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Artistry is an [[activity]] as well as an [[attitude]], and the attitude of [[creation]] is an attitude we [[share]] with the [[Creator]], and thus when we attempt to bring artistry into our lives we automatically are introducing God to our fellows. Our fellows then respond to this [[illumination]] and rejoice in kind.
Artistry is an [[activity]] as well as an [[attitude]], and the attitude of [[creation]] is an attitude we [[share]] with the [[Creator]], and thus when we attempt to bring artistry into our lives we automatically are introducing God to our fellows. Our fellows then respond to this [[illumination]] and rejoice in kind.
How artistic are you in your [[appreciation]] of your [[life]]? [ Welding] is indeed an art form, for it bonds materials/elements through fine applications of [[heat]] in such a way as to melt and [[converge]] [[matter]], even eternally, as it were. Foundries are an extension of this art. Foundries bring to you the [[manifestation]] of [[sculpture]], such works as endure for centuries, and it's [[architectural]] renderings have been known to [[symbolize]] [[civilizations]].
How artistic are you in your [[appreciation]] of your [[life]]? [ Welding] is indeed an art form, for it bonds materials/elements through fine applications of [[heat]] in such a way as to melt and [[converge]] [[matter]], even eternally, as it were. Foundries are an extension of this art. Foundries bring to you the [[manifestation]] of [[sculpture]], such works as endure for centuries, and it's [[architectural]] renderings have been known to [[symbolize]] [[civilizations]].
Just as the artistry of a [[gardener]]/ a landscaper is a way of elevating an environment from the hap-hazard and [[random]] beauty of Mother [[Nature]] to the exquisite [[symmetry]] and refinement of the Gardens of [[Edentia]], revealing [[harmony]] and peace of mind as a [[reflection]] of the creation that has been invested in the art of bringing about [[order]] from [[chaos]].
Just as the artistry of a [[gardener]]/ a landscaper is a way of elevating an environment from the hap-hazard and [[random]] beauty of Mother [[Nature]] to the exquisite [[symmetry]] and refinement of the Gardens of [[Edentia]], revealing [[harmony]] and peace of mind as a [[reflection]] of the creation that has been invested in the art of bringing about [[order]] from [[chaos]].
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What this group needs is a [[female]] [[teacher]]. We need to put in a requisition to [[Melchizedek]] for a feminine presence at these Spokane [[meetings]]. We have many [[male]] energies here, but not enough feminine presences. I'm glad Athena asserted herself in [[revealing]] herself to us all today. This is another [[facet]] of the human that is making some advancement, and is [[encouraged]]. Those of you who are dry and crisp are perhaps in need of a soft, moist and feminine [[essence]] in you to be revealed in your [[life]] [[path]]. There are [[facets]] of both realities in your [[composition]] and that, too, would do well to seek and know [[balance]].
What this group needs is a [[female]] [[teacher]]. We need to put in a requisition to [[Melchizedek]] for a feminine presence at these Spokane [[meetings]]. We have many [[male]] energies here, but not enough feminine presences. I'm glad Athena asserted herself in [[revealing]] herself to us all today. This is another [[facet]] of the human that is making some advancement, and is [[encouraged]]. Those of you who are dry and crisp are perhaps in need of a soft, moist and feminine [[essence]] in you to be revealed in your [[life]] [[path]]. There are [[facets]] of both realities in your [[composition]] and that, too, would do well to seek and know [[balance]].
THOROAH: So we have a little [ left brain crispness]? Is that what it's all about?
THOROAH: So we have a little [ left brain crispness]? Is that what it's all about?
AARON: You are more than [[left-brain]]. You are [[material]], and therefore somewhat [[mechanical]]. But you are also organic and in [[truth]] all of these qualities [[transcend]] [[gender]] but somehow your [[mind]] symbolizes these [[values]] as qualities that are [[male]] or [[female]]. The nature of life is such that there is a [[balance]], bringing all of this into good use, [[fair]] appreciation. Somehow a greater grasp of your [[reality]] will include getting to know yourself more and better. There is so much to each of us, each [[personality]], each [[existence]], that is [[unknown]] at least until such time as we attempt to become good [[friends]] with who we are.
AARON: You are more than [[left-brain]]. You are [[material]], and therefore somewhat [[mechanical]]. But you are also organic and in [[truth]] all of these qualities [[transcend]] [[gender]] but somehow your [[mind]] symbolizes these [[values]] as qualities that are [[male]] or [[female]]. The nature of life is such that there is a [[balance]], bringing all of this into good use, [[fair]] appreciation. Somehow a greater grasp of your [[reality]] will include getting to know yourself more and better. There is so much to each of us, each [[personality]], each [[existence]], that is [[unknown]] at least until such time as we attempt to become good [[friends]] with who we are.
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I am inclined to recess. We will back in just a few minutes, after you've had an [[opportunity]] to check in with yourself.
I am inclined to recess. We will back in just a few minutes, after you've had an [[opportunity]] to check in with yourself.
PAULO: Paulo here. I have to come in, too, because I'm the only one who has not had an [[opportunity]] to say hello and meet our guest, so "hello, guest." I'm a feisty fellow and I'm glad I didn't come in first. I had a few [[responses]] to your early [[discourse]] that might have set you off with a misguided [[impression]] of how we [[function]] in and with our mortal [[associates]], but I do enjoy [ sparring] on occasion. I am a person who enjoys and appreciates a certain amount of [[contention]]. I am a student of [[rebelliousness]], as if I were an overseer or [[therapist]] for [ delinquents].
PAULO: Paulo here. I have to come in, too, because I'm the only one who has not had an [[opportunity]] to say hello and meet our guest, so "hello, guest." I'm a feisty fellow and I'm glad I didn't come in first. I had a few [[responses]] to your early [[discourse]] that might have set you off with a misguided [[impression]] of how we [[function]] in and with our mortal [[associates]], but I do enjoy [ sparring] on occasion. I am a person who enjoys and appreciates a certain amount of [[contention]]. I am a student of [[rebelliousness]], as if I were an overseer or [[therapist]] for [ delinquents].