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This is my talk to you today. It's about your work in the field, your co-creative endeavors, your obvious and conscious decisions to spiritize yourself as you might feel impelled by your [[Adjuster]] or as you might creatively design to do as an appropriate response to life's [[opportunities]]. There is only one real drawback to [[consciousness]] and that is the grappling with [[cosmic]] [[problem solving]], for all the rest is marvelous. When you have nothing to grapple with, in terms of problem solving, we will have long vacated our current [[paradigm]] of association. What is important is the work of the realm.
This is my talk to you today. It's about your work in the field, your co-creative endeavors, your obvious and conscious decisions to spiritize yourself as you might feel impelled by your [[Adjuster]] or as you might creatively design to do as an appropriate response to life's [[opportunities]]. There is only one real drawback to [[consciousness]] and that is the grappling with [[cosmic]] [[problem solving]], for all the rest is marvelous. When you have nothing to grapple with, in terms of problem solving, we will have long vacated our current [[paradigm]] of association. What is important is the work of the realm.
Haven't you been advised of the most important thing you can do? And aren't you, in the main, doing that? To the best of your [[ability]]? To the best of your comprehension? To the extent of your [[courage]] or the nature of your [[loyalty]]? (Aren't you) doing just that by appreciating what good there is in your existence, (like) your child's day care center, your employer's parking lot, your student's transcripts, your neighbor's azaleas? And would that you could be so fortunate as to do for a living what you enjoy doing most! Like [ Kenny G] who plays music or [ Pavarotti] who must [[sing]].
Haven't you been advised of the most important thing you can do? And aren't you, in the main, doing that? To the best of your [[ability]]? To the best of your comprehension? To the extent of your [[courage]] or the nature of your [[loyalty]]? (Aren't you) doing just that by appreciating what good there is in your existence, (like) your child's day care center, your employer's parking lot, your student's transcripts, your neighbor's azaleas? And would that you could be so fortunate as to do for a living what you enjoy doing most! Like [ Kenny G] who plays music or [ Pavarotti] who must [[sing]].
They are larger than life. They are not you, the [[meek]]. You suffer over niceties in your [[sensitivity]]. Yet for the meek to inherit the earth, it will come to pass that you will need to recognize your [[inherent]] [[power]], your innate [[strength]], as a result of the solidarity of your [[Reality]]. You'll not be able to deny the relationship you share with [[Spirit]]. You'll not be able to look anywhere without seeing [[the Father]] reflected, the Mother ministering.
They are larger than life. They are not you, the [[meek]]. You suffer over niceties in your [[sensitivity]]. Yet for the meek to inherit the earth, it will come to pass that you will need to recognize your [[inherent]] [[power]], your innate [[strength]], as a result of the solidarity of your [[Reality]]. You'll not be able to deny the relationship you share with [[Spirit]]. You'll not be able to look anywhere without seeing [[the Father]] reflected, the Mother ministering.
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If the Spirits are your audience, you do not as readily succumb to the [[seduction]] and [[sophistries]] of the mortal existence that seeks to supplant itself for its own [[self interest]], as [[compared]] to the Aspirant in you that seeks to explore [[the Kingdom]] in all its phases and in technicolor.
If the Spirits are your audience, you do not as readily succumb to the [[seduction]] and [[sophistries]] of the mortal existence that seeks to supplant itself for its own [[self interest]], as [[compared]] to the Aspirant in you that seeks to explore [[the Kingdom]] in all its phases and in technicolor.
This is a [[dawn]] period of time for this new dispensation, this [[New Age]]. Isn't it "the Dawning of the [ Age of Aquarius]" that they touted in the ['s 60's] and ['s early 70's]'? And aren't you privy to the growth of many [[mota]] seeds that were planted back in those thrilling days of yesteryear? The opinions, [[demonstrations]], offerings, rebellions, [[resistances]], supports, philosophies, [[ideals]], dreams, yearnings, outrages of those days were seen put in motion which unfurled over time to afford us an [[appreciation]] of the fact of time passing ~ a sense of perspective that we'd come so far as to realize that in the lives of many of you young people, there has been no active [[appreciation]] of the fact of [[war]]. When that happens, [[history]] repeats itself, until one day everyone will have reckoned with the [[truth]] of [[peace]].
This is a [[dawn]] period of time for this new dispensation, this [[New Age]]. Isn't it "the Dawning of the [ Age of Aquarius]" that they touted in the ['s 60's] and ['s early 70's]'? And aren't you privy to the growth of many [[mota]] seeds that were planted back in those thrilling days of yesteryear? The opinions, [[demonstrations]], offerings, rebellions, [[resistances]], supports, philosophies, [[ideals]], dreams, yearnings, outrages of those days were seen put in motion which unfurled over time to afford us an [[appreciation]] of the fact of time passing ~ a sense of perspective that we'd come so far as to realize that in the lives of many of you young people, there has been no active [[appreciation]] of the fact of [[war]]. When that happens, [[history]] repeats itself, until one day everyone will have reckoned with the [[truth]] of [[peace]].
These projects that you undertake to impel Kingdom-building, these [[talents]] that you have invested - rightly or wrongly - out of a sense of [[responsibility]], and colored by your adventurousness, have given rise to and will continue to fortify another [[reality]]. What a marvel now that we are espousing the [[Reality]] for which there are no words to describe, but only to [[obey]] and follow and [[revere]], as an indelible [[destiny]] imprint implanted upon your [[personality]]. To express. What is it He would express through you? How has your experience given rise to [[value]], which you are and are a part of?
These projects that you undertake to impel Kingdom-building, these [[talents]] that you have invested - rightly or wrongly - out of a sense of [[responsibility]], and colored by your adventurousness, have given rise to and will continue to fortify another [[reality]]. What a marvel now that we are espousing the [[Reality]] for which there are no words to describe, but only to [[obey]] and follow and [[revere]], as an indelible [[destiny]] imprint implanted upon your [[personality]]. To express. What is it He would express through you? How has your experience given rise to [[value]], which you are and are a part of?