making a [[public]] entrance into [[Jerusalem]], [[the Master]] was [[confronted]] with the [[necessity]] of [[choosing]] a proper [[method]] of [[executing]] such a [[resolve]]. [[Jesus]] [[thought]] over all of the many more or less [[contradictory]] so-called [ Messianic prophesies], but there seemed to be only one which was at all appropriate for him to follow. Most of these [[prophetic]] utterances depicted a [[king]], the son and successor of [ David], a [[bold]] and [[aggressive]] [[temporal]] deliverer of all [[Israel]] from the [[yoke]] of [[foreign]] [[domination]]. But there was one [[Scripture]] that had sometimes been [[associated]] with the [[Messiah]] by those who held more to the [[spiritual]] [[concept]] of his [[mission]], which [[Jesus]] [[thought]] might [[consistently]] be taken as a [[guide]] for his [[projected]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. This [[Scripture]] was found in [ Zechariah], and it said: " [[Rejoice]] greatly, O daughter of [[Zion]]; shout, O daughter of [[Jerusalem]]. Behold, your [[king]] comes to you. He is [[just]] and he brings [[salvation]]. He comes as the lowly one, riding upon an ass, upon a colt, the foal of an [ ass]. "[]
172:3.4 Having [[decided]] upon making a [[public]] entrance into [[Jerusalem]], [[the Master]] was [[confronted]] with the [[necessity]] of [[choosing]] a proper [[method]] of [[executing]] such a [[resolve]]. [[Jesus]] [[thought]] over all of the many more or less [[contradictory]] so-called [ Messianic prophesies], but there seemed to be only one which was at all appropriate for him to follow. Most of these [[prophetic]] utterances depicted a [[king]], the son and successor of [ David], a [[bold]] and [[aggressive]] [[temporal]] deliverer of all [[Israel]] from the [[yoke]] of [[foreign]] [[domination]]. But there was one [[Scripture]] that had sometimes been [[associated]] with the [[Messiah]] by those who held more to the [[spiritual]] [[concept]] of his [[mission]], which [[Jesus]] [[thought]] might [[consistently]] be taken as a [[guide]] for his [[projected]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. This [[Scripture]] was found in [ Zechariah], and it said: " [[Rejoice]] greatly, O daughter of [[Zion]]; shout, O daughter of [[Jerusalem]]. Behold, your [[king]] comes to you. He is [[just]] and he brings [[salvation]]. He comes as the lowly one, riding upon an ass, upon a colt, the foal of an [ ass]. "[]
172:3.5 A [[warrior]] [[king]] always entered a [[city]] riding upon a horse; a [[king]] on a [[mission]] of [[peace]] and [[friendship]] always entered riding upon an [ ass]. [[Jesus]] would not enter [[Jerusalem]] as a man on horseback, but he was willing to enter [[peacefully]] and with [[good]] will as the [ Son of Man] on a [ donkey].
172:3.5 A [[warrior]] [[king]] always entered a [[city]] riding upon a horse; a [[king]] on a [[mission]] of [[peace]] and [[friendship]] always entered riding upon an [ ass]. [[Jesus]] would not enter [[Jerusalem]] as a man on horseback, but he was willing to enter [[peacefully]] and with [[good]] will as the [ Son of Man] on a [ donkey].
172:3.6 [[Jesus]] had long tried by direct [[teaching]] to impress upon his [[apostles]] and his [[disciples]] that [[the kingdom|his kingdom]] was not of this world, that it was a [[purely]] [[spiritual]] matter; but he had not [[succeeded]] in this [[effort]]. Now, what he had [[failed]] to do by [[plain]] and [[personal]] [[teaching]], he would attempt to accomplish by a [[symbolic]] [[appeal]]. Accordingly, right after the noon lunch, [[Jesus]] called [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[John, the Apostle|John]], and after directing them to go over to Bethpage, a [[neighboring]] village a little off the main road and a short distance northwest of [ Bethany], he further said: " Go to Bethpage, and when you come to the junction of the roads, you will find the colt of an [ ass] tied there. Loose the colt and bring it back with you. If any one asks you why you do this, merely say, `[[The Master]] has need of him.' "[] And when the [[two]] [[apostles]] had gone into Bethpage as [[the Master]] had directed, they found the colt tied near his [[mother]] in the open street and close to a house on the corner. As [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] began to untie the colt, the owner came over and asked why they did this, and when [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] answered him as [[Jesus]] had directed, the man said: " If your Master is [[Jesus]] from [[Galilee]], let him have the colt. "[] And so they returned bringing the colt with them.
172:3.6 [[Jesus]] had long tried by direct [[teaching]] to impress upon his [[apostles]] and his [[disciples]] that [[the kingdom|his kingdom]] was not of this world, that it was a [[purely]] [[spiritual]] matter; but he had not [[succeeded]] in this [[effort]]. Now, what he had [[failed]] to do by [[plain]] and [[personal]] [[teaching]], he would attempt to accomplish by a [[symbolic]] [[appeal]]. Accordingly, right after the noon lunch, [[Jesus]] called [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[John, the Apostle|John]], and after directing them to go over to Bethpage, a [[neighboring]] village a little off the main road and a short distance northwest of [ Bethany], he further said: " Go to Bethpage, and when you come to the junction of the roads, you will find the colt of an [ ass] tied there. Loose the colt and bring it back with you. If any one asks you why you do this, merely say, `[[The Master]] has need of him.' "[] And when the [[two]] [[apostles]] had gone into Bethpage as [[the Master]] had directed, they found the colt tied near his [[mother]] in the open street and close to a house on the corner. As [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] began to untie the colt, the owner came over and asked why they did this, and when [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] answered him as [[Jesus]] had directed, the man said: " If your Master is [[Jesus]] from [[Galilee]], let him have the colt. "[] And so they returned bringing the colt with them.
172:3.7 By this time several hundred [[pilgrims]] had gathered around [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]]. Since midforenoon the [[visitors]] passing by on their way to the [[Passover]] had tarried. Meanwhile, [[David Zebedee]] and some of his former [[messenger]] [[associates]] took it upon themselves to hasten on down to [[Jerusalem]], where they [[effectively]] spread the report among the throngs of [[visiting]] [[pilgrims]] about [ the temple] that [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was making a [[triumphal]] entry into the [[city]]. Accordingly, several thousand of these [[visitors]] flocked forth to greet this much-talked-of [[prophet]] and [[wonder]]-worker, whom some [[believed]] to be the [[Messiah]]. This multitude, coming out from [[Jerusalem]], met [[Jesus]] and the crowd going into the [[city]] just after they had passed over the brow of [ Olivet] and had begun the [[descent]] into the [[city]].
172:3.7 By this time several hundred [[pilgrims]] had gathered around [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]]. Since midforenoon the [[visitors]] passing by on their way to the [[Passover]] had tarried. Meanwhile, [[David Zebedee]] and some of his former [[messenger]] [[associates]] took it upon themselves to hasten on down to [[Jerusalem]], where they [[effectively]] spread the report among the throngs of [[visiting]] [[pilgrims]] about [ the temple] that [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was making a [[triumphal]] entry into the [[city]]. Accordingly, several thousand of these [[visitors]] flocked forth to greet this much-talked-of [[prophet]] and [[wonder]]-worker, whom some [[believed]] to be the [[Messiah]]. This multitude, coming out from [[Jerusalem]], met [[Jesus]] and the crowd going into the [[city]] just after they had passed over the brow of [ Olivet] and had begun the [[descent]] into the [[city]].
172:3.8 As the [[procession]] started out from [ Bethany], there was great [[enthusiasm]] among the festive crowd of [[disciples]], [[believers]], and [[visiting]] [[pilgrims]], many hailing from [[Galilee]] and [ Perea]. Just before they started, the [[twelve]] [[women]] of the [[original]] [ women's corps], accompanied by some of their [[associates]], arrived on the scene and joined this [[unique]] [[procession]] as it moved on [[joyously]] toward the [[city]].
172:3.8 As the [[procession]] started out from [ Bethany], there was great [[enthusiasm]] among the festive crowd of [[disciples]], [[believers]], and [[visiting]] [[pilgrims]], many hailing from [[Galilee]] and [ Perea]. Just before they started, the [[twelve]] [[women]] of the [[original]] [ women's corps], accompanied by some of their [[associates]], arrived on the scene and joined this [[unique]] [[procession]] as it moved on [[joyously]] toward the [[city]].
172:3.9 Before they started, the [[Alpheus twins]] put their cloaks on the [ donkey] and held him while [[the Master]] got on. As the [[procession]] moved toward the [[summit]] of [ Olivet], the festive crowd threw their [[garments]] on the ground and brought branches from the near-by trees in order to make a carpet of [[honor]] for the donkey bearing the royal [[Creator Son|Son]], the [[promised]] [ Messiah]. As the merry crowd moved on toward [[Jerusalem]], they began to [[sing]], or rather to shout in unison, the Psalm, " Hosanna to the son of [ David]; [[blessed]] is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. [[Blessed]] be [[the kingdom]] that comes down from [[heaven]]. "[]
172:3.9 Before they started, the [[Alpheus twins]] put their cloaks on the [ donkey] and held him while [[the Master]] got on. As the [[procession]] moved toward the [[summit]] of [ Olivet], the festive crowd threw their [[garments]] on the ground and brought branches from the near-by trees in order to make a carpet of [[honor]] for the donkey bearing the royal [[Creator Son|Son]], the [[promised]] [ Messiah]. As the merry crowd moved on toward [[Jerusalem]], they began to [[sing]], or rather to shout in unison, the Psalm, " Hosanna to the son of [ David]; [[blessed]] is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. [[Blessed]] be [[the kingdom]] that comes down from [[heaven]]. "[]
172:3.10 [[Jesus]] was lighthearted and [[cheerful]] as they moved along until he came to the brow of [ Olivet], where [[Jerusalem|the city]] and [ the temple] towers came into full view; there [[the Master]] stopped the [[procession]], and a great [[silence]] came upon all as they beheld him [[weeping]]. Looking down upon the vast multitude coming forth from the [[city]] to greet him, [[the Master]], with much [[emotion]] and with tearful [[voice]], said: " O [[Jerusalem]], if you had only known, even you, at least in this your day, the [[things]] which belong to your [[peace]], and which you could so [[freely]] have had! But now are these [[glories]] about to be hid from your eyes. You are about to reject the [ Son of Peace] and turn your backs upon the [[gospel]] of [[salvation]]. The days will soon come upon you wherein your [[enemies]] will cast a trench around about you and lay [[siege]] to you on every side; they shall utterly destroy you, insomuch that not one stone shall be left upon another. And all this shall befall you because you knew not the [[time]] of your [[divine]] [[visitation]]. You are about to [[reject]] the gift of [[God]], and all men will [[reject]] you. "[]
172:3.10 [[Jesus]] was lighthearted and [[cheerful]] as they moved along until he came to the brow of [ Olivet], where [[Jerusalem|the city]] and [ the temple] towers came into full view; there [[the Master]] stopped the [[procession]], and a great [[silence]] came upon all as they beheld him [[weeping]]. Looking down upon the vast multitude coming forth from the [[city]] to greet him, [[the Master]], with much [[emotion]] and with tearful [[voice]], said: " O [[Jerusalem]], if you had only known, even you, at least in this your day, the [[things]] which belong to your [[peace]], and which you could so [[freely]] have had! But now are these [[glories]] about to be hid from your eyes. You are about to reject the [ Son of Peace] and turn your backs upon the [[gospel]] of [[salvation]]. The days will soon come upon you wherein your [[enemies]] will cast a trench around about you and lay [[siege]] to you on every side; they shall utterly destroy you, insomuch that not one stone shall be left upon another. And all this shall befall you because you knew not the [[time]] of your [[divine]] [[visitation]]. You are about to [[reject]] the gift of [[God]], and all men will [[reject]] you. "[]
172:3.11 When he had finished [[speaking]], they began the [[descent]] of [ Olivet] and presently were joined by [[the multitude]] of [[visitors]] who had come from [[Jerusalem]] waving [ palm branches], shouting hosannas, and otherwise [[expressing]] [[Joy|gleefulness]] and [[good]] fellowship. [[The Master]] had not [[planned]] that these crowds should come out from [[Jerusalem]] to meet them; that was the [[work]] of others. He never premeditated anything which was [[dramatic]].
172:3.11 When he had finished [[speaking]], they began the [[descent]] of [ Olivet] and presently were joined by [[the multitude]] of [[visitors]] who had come from [[Jerusalem]] waving [ palm branches], shouting hosannas, and otherwise [[expressing]] [[Joy|gleefulness]] and [[good]] fellowship. [[The Master]] had not [[planned]] that these crowds should come out from [[Jerusalem]] to meet them; that was the [[work]] of others. He never premeditated anything which was [[dramatic]].
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172:3.12 Along with [[the multitude]] which poured out to [[welcome]] [[the Master]], there came also many of the [[Pharisees]] and his other [[enemies]]. They were so much perturbed by this sudden and unexpected outburst of [[popular]] [[acclaim]] that they [[feared]] to [[arrest]] him lest such [[action]] precipitate an open [[revolt]] of the [[populace]]. They greatly [[feared]] the [[attitude]] of the large numbers of [[visitors]], who had heard much of [[Jesus]], and who, many of them, [[believed]] in him.
172:3.12 Along with [[the multitude]] which poured out to [[welcome]] [[the Master]], there came also many of the [[Pharisees]] and his other [[enemies]]. They were so much perturbed by this sudden and unexpected outburst of [[popular]] [[acclaim]] that they [[feared]] to [[arrest]] him lest such [[action]] precipitate an open [[revolt]] of the [[populace]]. They greatly [[feared]] the [[attitude]] of the large numbers of [[visitors]], who had heard much of [[Jesus]], and who, many of them, [[believed]] in him.
172:3.13 As they neared [[Jerusalem]], the crowd became more [[demonstrative]], so much so that some of the [[Pharisees]] made their way up alongside [[Jesus]] and said: " [[Teacher]], you should [[rebuke]] your [[disciples]] and exhort them to behave more seemly. "[] [[Jesus]] answered: "[] It is only fitting that these [[children]] should welcome the [ Son of Peace], whom the [ chief priests] have [[rejected]]. It would be useless to stop them lest in their stead these stones by the roadside [[cry]] out. "[]
172:3.13 As they neared [[Jerusalem]], the crowd became more [[demonstrative]], so much so that some of the [[Pharisees]] made their way up alongside [[Jesus]] and said: " [[Teacher]], you should [[rebuke]] your [[disciples]] and exhort them to behave more seemly. "[] [[Jesus]] answered: "[] It is only fitting that these [[children]] should welcome the [ Son of Peace], whom the [ chief priests] have [[rejected]]. It would be useless to stop them lest in their stead these stones by the roadside [[cry]] out. "[]
172:3.14 The [[Pharisees]] hastened on ahead of the [[procession]] to rejoin the [[Sanhedrin]], which was then in session at [ the temple], and they reported to their [[associates]]: " Behold, all that we do is of no avail; we are confounded by this [[Galilean]]. The people have gone mad over him; if we do not stop these [[ignorant]] ones, all the world will go after him. "[]
172:3.14 The [[Pharisees]] hastened on ahead of the [[procession]] to rejoin the [[Sanhedrin]], which was then in session at [ the temple], and they reported to their [[associates]]: " Behold, all that we do is of no avail; we are confounded by this [[Galilean]]. The people have gone mad over him; if we do not stop these [[ignorant]] ones, all the world will go after him. "[]
172:3.15 There really was no deep significance to be attached to this [[superficial]] and [[spontaneous]] outburst of [[popular]] [[enthusiasm]]. This [[welcome]], although it was [[joyous]] and [[sincere]], did not betoken any real or deep-seated [[conviction]] in the [[hearts]] of this festive [[Public|multitude]]. These same crowds were [[equally]] as willing quickly to [[reject]] [[Jesus]] later on this week when the [[Sanhedrin]] once took a firm and [[decided]] stand against him, and when they became [[disillusioned]]—when they [[realized]] that [[Jesus]] was not going to [[establish]] [[the kingdom]] in [[accordance]] with their [ long-cherished] [[expectations]].
172:3.15 There really was no deep significance to be attached to this [[superficial]] and [[spontaneous]] outburst of [[popular]] [[enthusiasm]]. This [[welcome]], although it was [[joyous]] and [[sincere]], did not betoken any real or deep-seated [[conviction]] in the [[hearts]] of this festive [[Public|multitude]]. These same crowds were [[equally]] as willing quickly to [[reject]] [[Jesus]] later on this week when the [[Sanhedrin]] once took a firm and [[decided]] stand against him, and when they became [[disillusioned]]—when they [[realized]] that [[Jesus]] was not going to [[establish]] [[the kingdom]] in [[accordance]] with their [ long-cherished] [[expectations]].
172:3.16 But the whole [[city]] was mightily stirred up, insomuch that everyone asked, " Who is this [[man]]? " And [[the multitude]] answered, " This is the [[prophet]] of [[Galilee]], [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]]. "[]
172:3.16 But the whole [[city]] was mightily stirred up, insomuch that everyone asked, " Who is this [[man]]? " And [[the multitude]] answered, " This is the [[prophet]] of [[Galilee]], [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]]. "[]
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172:4.1 While the [[Alpheus twins]] returned the [ donkey] to its owner, [[Jesus]] and the ten [[apostles]] detached themselves from their [[immediate]] [[associates]] and strolled about [ the temple], viewing the [[preparations]] for the [[Passover]]. No attempt was made to molest [[Jesus]] as the [[Sanhedrin]] greatly [[feared]] [[the people]], and that was, after all, one of the reasons [[Jesus]] had for allowing the multitude thus to [[acclaim]] him. [[The apostles]] little [[understood]] that this was the only human [[procedure]] which could have been [[effective]] in preventing [[Jesus]]' [[immediate]] [[arrest]] upon entering the [[city]]. [[The Master]] [[desired]] to give the [[inhabitants]] of [[Jerusalem]], high and low, as well as the tens of thousands of [[Passover]] [[visitors]], this one more and last [[chance]] to hear the [[gospel]] and [[receive]], if they would, the [ Son of Peace].
172:4.1 While the [[Alpheus twins]] returned the [ donkey] to its owner, [[Jesus]] and the ten [[apostles]] detached themselves from their [[immediate]] [[associates]] and strolled about [ the temple], viewing the [[preparations]] for the [[Passover]]. No attempt was made to molest [[Jesus]] as the [[Sanhedrin]] greatly [[feared]] [[the people]], and that was, after all, one of the reasons [[Jesus]] had for allowing the multitude thus to [[acclaim]] him. [[The apostles]] little [[understood]] that this was the only human [[procedure]] which could have been [[effective]] in preventing [[Jesus]]' [[immediate]] [[arrest]] upon entering the [[city]]. [[The Master]] [[desired]] to give the [[inhabitants]] of [[Jerusalem]], high and low, as well as the tens of thousands of [[Passover]] [[visitors]], this one more and last [[chance]] to hear the [[gospel]] and [[receive]], if they would, the [ Son of Peace].
172:4.2 And now, as the evening drew on and the crowds went in [[quest]] of nourishment, [[Jesus]] and his [[immediate]] followers were left alone. What a [[strange]] day it had been! [[The apostles]] were thoughtful, but speechless. Never, in their years of [[association]] with [[Jesus]], had they seen such a day. For a [[moment]] they sat down by the [[treasury]], watching the people drop in their contributions: the [[rich]] putting much in the receiving box and all giving something in [[Proportion|accordance]] with the extent of their [[possessions]]. At last there came along a [[poor]] [[widow]], scantily attired, and they [[observed]] as she cast two mites (small coppers) into the trumpet. And then said [[Jesus]], calling the [[attention]] of [[the apostles]] to the [[widow]]: " Heed well what you have just seen. This [[poor]] [[widow]] cast in more than all the others, for all these others, from their superfluity, cast in some trifle as a [[gift]], but this [[poor]] [[woman]], even though she is in want, gave all that she had, even her living."[]
172:4.2 And now, as the evening drew on and the crowds went in [[quest]] of nourishment, [[Jesus]] and his [[immediate]] followers were left alone. What a [[strange]] day it had been! [[The apostles]] were thoughtful, but speechless. Never, in their years of [[association]] with [[Jesus]], had they seen such a day. For a [[moment]] they sat down by the [[treasury]], watching the people drop in their contributions: the [[rich]] putting much in the receiving box and all giving something in [[Proportion|accordance]] with the extent of their [[possessions]]. At last there came along a [[poor]] [[widow]], scantily attired, and they [[observed]] as she cast two mites (small coppers) into the trumpet. And then said [[Jesus]], calling the [[attention]] of [[the apostles]] to the [[widow]]: " Heed well what you have just seen. This [[poor]] [[widow]] cast in more than all the others, for all these others, from their superfluity, cast in some trifle as a [[gift]], but this [[poor]] [[woman]], even though she is in want, gave all that she had, even her living."[]
172:4.3 As the evening drew on, they walked about the [ temple courts] in [[silence]], and after [[Jesus]] had surveyed these familiar scenes once more, recalling his [[emotions]] in connection with previous [[visits]], not excepting the earlier ones, he said, " Let us go up to [ Bethany] for our [[rest]]. "[] [[Jesus]], with [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[John, the Apostle|John]], went to the [[home]] of Simon, while the other [[apostles]] lodged among their [[friends]] in [ Bethany] and Bethpage.
172:4.3 As the evening drew on, they walked about the [ temple courts] in [[silence]], and after [[Jesus]] had surveyed these familiar scenes once more, recalling his [[emotions]] in connection with previous [[visits]], not excepting the earlier ones, he said, " Let us go up to [ Bethany] for our [[rest]]. "[] [[Jesus]], with [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[John, the Apostle|John]], went to the [[home]] of Simon, while the other [[apostles]] lodged among their [[friends]] in [ Bethany] and Bethpage.
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172:5.4 To [[James Zebedee]], this Sunday was a day of perplexity and [[profound]] [[confusion]]; he could not grasp the [[purport]] of what was going on; he could not [[comprehend]] [[the Master]]'s [[purpose]] in [[permitting]] this wild [[acclaim]] and then in refusing to say a [[word]] to the people when they arrived at [ the temple]. As the [[procession]] moved down [ Olivet] toward [[Jerusalem]], more especially when they were met by the thousands of [[pilgrims]] who poured forth to [[welcome]] [[the Master]], [[James Zebedee|James]] was [[cruelly]] torn by his [[conflicting]] [[emotions]] of elation and [[gratification]] at what he saw and by his [[profound]] [[feeling]] of [[fear]] as to what would happen when they reached [ the temple]. And then was he [[downcast]] and overcome by [[disappointment]] when [[Jesus]] climbed off the donkey and [[proceeded]] to walk [[leisurely]] about the [ temple courts]. [[James Zebedee|James]] could not [[understand]] the reason for throwing away such a [[magnificent]] [[opportunity]] to [[proclaim]] [[the kingdom]]. By night, his [[mind]] was held firmly in the grip of a distressing and dreadful [[uncertainty]].
172:5.4 To [[James Zebedee]], this Sunday was a day of perplexity and [[profound]] [[confusion]]; he could not grasp the [[purport]] of what was going on; he could not [[comprehend]] [[the Master]]'s [[purpose]] in [[permitting]] this wild [[acclaim]] and then in refusing to say a [[word]] to the people when they arrived at [ the temple]. As the [[procession]] moved down [ Olivet] toward [[Jerusalem]], more especially when they were met by the thousands of [[pilgrims]] who poured forth to [[welcome]] [[the Master]], [[James Zebedee|James]] was [[cruelly]] torn by his [[conflicting]] [[emotions]] of elation and [[gratification]] at what he saw and by his [[profound]] [[feeling]] of [[fear]] as to what would happen when they reached [ the temple]. And then was he [[downcast]] and overcome by [[disappointment]] when [[Jesus]] climbed off the donkey and [[proceeded]] to walk [[leisurely]] about the [ temple courts]. [[James Zebedee|James]] could not [[understand]] the reason for throwing away such a [[magnificent]] [[opportunity]] to [[proclaim]] [[the kingdom]]. By night, his [[mind]] was held firmly in the grip of a distressing and dreadful [[uncertainty]].
172:5.5 [[John Zebedee]] came somewhere near [[understanding]] why [[Jesus]] did this; at least he grasped in part the [[spiritual]] significance of this so-called [[triumphal]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. As [[the multitude]] moved on toward [ the temple], and as [[John, the Apostle|John]] beheld his Master sitting there astride the colt, he recalled hearing [[Jesus]] onetime quote the passage of [[Scripture]], the [ utterance of Zechariah], which described the coming of the [[Messiah]] as a man of [[peace]] and riding into [[Jerusalem]] on an [ ass]. As [[John, the Apostle|John]] turned this [[Scripture]] over in his [[mind]], he began to [[comprehend]] the [[symbolic]] significance of this Sunday-afternoon [[pageant]]. At least, he grasped enough of the [[meaning]] of this [[Scripture]] to enable him somewhat to [[enjoy]] the [[episode]] and to [[prevent]] his becoming overmuch [[depressed]] by the [[apparent]] purposeless ending of the [[triumphal]] [[procession]]. [[John, the Apostle|John]] had a [[type]] of [[mind]] which [[naturally]] tended to [[think]] and [[feel]] in [[symbols]].
172:5.5 [[John Zebedee]] came somewhere near [[understanding]] why [[Jesus]] did this; at least he grasped in part the [[spiritual]] significance of this so-called [[triumphal]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. As [[the multitude]] moved on toward [ the temple], and as [[John, the Apostle|John]] beheld his Master sitting there astride the colt, he recalled hearing [[Jesus]] onetime quote the passage of [[Scripture]], the [ utterance of Zechariah], which described the coming of the [[Messiah]] as a man of [[peace]] and riding into [[Jerusalem]] on an [ ass]. As [[John, the Apostle|John]] turned this [[Scripture]] over in his [[mind]], he began to [[comprehend]] the [[symbolic]] significance of this Sunday-afternoon [[pageant]]. At least, he grasped enough of the [[meaning]] of this [[Scripture]] to enable him somewhat to [[enjoy]] the [[episode]] and to [[prevent]] his becoming overmuch [[depressed]] by the [[apparent]] purposeless ending of the [[triumphal]] [[procession]]. [[John, the Apostle|John]] had a [[type]] of [[mind]] which [[naturally]] tended to [[think]] and [[feel]] in [[symbols]].
172:5.6 [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] was entirely unsettled by the suddenness and [[spontaneity]] of the outburst. He could not collect his [[thoughts]] sufficiently while on the way down [ Olivet] to arrive at any settled notion as to what all the [[demonstration]] was about. In a way, he [[enjoyed]] the [[performance]] because his Master was being [[honored]]. By the time they reached [ the temple], he was perturbed by the [[thought]] that [[Jesus]] might possibly ask him to feed [[the multitude]], so that the [[conduct]] of [[Jesus]] in turning [[leisurely]] away from the crowds, which so sorely [[disappointed]] the [[majority]] of [[the apostles]], was a great relief to [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]]. Multitudes had sometimes been a great [[trial]] to the steward of [[the twelve]]. After he was relieved of these [[personal]] [[fears]] regarding the [[material]] needs of the crowds, [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] joined with [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] in the [[expression]] of [[disappointment]] that nothing was done to teach [[the multitude]]. That night [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] got to [[thinking]] over these [[experiences]] and was [[tempted]] to [[doubt]] the whole [[idea]] of [[the kingdom]]; he [[honestly]] [[wondered]] what all these [[things]] could mean, but he [[expressed]] his [[doubts]] to no one; he [[loved]] [[Jesus]] too much. He had great [[personal]] [[faith]] in [[the Master]].
172:5.6 [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] was entirely unsettled by the suddenness and [[spontaneity]] of the outburst. He could not collect his [[thoughts]] sufficiently while on the way down [ Olivet] to arrive at any settled notion as to what all the [[demonstration]] was about. In a way, he [[enjoyed]] the [[performance]] because his Master was being [[honored]]. By the time they reached [ the temple], he was perturbed by the [[thought]] that [[Jesus]] might possibly ask him to feed [[the multitude]], so that the [[conduct]] of [[Jesus]] in turning [[leisurely]] away from the crowds, which so sorely [[disappointed]] the [[majority]] of [[the apostles]], was a great relief to [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]]. Multitudes had sometimes been a great [[trial]] to the steward of [[the twelve]]. After he was relieved of these [[personal]] [[fears]] regarding the [[material]] needs of the crowds, [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] joined with [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] in the [[expression]] of [[disappointment]] that nothing was done to teach [[the multitude]]. That night [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] got to [[thinking]] over these [[experiences]] and was [[tempted]] to [[doubt]] the whole [[idea]] of [[the kingdom]]; he [[honestly]] [[wondered]] what all these [[things]] could mean, but he [[expressed]] his [[doubts]] to no one; he [[loved]] [[Jesus]] too much. He had great [[personal]] [[faith]] in [[the Master]].
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172:5.7 [[Nathaniel]], aside from the [[symbolic]] and [[prophetic]] aspects, came the nearest to [[understanding]] [[the Master]]'s reason for enlisting the [[popular]] [[support]] of the [[Passover]] [[pilgrims]]. He reasoned it out, before they reached [ the temple], that without such a [[demonstrative]] entry into [[Jerusalem]] [[Jesus]] would have been [[arrested]] by the [[Sanhedrin]] officials and cast into [[prison]] the [[moment]] he [[presumed]] to enter the [[city]]. He was not, therefore, in the least [[surprised]] that [[the Master]] made no further use of the cheering crowds when he had once got inside the walls of the [[city]] and had thus so forcibly impressed the [[Jewish]] [[leaders]] that they would refrain from placing him under [[immediate]] [[arrest]]. [[Understanding]] the real reason for [[the Master]]'s entering the [[city]] in this [[manner]], [[Nathaniel]] naturally followed along with more [[poise]] and was less perturbed and [[disappointed]] by [[Jesus]]' subsequent [[conduct]] than were the other [[apostles]]. [[Nathaniel]] had great [[confidence]] in [[Jesus]]' [[understanding]] of men as well as in his [[sagacity]] and [[cleverness]] in handling [[difficult]] situations.
172:5.7 [[Nathaniel]], aside from the [[symbolic]] and [[prophetic]] aspects, came the nearest to [[understanding]] [[the Master]]'s reason for enlisting the [[popular]] [[support]] of the [[Passover]] [[pilgrims]]. He reasoned it out, before they reached [ the temple], that without such a [[demonstrative]] entry into [[Jerusalem]] [[Jesus]] would have been [[arrested]] by the [[Sanhedrin]] officials and cast into [[prison]] the [[moment]] he [[presumed]] to enter the [[city]]. He was not, therefore, in the least [[surprised]] that [[the Master]] made no further use of the cheering crowds when he had once got inside the walls of the [[city]] and had thus so forcibly impressed the [[Jewish]] [[leaders]] that they would refrain from placing him under [[immediate]] [[arrest]]. [[Understanding]] the real reason for [[the Master]]'s entering the [[city]] in this [[manner]], [[Nathaniel]] naturally followed along with more [[poise]] and was less perturbed and [[disappointed]] by [[Jesus]]' subsequent [[conduct]] than were the other [[apostles]]. [[Nathaniel]] had great [[confidence]] in [[Jesus]]' [[understanding]] of men as well as in his [[sagacity]] and [[cleverness]] in handling [[difficult]] situations.
172:5.8 [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] was at first nonplused by this [[pageant]] [[performance]]. He did not grasp the [[meaning]] of what his eyes were seeing until he also recalled the [ Scripture in Zechariah] where the [[prophet]] had alluded to the [[rejoicing]] of [[Jerusalem]] because her [[king]] had come bringing [[salvation]] and riding upon the colt of an [ ass]. As the [[procession]] moved in the direction of the [[city]] and then drew on toward [ the temple], [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] became [[ecstatic]]; he was certain that something [[extraordinary]] would happen when [[the Master]] arrived at the [[temple]] at the head of this shouting multitude. When one of the [[Pharisees]] [[mocked]] [[Jesus]], saying, " Look, everybody, see who comes here, the [[king]] of the [[Jews]] riding on an ass! " [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] kept his hands off of him only by [[exercising]] great [[restraint]]. None of [[the twelve]] was more [[depressed]] on the way back to [ Bethany] that evening. Next to [[Simon Peter]] and [[Simon Zelotes]], he [[experienced]] the highest nervous [[tension]] and was in a [[state]] of [[exhaustion]] by night. But by morning [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] was much [[cheered]]; he was, after all, a cheerful loser.
172:5.8 [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] was at first nonplused by this [[pageant]] [[performance]]. He did not grasp the [[meaning]] of what his eyes were seeing until he also recalled the [ Scripture in Zechariah] where the [[prophet]] had alluded to the [[rejoicing]] of [[Jerusalem]] because her [[king]] had come bringing [[salvation]] and riding upon the colt of an [ ass]. As the [[procession]] moved in the direction of the [[city]] and then drew on toward [ the temple], [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] became [[ecstatic]]; he was certain that something [[extraordinary]] would happen when [[the Master]] arrived at the [[temple]] at the head of this shouting multitude. When one of the [[Pharisees]] [[mocked]] [[Jesus]], saying, " Look, everybody, see who comes here, the [[king]] of the [[Jews]] riding on an ass! " [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] kept his hands off of him only by [[exercising]] great [[restraint]]. None of [[the twelve]] was more [[depressed]] on the way back to [ Bethany] that evening. Next to [[Simon Peter]] and [[Simon Zelotes]], he [[experienced]] the highest nervous [[tension]] and was in a [[state]] of [[exhaustion]] by night. But by morning [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] was much [[cheered]]; he was, after all, a cheerful loser.
172:5.9 [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] was the most bewildered and [[puzzled]] man of all [[the twelve]]. Most of the time he just followed along, gazing at the [[spectacle]] and [[honestly]] [[wondering]] what could be [[the Master]]'s [[motive]] for [[participating]] in such a peculiar [[demonstration]]. Down deep in his [[heart]] he regarded the whole [[performance]] as a little childish, if not downright [[foolish]]. He had never seen [[Jesus]] do anything like this and was at a loss to [[Accounting|account]] for his [[strange]] [[conduct]] on this Sunday afternoon. By the [[Timing|time]] they reached [ the temple], [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] had [[deduced]] that the [[purpose]] of this [[popular]] [[demonstration]] was so to [[frighten]] the [[Sanhedrin]] that they would not [[dare]] [[immediately]] to [[arrest]] [[the Master]]. On the way back to [ Bethany] [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] [[thought]] much but said nothing. By bedtime [[the Master]]'s [[cleverness]] in [[staging]] the tumultuous entry into [[Jerusalem]] had begun to make a somewhat [[humorous]] [[appeal]], and he was much [[cheered]] up by this [[reaction]].
172:5.9 [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] was the most bewildered and [[puzzled]] man of all [[the twelve]]. Most of the time he just followed along, gazing at the [[spectacle]] and [[honestly]] [[wondering]] what could be [[the Master]]'s [[motive]] for [[participating]] in such a peculiar [[demonstration]]. Down deep in his [[heart]] he regarded the whole [[performance]] as a little childish, if not downright [[foolish]]. He had never seen [[Jesus]] do anything like this and was at a loss to [[Accounting|account]] for his [[strange]] [[conduct]] on this Sunday afternoon. By the [[Timing|time]] they reached [ the temple], [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] had [[deduced]] that the [[purpose]] of this [[popular]] [[demonstration]] was so to [[frighten]] the [[Sanhedrin]] that they would not [[dare]] [[immediately]] to [[arrest]] [[the Master]]. On the way back to [ Bethany] [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] [[thought]] much but said nothing. By bedtime [[the Master]]'s [[cleverness]] in [[staging]] the tumultuous entry into [[Jerusalem]] had begun to make a somewhat [[humorous]] [[appeal]], and he was much [[cheered]] up by this [[reaction]].
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172:5.11 To the [[Alpheus twins]] this was a [[perfect]] day. They really [[enjoyed]] it all the way through, and not being present during the [[time]] of [[quiet]] [[visitation]] about the [[temple]], they [[escaped]] much of the anticlimax of the [[popular]] upheaval. They could not possibly [[understand]] the [[downcast]] [[behavior]] of [[the apostles]] when they came back to [ Bethany] that evening. In the [[memory]] of [[the twins]] this was always their day of being nearest [[heaven]] on [[earth]]. This day was the [[satisfying]] [[climax]] of their whole [[career]] as [[apostles]]. And the [[memory]] of the elation of this Sunday afternoon carried them on through all of the [[tragedy]] of this eventful week, right up to the hour of the [[crucifixion]]. It was the most befitting entry of the [[king]] [[the twins]] could conceive; they [[enjoyed]] every moment of the whole [[pageant]]. They fully [[approved]] of all they saw and long [[cherished]] the [[memory]].
172:5.11 To the [[Alpheus twins]] this was a [[perfect]] day. They really [[enjoyed]] it all the way through, and not being present during the [[time]] of [[quiet]] [[visitation]] about the [[temple]], they [[escaped]] much of the anticlimax of the [[popular]] upheaval. They could not possibly [[understand]] the [[downcast]] [[behavior]] of [[the apostles]] when they came back to [ Bethany] that evening. In the [[memory]] of [[the twins]] this was always their day of being nearest [[heaven]] on [[earth]]. This day was the [[satisfying]] [[climax]] of their whole [[career]] as [[apostles]]. And the [[memory]] of the elation of this Sunday afternoon carried them on through all of the [[tragedy]] of this eventful week, right up to the hour of the [[crucifixion]]. It was the most befitting entry of the [[king]] [[the twins]] could conceive; they [[enjoyed]] every moment of the whole [[pageant]]. They fully [[approved]] of all they saw and long [[cherished]] the [[memory]].
172:5.12 Of all [[the apostles]], [[Judas Iscariot]] was the most [[adversely]] affected by this [[processional]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. His [[mind]] was in a disagreeable ferment because of [[the Master]]'s [[rebuke]] the preceding day in [[connection]] with [ Mary's anointing at the feast in Simon's house]. [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was disgusted with the whole [[spectacle]]. To him it seemed childish, if not indeed ridiculous. As this [[vengeful]] [[apostle]] looked upon the proceedings of this Sunday afternoon, [[Jesus]] seemed to him more to resemble a [[clown]] than a [[king]]. He heartily resented the whole [[performance]]. He [[shared]] the views of the [[Greeks]] and [[Romans]], who looked down upon anyone who would [[consent]] to ride upon an [ ass] or the colt of an ass. By the time the [[triumphal]] [[procession]] had entered the [[city]], [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] had about made up his [[mind]] to [[abandon]] the whole [[idea]] of such a kingdom; he was almost [[resolved]] to [[forsake]] all such farcical attempts to establish [[the kingdom]] of heaven. And then he [[thought]] of the [ resurrection of Lazarus], and many other [[things]], and [[decided]] to stay on with [[the twelve]], at least for another day. Besides, he carried the bag, and he would not desert with the apostolic [[funds]] in his [[possession]]. On the way back to [ Bethany] that night his [[conduct]] did not seem [[strange]] since all of [[the apostles]] were equally [[downcast]] and [[silent]].
172:5.12 Of all [[the apostles]], [[Judas Iscariot]] was the most [[adversely]] affected by this [[processional]] entry into [[Jerusalem]]. His [[mind]] was in a disagreeable ferment because of [[the Master]]'s [[rebuke]] the preceding day in [[connection]] with [ Mary's anointing at the feast in Simon's house]. [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was disgusted with the whole [[spectacle]]. To him it seemed childish, if not indeed ridiculous. As this [[vengeful]] [[apostle]] looked upon the proceedings of this Sunday afternoon, [[Jesus]] seemed to him more to resemble a [[clown]] than a [[king]]. He heartily resented the whole [[performance]]. He [[shared]] the views of the [[Greeks]] and [[Romans]], who looked down upon anyone who would [[consent]] to ride upon an [ ass] or the colt of an ass. By the time the [[triumphal]] [[procession]] had entered the [[city]], [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] had about made up his [[mind]] to [[abandon]] the whole [[idea]] of such a kingdom; he was almost [[resolved]] to [[forsake]] all such farcical attempts to establish [[the kingdom]] of heaven. And then he [[thought]] of the [ resurrection of Lazarus], and many other [[things]], and [[decided]] to stay on with [[the twelve]], at least for another day. Besides, he carried the bag, and he would not desert with the apostolic [[funds]] in his [[possession]]. On the way back to [ Bethany] that night his [[conduct]] did not seem [[strange]] since all of [[the apostles]] were equally [[downcast]] and [[silent]].
172:5.13 [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was tremendously [[influenced]] by the [[ridicule]] of his [[Sadducean]] [[friends]]. No other single [[factor]] exerted such a [[powerful]] [[influence]] on him, in his final [[determination]] to [[forsake]] [[Jesus]] and his fellow [[apostles]], as a certain [[episode]] which occurred just as [[Jesus]] reached the gate of the [[city]]: A prominent [[Sadducee]] (a [[friend]] of [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]]'s [[family]]) rushed up to him in a [[spirit]] of gleeful [[ridicule]] and, slapping him on the back, said: " Why so troubled of [[countenance]], my good [[friend]]; [[cheer]] up and join us all while we [[acclaim]] this [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] the [[king]] of the [[Jews]] as he rides through the gates of [[Jerusalem]] seated on an [ ass]. " [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] had never shrunk from [[persecution]], but he could not stand this sort of [[ridicule]]. With the long-nourished [[emotion]] of [[revenge]] there was now blended this [[fatal]] [[fear]] of [[ridicule]], that terrible and [[fearful]] [[feeling]] of [[being]] [[ashamed]] of his [[the Master|Master]] and his fellow [[apostles]]. At [[heart]], this [[ordained]] [[ambassador]] of [[the kingdom]] was already a [[deserter]]; it only remained for him to find some [[plausible]] [[excuse]] for an open break with [[the Master]].
172:5.13 [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was tremendously [[influenced]] by the [[ridicule]] of his [[Sadducean]] [[friends]]. No other single [[factor]] exerted such a [[powerful]] [[influence]] on him, in his final [[determination]] to [[forsake]] [[Jesus]] and his fellow [[apostles]], as a certain [[episode]] which occurred just as [[Jesus]] reached the gate of the [[city]]: A prominent [[Sadducee]] (a [[friend]] of [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]]'s [[family]]) rushed up to him in a [[spirit]] of gleeful [[ridicule]] and, slapping him on the back, said: " Why so troubled of [[countenance]], my good [[friend]]; [[cheer]] up and join us all while we [[acclaim]] this [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] the [[king]] of the [[Jews]] as he rides through the gates of [[Jerusalem]] seated on an [ ass]. " [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] had never shrunk from [[persecution]], but he could not stand this sort of [[ridicule]]. With the long-nourished [[emotion]] of [[revenge]] there was now blended this [[fatal]] [[fear]] of [[ridicule]], that terrible and [[fearful]] [[feeling]] of [[being]] [[ashamed]] of his [[the Master|Master]] and his fellow [[apostles]]. At [[heart]], this [[ordained]] [[ambassador]] of [[the kingdom]] was already a [[deserter]]; it only remained for him to find some [[plausible]] [[excuse]] for an open break with [[the Master]].
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