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MONJORONSON:  No, I am not saying that.  You are saying that.  You have overlaid my comment about “forces” with your concerns that those “forces” are [[governments]] and/or principalities.  Those are two [[different]] [[things]].  People will always [[respond]] to natural disaster, but I was talking about [[Catastrophism|natural disaster]], and it is [[apparent]] that some of these [[things]] I [[predicted]] are in [[fact]] coming to pass.  Recall last month I said I was here somewhat as an engineer to see if the bridge would withstand earthquakes and the like.  This is an example of what I was talking about.  How will your world hold up in the face of the many [[dynamic]] [[physical]] [[changes]] that are visited upon you at this time in your [[geologic]] [[history]]?  How your [[governments]] and [[power]] [[structures]] handle these physical disasters and/or concerns is another subject entirely.  
MONJORONSON:  No, I am not saying that.  You are saying that.  You have overlaid my comment about “forces” with your concerns that those “forces” are [[governments]] and/or principalities.  Those are two [[different]] [[things]].  People will always [[respond]] to natural disaster, but I was talking about [[Catastrophism|natural disaster]], and it is [[apparent]] that some of these [[things]] I [[predicted]] are in [[fact]] coming to pass.  Recall last month I said I was here somewhat as an engineer to see if the bridge would withstand earthquakes and the like.  This is an example of what I was talking about.  How will your world hold up in the face of the many [[dynamic]] [[physical]] [[changes]] that are visited upon you at this time in your [[geologic]] [[history]]?  How your [[governments]] and [[power]] [[structures]] handle these physical disasters and/or concerns is another subject entirely.  
It behooves you to distinguish between the two.  No one can be held [[responsible]] for “[ acts of God].” They are a [[natural]] part of the [[evolutionary]] [[process]] of [[planetary]] [[development]].  [[Urantia]] is still a young planet.  It is still cooling.  The [ tectonic plates] are still unsettled.  [ Volcanoes] are still giving [[evidence]] of the [[fact]] of the molten underbelly.  You can, to some extent, [[prepare]] for these disasters or forestall being [[negatively]] impacted by them, by simply being [[aware]] of the world on which you live and what the [ prognosis] is for these natural disasters, based on [[history]].  
It behooves you to distinguish between the two.  No one can be held [[responsible]] for “[ acts of God].” They are a [[natural]] part of the [[evolutionary]] [[process]] of [[planetary]] [[development]].  [[Urantia]] is still a young planet.  It is still cooling.  The [ tectonic plates] are still unsettled.  [ Volcanoes] are still giving [[evidence]] of the [[fact]] of the molten underbelly.  You can, to some extent, [[prepare]] for these disasters or forestall being [[negatively]] impacted by them, by simply being [[aware]] of the world on which you live and what the [ prognosis] is for these natural disasters, based on [[history]].  
Many people [[choose]] to live on the hillside even though they have seen other houses destroyed by mudslides.  Many, many people live in [ flood zones] and cannot be surprised when they are flooded out, just as people who live in the wake of [ typhoons] and [ hurricanes] must be [[prepared]] to batten their hatches when hurricane season comes along.  This is all part of what it is to live on a [[material world]] – particularly one that is undergoing [[natural]] [[changes]].
Many people [[choose]] to live on the hillside even though they have seen other houses destroyed by mudslides.  Many, many people live in [ flood zones] and cannot be surprised when they are flooded out, just as people who live in the wake of [ typhoons] and [ hurricanes] must be [[prepared]] to batten their hatches when hurricane season comes along.  This is all part of what it is to live on a [[material world]] – particularly one that is undergoing [[natural]] [[changes]].
Student:  Was your [[statement]] meant, perhaps, to give us a warning that these [[things]] are going to be happening? Not that it’s a bad thing, but that … just know it’s going to happen and be [[prepared]].  It’s not an [[evil]] world; it’s that your earth is still young and settling.  We should [[realize]] that without you having to tell us.
Student:  Was your [[statement]] meant, perhaps, to give us a warning that these [[things]] are going to be happening? Not that it’s a bad thing, but that … just know it’s going to happen and be [[prepared]].  It’s not an [[evil]] world; it’s that your earth is still young and settling.  We should [[realize]] that without you having to tell us.
MONJORONSON:  You should [[realize]] that without [[feeling]] I have given you a warning.  You ought to know these [[things]] about your world without my having to tell you, and having mentioned it, you should not/ ought not to be shocked or amazed that I would say such a [[thing]].  I have nothing to do with it.  Anyone can make these [[observations]].  If you live on the [ San Andreas Fault], you can expect to be affected by an [ earthquake].  If you live in the shadow of [ Mt. Vesuvius], you can anticipate lava flows or volcanic ash.  It is so elemental!
MONJORONSON:  You should [[realize]] that without [[feeling]] I have given you a warning.  You ought to know these [[things]] about your world without my having to tell you, and having mentioned it, you should not/ ought not to be shocked or amazed that I would say such a [[thing]].  I have nothing to do with it.  Anyone can make these [[observations]].  If you live on the [ San Andreas Fault], you can expect to be affected by an [ earthquake].  If you live in the shadow of [ Mt. Vesuvius], you can anticipate lava flows or volcanic ash.  It is so elemental!
Student:  If the [[decimation]] comes, then how will [[things]] [[change]] if these [ selfish elite families] are not removed?  If these selfish ruling families are allowed to remain, they will use the [[decimation]] as a time to gain further [[control]] over their brethren.  What I would like to know is whether or not these [ ruling elites] will be removed from our [[earth]] [[dimension]] to the next one so that those [[persons]] wanting a [[change]] to [[light]] and life will see it happen.  I don’t see how we will ever [[achieve]] the opening stages of [[light and life]] if [[evil]], selfish greedy men bent on global domination and [[genocide]] are allowed to remain.  
Student:  If the [[decimation]] comes, then how will [[things]] [[change]] if these [ selfish elite families] are not removed?  If these selfish ruling families are allowed to remain, they will use the [[decimation]] as a time to gain further [[control]] over their brethren.  What I would like to know is whether or not these [ ruling elites] will be removed from our [[earth]] [[dimension]] to the next one so that those [[persons]] wanting a [[change]] to [[light]] and life will see it happen.  I don’t see how we will ever [[achieve]] the opening stages of [[light and life]] if [[evil]], selfish greedy men bent on global domination and [[genocide]] are allowed to remain.  
MONJORONSON:  Obviously a part of your [[fears]] is that when disaster strikes there will be those who take undue advantage.  Your concern that the [[powers]] and principalities that rule in your world will renew their [[efforts]] with gusto to take over and rule the world for their own selfish gain … this too is nothing new.  This has been going on since time began.  [[Caligastia]] started it -- and it [[probably]] happened well before Caligastia arrived.  It has happened in every [[generation]] since.  
MONJORONSON:  Obviously a part of your [[fears]] is that when disaster strikes there will be those who take undue advantage.  Your concern that the [[powers]] and principalities that rule in your world will renew their [[efforts]] with gusto to take over and rule the world for their own selfish gain … this too is nothing new.  This has been going on since time began.  [[Caligastia]] started it -- and it [[probably]] happened well before Caligastia arrived.  It has happened in every [[generation]] since.  
Since [[Christ]], there have indeed been [[powers]] that have arisen. [[Rome]], of course, was in command when he lived here but since then there has been many [[changes]] in [[government]], there have been new [[powers]] and they have taken turns at being the [[power]] to [[fear]] at any given time.  This is the [[nature]] of the beast -- the one which seeks to take over, that seeks [[power]], that seeks to rule over [[everything]] and everyone.  Some of these are [[beneficent]] powers.  Some are [[evil]] and they too come and go.  They come into [[being]] and they die out, if for no other reason than because they are [[finite]], they are [[temporal]] and they cannot last forever.  So yes, there are certain [[families]], beginning with the [ Medici’s] in the [ middle ages], and other [[families]] more recent.  There is the elite that you equate to [ skull and crossbones], the upper 400, those who have the bulk of the [[wealth]], who think they own the world and they do indeed make life miserable for many, but so do [ mosquitoes].  You can [[transcend]] their [[influence]].
Since [[Christ]], there have indeed been [[powers]] that have arisen. [[Rome]], of course, was in command when he lived here but since then there has been many [[changes]] in [[government]], there have been new [[powers]] and they have taken turns at being the [[power]] to [[fear]] at any given time.  This is the [[nature]] of the beast -- the one which seeks to take over, that seeks [[power]], that seeks to rule over [[everything]] and everyone.  Some of these are [[beneficent]] powers.  Some are [[evil]] and they too come and go.  They come into [[being]] and they die out, if for no other reason than because they are [[finite]], they are [[temporal]] and they cannot last forever.  So yes, there are certain [[families]], beginning with the [ Medici’s] in the [ middle ages], and other [[families]] more recent.  There is the elite that you equate to [ skull and crossbones], the upper 400, those who have the bulk of the [[wealth]], who think they own the world and they do indeed make life miserable for many, but so do [ mosquitoes].  You can [[transcend]] their [[influence]].
As for their [[manipulating]] people under them, there is a certain [[truth]] to that, but the more you [[fear]] their [[power]] over you, the more power you give them.  Jesus said, “[ Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s].”  If you comply with certain rudimentary [[behaviors]], you can slip through the [ radar] of their eagle eye and live an ordinary life, even a [ resplendent] life, without being a threat to their standing.  Do they destroy [[races]] of people?  Do they [[encourage]] [[genocide]]?  Do they [[contribute]] to the demise of entire peoples and nations?  Yes, they have and they will attempt to [[continue]] to do what they [[feel]] is [[necessary]] to hold at bay those [[forces]] which threaten their base of operations, and that includes their [[wealth]], for they [[worship]] [[wealth]], you see, as well as [[power]], and their [[ability]] to [[manipulate]] peoples and principalities, nations, and [[governments]].  And yet they are no more [[evil]], in general, than the [ Catholic Church], or the [ AFL-CIO] or the [ Boy Scouts of America].  
As for their [[manipulating]] people under them, there is a certain [[truth]] to that, but the more you [[fear]] their [[power]] over you, the more power you give them.  Jesus said, “[ Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s].”  If you comply with certain rudimentary [[behaviors]], you can slip through the [ radar] of their eagle eye and live an ordinary life, even a [ resplendent] life, without being a threat to their standing.  Do they destroy [[races]] of people?  Do they [[encourage]] [[genocide]]?  Do they [[contribute]] to the demise of entire peoples and nations?  Yes, they have and they will attempt to [[continue]] to do what they [[feel]] is [[necessary]] to hold at bay those [[forces]] which threaten their base of operations, and that includes their [[wealth]], for they [[worship]] [[wealth]], you see, as well as [[power]], and their [[ability]] to [[manipulate]] peoples and principalities, nations, and [[governments]].  And yet they are no more [[evil]], in general, than the [ Catholic Church], or the [ AFL-CIO] or the [ Boy Scouts of America].  
[[Everything]] is [[relative]], you see.  And you can give in to their [[influence]] or step outside of their influence because you have [[free will]].  The [[power]] that is [[inherent]] in you is greater than the [[power]] of all these [[wealthy]] old families who like to pull your strings.  You don’t have to [[respond]] to their [ puppeteering].  You don’t have to succumb or kowtow just because they have [[power]]. [[God]] has more power.  I have more [[power]].  The [[angels]] have more power.  The [[midwayers]] have more power.  You have more power.  You need to [[discern]] how you can [[access]] your own power and join it with the power of your own kind so as to quietly go about doing [[good]].  
[[Everything]] is [[relative]], you see.  And you can give in to their [[influence]] or step outside of their influence because you have [[free will]].  The [[power]] that is [[inherent]] in you is greater than the [[power]] of all these [[wealthy]] old families who like to pull your strings.  You don’t have to [[respond]] to their [ puppeteering].  You don’t have to succumb or kowtow just because they have [[power]]. [[God]] has more power.  I have more [[power]].  The [[angels]] have more power.  The [[midwayers]] have more power.  You have more power.  You need to [[discern]] how you can [[access]] your own power and join it with the power of your own kind so as to quietly go about doing [[good]].  
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If you want to start a [[revolution]], that’s a sure-fire way to get into trouble.  It will call [[attention]] to yourself and trouble will come down upon you like rain, but if you simply go about doing [[good]], rendering unto Caesar just enough and rendering unto [[God]] all there is, you cannot go astray.  You have the [[potential]] within you as an [[individual]] to be a part of a [[movement]] that will [[change]] the course of [[planetary]] [[history]].  The physical disasters that befall your world are the [[opportunities]] that exist for you to [[minister]] to your fellowmen and to build anew that which is left in the wake of disaster.  As you might say, “When you are handed lemons, make lemonade.”
If you want to start a [[revolution]], that’s a sure-fire way to get into trouble.  It will call [[attention]] to yourself and trouble will come down upon you like rain, but if you simply go about doing [[good]], rendering unto Caesar just enough and rendering unto [[God]] all there is, you cannot go astray.  You have the [[potential]] within you as an [[individual]] to be a part of a [[movement]] that will [[change]] the course of [[planetary]] [[history]].  The physical disasters that befall your world are the [[opportunities]] that exist for you to [[minister]] to your fellowmen and to build anew that which is left in the wake of disaster.  As you might say, “When you are handed lemons, make lemonade.”
I [[realize]] that sounds elementary, even Pollyannaish, and I do not mean to make light of the troubles you face.  Not only are there [ physical disasters] at every juncture, it seems, but there is [[disease]] and [[death]], there are [[accidents]] and casualties of [[war]].  All these need to be dealt with and they do take a toll on the [[mortal]] -- [[emotionally]], [[mentally]] and even [[spiritually]] -- and it does take time to recover from these [ assaults] of [[human]] living.  But you have the [[potential]], particularly as a [[society]], as a group of fellow believers, [[understanding]] that we are there for you, we are helping you from our side.  If you only knew how much we help, if you only had [[faith]] that you are not given more than you can handle, you would handle it much better with much less complaining, with more [[creative]] [[foresight]].
I [[realize]] that sounds elementary, even Pollyannaish, and I do not mean to make light of the troubles you face.  Not only are there [ physical disasters] at every juncture, it seems, but there is [[disease]] and [[death]], there are [[accidents]] and casualties of [[war]].  All these need to be dealt with and they do take a toll on the [[mortal]] -- [[emotionally]], [[mentally]] and even [[spiritually]] -- and it does take time to recover from these [ assaults] of [[human]] living.  But you have the [[potential]], particularly as a [[society]], as a group of fellow believers, [[understanding]] that we are there for you, we are helping you from our side.  If you only knew how much we help, if you only had [[faith]] that you are not given more than you can handle, you would handle it much better with much less complaining, with more [[creative]] [[foresight]].
Student:  I am troubled because I do not see any other way for us to move into the opening days of [[light and life]] while these selfish rulers are in [[power]].  We all want to become more godlike and [[love]] our brethren, whereas they all want to become more selfish and further [[enslave]] their [[brethren]].  
Student:  I am troubled because I do not see any other way for us to move into the opening days of [[light and life]] while these selfish rulers are in [[power]].  We all want to become more godlike and [[love]] our brethren, whereas they all want to become more selfish and further [[enslave]] their [[brethren]].  
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That being said, I feel I have [[learned]] so much from a [[spiritual]] standpoint.  I know that much of what you say [[resonates]] with me and I have benefited from [[reading]] the transmissions and applying them to my life, but I do [[believe]] that there have not been enough pertinent questions concerning this [[decimation]] scenario that you [[outline]]d.  I [[think]] that if something so [[catastrophic]] is to happen, we need to have a lot more answers than we have now.
That being said, I feel I have [[learned]] so much from a [[spiritual]] standpoint.  I know that much of what you say [[resonates]] with me and I have benefited from [[reading]] the transmissions and applying them to my life, but I do [[believe]] that there have not been enough pertinent questions concerning this [[decimation]] scenario that you [[outline]]d.  I [[think]] that if something so [[catastrophic]] is to happen, we need to have a lot more answers than we have now.
MONJORONSON:  You need to look at some of the factors you have to deal with. One is that you are bombarded with bad news.  The [[media]] loves to [ assault] you with [ trauma] and [[drama]] and [ disaster].  If it isn’t one scandal it’s another.  One [[problem]] on the heels of another, all of it delivered with a hyper-vigilant [[tone]] of [[voice]], has a tendency to get your adrenalin pumping beyond its [[natural]] [[state]].  Furthermore, you are missing the comfort and [[assurance]] that [[agriculture]] brings.  You have pretty much lost [[touch]] with the [[earth]].  Your [[seeds]] are not even safe. And so without the respite derived from being at one and in [[harmony]] with [[nature]], you are buffeted in an [[artificial]] [[environment]], one that is overcharged with excitement and [[stimuli]].  This renders you more vulnerable.  Your [ electro-chemical system] is on overdrive and you tend to [[fear]] more and see the worst.  
MONJORONSON:  You need to look at some of the factors you have to deal with. One is that you are bombarded with bad news.  The [[media]] loves to [ assault] you with [ trauma] and [[drama]] and [ disaster].  If it isn’t one scandal it’s another.  One [[problem]] on the heels of another, all of it delivered with a hyper-vigilant [[tone]] of [[voice]], has a tendency to get your adrenalin pumping beyond its [[natural]] [[state]].  Furthermore, you are missing the comfort and [[assurance]] that [[agriculture]] brings.  You have pretty much lost [[touch]] with the [[earth]].  Your [[seeds]] are not even safe. And so without the respite derived from being at one and in [[harmony]] with [[nature]], you are buffeted in an [[artificial]] [[environment]], one that is overcharged with excitement and [[stimuli]].  This renders you more vulnerable.  Your [ electro-chemical system] is on overdrive and you tend to [[fear]] more and see the worst.  
When you consider [[self-mastery]], [[consider]] mastery over your own [[reactions]] to what life is throwing at you.  There are many, many doors you could close against the wind and the assaults of [ disaster].  You don’t have to [[welcome]] each trauma that comes along … although it does behoove you to know what is going on, because then you are able to send out [[good]] wishes to those who need help; perhaps you may even feel compelled to be of [[service]] in times of great need, but you need not exhaust yourself [[reacting]] to and [[anticipation]] each disaster that is made mention on a very busy young [[planet]] going through its many [[geologic]] [[changes]].  
When you consider [[self-mastery]], [[consider]] mastery over your own [[reactions]] to what life is throwing at you.  There are many, many doors you could close against the wind and the assaults of [ disaster].  You don’t have to [[welcome]] each trauma that comes along … although it does behoove you to know what is going on, because then you are able to send out [[good]] wishes to those who need help; perhaps you may even feel compelled to be of [[service]] in times of great need, but you need not exhaust yourself [[reacting]] to and [[anticipation]] each disaster that is made mention on a very busy young [[planet]] going through its many [[geologic]] [[changes]].  
It could be [[considered]] that these are simply excuses for people to [[act]] out.  Such [[behavior]] buys in very readily to the superstitious.  By this I mean if there is drought, there are those who say it is because [[God]] is punishing you for having had too much water; or if there is too much rain, then God is punishing you for not moving to higher ground.  And there are people who [[believe]] this way, even though it is [[absurd]], because the [[weather]] will do what it’s going to do with or without your [[assistance]].
It could be [[considered]] that these are simply excuses for people to [[act]] out.  Such [[behavior]] buys in very readily to the superstitious.  By this I mean if there is drought, there are those who say it is because [[God]] is punishing you for having had too much water; or if there is too much rain, then God is punishing you for not moving to higher ground.  And there are people who [[believe]] this way, even though it is [[absurd]], because the [[weather]] will do what it’s going to do with or without your [[assistance]].
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Student:          I’m not worried.  Just [[curious]].
Student:          I’m not worried.  Just [[curious]].
MONJORONSON:  Since you are curious, I will point out to you that there are employers, there are [[investors]] on this [[planet]] who will go into companies that are in [[financial]] trouble, buy them up – cheap – and recreate them from the ground floor, such that they begin to thrive and prosper.  They make a [[profit]] from this kind of [[activity]].  They in many ways are able to salvage the company and the employees, perhaps even the product, although often the product line will be modified.  Such is the way with the manufacture of certain [ automobiles].  There are also men who are ruthless in their [[ability]] to buy and sell the lives and interests of others, who have no compunctions about buying out another man’s life [[work]], when often it doesn’t need to start completely from scratch.  It doesn’t need to be taken away from the [[original]] owner; the original owner simply needs a little help, a little [[Counsel|advice]] perhaps.  And so be advised I am not coming in to take over your factory.  
MONJORONSON:  Since you are curious, I will point out to you that there are employers, there are [[investors]] on this [[planet]] who will go into companies that are in [[financial]] trouble, buy them up – cheap – and recreate them from the ground floor, such that they begin to thrive and prosper.  They make a [[profit]] from this kind of [[activity]].  They in many ways are able to salvage the company and the employees, perhaps even the product, although often the product line will be modified.  Such is the way with the manufacture of certain [ automobiles].  There are also men who are ruthless in their [[ability]] to buy and sell the lives and interests of others, who have no compunctions about buying out another man’s life [[work]], when often it doesn’t need to start completely from scratch.  It doesn’t need to be taken away from the [[original]] owner; the original owner simply needs a little help, a little [[Counsel|advice]] perhaps.  And so be advised I am not coming in to take over your factory.  
Student:          No, just rebuild it.
Student:          No, just rebuild it.
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Gerdean:        I have a question, Merium.  Sometimes I hear you saying – and by “you” I mean you and all the other [[supernals]] -- “You just have to [[believe]]; we’ll do all the [[work]].”  And other times I hear you say “You’re the arms and legs in this outfit.  YOU have to do all the work.”  I also hear discrepancies as to … I hear sometimes “It’s our job to see to it that it gets done,” and sometimes it is, “If we would just follow the [[spirit]] and be [[obedient]] to the [[spirit]], it will lead the way and we don’t have to [[worry]] about how it gets done.”  So when the rubber meets the road, I get a little [[confused]] as to when [[human]] [[Free will|will]] is required and when it isn’t.  Obviously we don’t always know that our will is in [[synch]] with [[divine]] will, but in [[faith]] we [[assume]] that it is and in that [[context]] I’d like a little [[clarification]], if it’s possible, as to how to undertake some of these projects that seem to be suggested.  “This is the [[challenge]],” they say. “This is the project.  This is the deal.  This is the [[work]].  This is the task.” So where do we say, “Okay, I’m going to do something about it”? And how do we know that is not our self will interjecting?  So … can you give some [[clarification]] as to that, if you [[understand]] my question?
Gerdean:        I have a question, Merium.  Sometimes I hear you saying – and by “you” I mean you and all the other [[supernals]] -- “You just have to [[believe]]; we’ll do all the [[work]].”  And other times I hear you say “You’re the arms and legs in this outfit.  YOU have to do all the work.”  I also hear discrepancies as to … I hear sometimes “It’s our job to see to it that it gets done,” and sometimes it is, “If we would just follow the [[spirit]] and be [[obedient]] to the [[spirit]], it will lead the way and we don’t have to [[worry]] about how it gets done.”  So when the rubber meets the road, I get a little [[confused]] as to when [[human]] [[Free will|will]] is required and when it isn’t.  Obviously we don’t always know that our will is in [[synch]] with [[divine]] will, but in [[faith]] we [[assume]] that it is and in that [[context]] I’d like a little [[clarification]], if it’s possible, as to how to undertake some of these projects that seem to be suggested.  “This is the [[challenge]],” they say. “This is the project.  This is the deal.  This is the [[work]].  This is the task.” So where do we say, “Okay, I’m going to do something about it”? And how do we know that is not our self will interjecting?  So … can you give some [[clarification]] as to that, if you [[understand]] my question?
MERIUM:    Yes, I think perhaps I can, but in order for me to do that, I will have to tell you a [[story]].  I will have to take you into [ Never Never Land], into the realm of the [[Spirit]], which operates whether you do or not.  It has [[purpose]].  It has [[pattern]].  It has [[design]].  You could even say it has [[predestination]].  And so it is hard-wired to operate [[progressively]], productively, [[efficiently]], [[creatively]].  You come along and [[decide]] you want to help.  It doesn’t take much for the [[universe]] to kick in.  In [[fact]], many times all you have to do is make a [[decision]] to do something and the [ power directors] kick in, the [[midwayers]] pitch in, and the next piece of [[paradise]] [[perfection]] falls into place.  
MERIUM:    Yes, I think perhaps I can, but in order for me to do that, I will have to tell you a [[story]].  I will have to take you into [ Never Never Land], into the realm of the [[Spirit]], which operates whether you do or not.  It has [[purpose]].  It has [[pattern]].  It has [[design]].  You could even say it has [[predestination]].  And so it is hard-wired to operate [[progressively]], productively, [[efficiently]], [[creatively]].  You come along and [[decide]] you want to help.  It doesn’t take much for the [[universe]] to kick in.  In [[fact]], many times all you have to do is make a [[decision]] to do something and the [ power directors] kick in, the [[midwayers]] pitch in, and the next piece of [[paradise]] [[perfection]] falls into place.  
Student:  Just waiting for your [[decision]].
Student:  Just waiting for your [[decision]].