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145:4.1 Throughout the evening following this great outburst of [[healing]], the [[rejoicing]] and [[happy]] throng overran [ Zebedee]'s [[home]], and [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] were keyed up to the highest [[pitch]] of [[emotional]] [[enthusiasm]]. From a [[human]] [[standpoint]], this was probably the greatest day of all the great days of their [[association]] with [[Jesus]]. At no time before or after did their [[hopes]] surge to such heights of [[confident]] [[expectation]]. [[Jesus]] had told them only a few days before, and when they were yet within the borders of [ Samaria], that the hour had come when [[the kingdom]] was to be [[proclaimed]] in [[power]], and now their eyes had seen what they supposed was the [[fulfillment]] of that [[promise]]. They were thrilled by the [[vision]] of what was to come if this [[amazing]] [[manifestation]] of [[healing]] [[power]] was just the beginning. Their lingering [[doubts]] of [[Jesus]]' [[divinity]] were banished. They were [[literally]] [[intoxicated]] with the [[ecstasy]] of their bewildered [[enchantment]].
145:4.1 Throughout the evening following this great outburst of [[healing]], the [[rejoicing]] and [[happy]] throng overran [ Zebedee]'s [[home]], and [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] were keyed up to the highest [[pitch]] of [[emotional]] [[enthusiasm]]. From a [[human]] [[standpoint]], this was probably the greatest day of all the great days of their [[association]] with [[Jesus]]. At no time before or after did their [[hopes]] surge to such heights of [[confident]] [[expectation]]. [[Jesus]] had told them only a few days before, and when they were yet within the borders of [ Samaria], that the hour had come when [[the kingdom]] was to be [[proclaimed]] in [[power]], and now their eyes had seen what they supposed was the [[fulfillment]] of that [[promise]]. They were thrilled by the [[vision]] of what was to come if this [[amazing]] [[manifestation]] of [[healing]] [[power]] was just the beginning. Their lingering [[doubts]] of [[Jesus]]' [[divinity]] were banished. They were [[literally]] [[intoxicated]] with the [[ecstasy]] of their bewildered [[enchantment]].
145:4.2 But when they sought for [[Jesus]], they could not find him. [[The Master]] was much perturbed by what had happened. These [[men]], [[women]], and [[children]] who had been [[healed]] of [[diverse]] [[diseases]] lingered late into the evening, [[hoping]] for [[Jesus]]' return that they might [[thank]] him. [[The apostles]] could not [[understand]] [[the Master]]'s [[conduct]] as the hours passed and he remained in [[seclusion]]; their [[joy]] would have been full and [[perfect]] but for his continued [[absence]]. When [[Jesus]] did return to their midst, the hour was late, and [[practically]] all of the beneficiaries of the [[healing]] [[episode]] had gone to their [[homes]]. [[Jesus]] refused the congratulations and [[adoration]] of [[the twelve]] and the others who had lingered to greet him, only saying: " [[Rejoice]] not that [[Universal Father|my Father]] is [[powerful]] to [[heal]] the [[body]], but rather that he is mighty to save the [[soul]]. Let us go to our [[rest]], for tomorrow we must be about [[the Father]]'s business. "
145:4.2 But when they sought for [[Jesus]], they could not find him. [[The Master]] was much perturbed by what had happened. These [[men]], [[women]], and [[children]] who had been [[healed]] of [[diverse]] [[diseases]] lingered late into the evening, [[hoping]] for [[Jesus]]' return that they might [[thank]] him. [[The apostles]] could not [[understand]] [[the Master]]'s [[conduct]] as the hours passed and he remained in [[seclusion]]; their [[joy]] would have been full and [[perfect]] but for his continued [[absence]]. When [[Jesus]] did return to their midst, the hour was late, and [[practically]] all of the beneficiaries of the [[healing]] [[episode]] had gone to their [[homes]]. [[Jesus]] refused the congratulations and [[adoration]] of [[the twelve]] and the others who had lingered to greet him, only saying: " [[Rejoice]] not that [[Universal Father|my Father]] is [[powerful]] to [[heal]] the [[body]], but rather that he is mighty to save the [[soul]]. Let us go to our [[rest]], for tomorrow we must be about [[the Father]]'s business. "
145:4.3 And again did twelve [[disappointed]], [[perplexed]], and [[heart]]-[[sorrow]]ing men go to their [[rest]]; few of them, except [[the twins]], slept much that night. No sooner would [[the Master]] do something to [[cheer]] the [[souls]] and gladden the [[hearts]] of his [[apostles]], than he seemed [[immediately]] to dash their [[hopes]] in pieces and utterly to demolish the [[foundations]] of their [[courage]] and [[enthusiasm]]. As these bewildered [ fishermen] looked into each other's eyes, there was but one [[thought]]: " We cannot [[understand]] him. What does all this mean? "
145:4.3 And again did twelve [[disappointed]], [[perplexed]], and [[heart]]-[[sorrow]]ing men go to their [[rest]]; few of them, except [[the twins]], slept much that night. No sooner would [[the Master]] do something to [[cheer]] the [[souls]] and gladden the [[hearts]] of his [[apostles]], than he seemed [[immediately]] to dash their [[hopes]] in pieces and utterly to demolish the [[foundations]] of their [[courage]] and [[enthusiasm]]. As these bewildered [ fishermen] looked into each other's eyes, there was but one [[thought]]: " We cannot [[understand]] him. What does all this mean? "
<center>[ Go to Paper 145]</center>
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