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61:5.1 By the close of the preceding period the [[lands]] of the [ northeastern part of North America] and of [ northern Europe] were highly elevated on an extensive [[scale]], in [ North America] vast areas rising up to 30,000 feet and more. Mild [[climates]] had formerly prevailed over these northern regions, and the [ arctic waters] were all open to [[evaporation]], and they continued to be ice-free until almost the close of the [ glacial] period.
61:5.1 By the close of the preceding period the [[lands]] of the [ northeastern part of North America] and of [ northern Europe] were highly elevated on an extensive [[scale]], in [ North America] vast areas rising up to 30,000 feet and more. Mild [[climates]] had formerly prevailed over these northern regions, and the [ arctic waters] were all open to [[evaporation]], and they continued to be ice-free until almost the close of the [ glacial] period.
61:5.2 [[Simultaneously]] with these [[land]] elevations the [[ocean]] currents shifted, and the seasonal winds changed their direction. These conditions [[eventually]] produced an almost constant [[precipitation]] of moisture from the movement of the heavily [[saturated]] [[atmosphere]] over the northern highlands. [ Snow] began to fall on these elevated and therefore cool regions, and it continued to fall until it had [[attained]] a depth of 20,000 feet. The areas of the greatest depth of snow, together with altitude, determined the central points of subsequent [ glacial] [[pressure]] [[flows]]. And the [ ice age] [[persisted]] just as long as this excessive [[precipitation]] continued to cover these northern highlands with this enormous mantle of snow, which soon [[metamorphosed]] into [[solid]] but creeping ice.
61:5.2 [[Simultaneously]] with these [[land]] elevations the [[ocean]] currents shifted, and the seasonal winds changed their direction. These conditions [[eventually]] produced an almost constant [[precipitation]] of moisture from the movement of the heavily [[saturated]] [[atmosphere]] over the northern highlands. [ Snow] began to fall on these elevated and therefore cool regions, and it continued to fall until it had [[attained]] a depth of 20,000 feet. The areas of the greatest depth of snow, together with altitude, determined the central points of subsequent [ glacial] [[pressure]] [[flows]]. And the [ ice age] [[persisted]] just as long as this excessive [[precipitation]] continued to cover these northern highlands with this enormous mantle of snow, which soon [[metamorphosed]] into [[solid]] but creeping ice.
61:5.3 The great ice sheets of this period were all located on elevated [ highlands], not in [[mountainous]] regions where they are found today. One half of the [ glacial] ice was in North America[], one fourth in [ Eurasia], and one fourth elsewhere, chiefly in [ Antarctica]. [ Africa] was little affected by the ice, but [[ Australia] was almost covered with the antarctic ice blanket.
61:5.3 The great ice sheets of this period were all located on elevated [ highlands], not in [[mountainous]] regions where they are found today. One half of the [ glacial] ice was in North America[], one fourth in [ Eurasia], and one fourth elsewhere, chiefly in [ Antarctica]. [ Africa] was little affected by the ice, but [[ Australia] was almost covered with the antarctic ice blanket.
61:5.4 The northern regions of this world have experienced [ six separate and distinct ice invasions], although there were scores of advances and recessions associated with the [[activity]] of each individual [ ice sheet]. The ice in North America collected in two and, later, three [[centers]]. [ Greenland] was covered, and [ Iceland] was completely buried beneath the ice flow. In [ Europe] the ice at various times covered the [ British Isles] excepting the coast of southern England[], and it overspread western Europe down to [ France].
61:5.4 The northern regions of this world have experienced [ six separate and distinct ice invasions], although there were scores of advances and recessions associated with the [[activity]] of each individual [ ice sheet]. The ice in North America collected in two and, later, three [[centers]]. [ Greenland] was covered, and [ Iceland] was completely buried beneath the ice flow. In [ Europe] the ice at various times covered the [ British Isles] excepting the coast of southern England[], and it overspread western Europe down to [ France].
61:5.5 2,000,000 years ago the first [ North American glacier] started its southern advance. The [ ice age] was now in the making, and this [ glacier] consumed nearly one million years in its advance from, and retreat back toward, the northern [[pressure]] [[centers]]. The central ice sheet extended south as far as [ Kansas]; the eastern and western ice centers were not then so extensive.
61:5.5 2,000,000 years ago the first [ North American glacier] started its southern advance. The [ ice age] was now in the making, and this [ glacier] consumed nearly one million years in its advance from, and retreat back toward, the northern [[pressure]] [[centers]]. The central ice sheet extended south as far as [ Kansas]; the eastern and western ice centers were not then so extensive.
61:5.6 1,500,000 years ago the first great [ glacier] was retreating northward. In the meantime, enormous [[quantities]] of snow had been falling on [ Greenland] and on the [ northeastern part of North America], and erelong this eastern ice mass began to flow southward. This was the second invasion of the ice.
61:5.6 1,500,000 years ago the first great [ glacier] was retreating northward. In the meantime, enormous [[quantities]] of snow had been falling on [ Greenland] and on the [ northeastern part of North America], and erelong this eastern ice mass began to flow southward. This was the second invasion of the ice.
61:5.7 These first two ice invasions were not extensive in [ Eurasia]. During these early [[epochs]] of the ice age North America was overrun with mastodons, woolly mammoths, horses, camels, deer, musk oxen, bison, ground sloths, giant beavers, saber-toothed tigers, sloths as large as elephants, and many groups of the cat and dog families. But from this time forward they were rapidly reduced in numbers by the increasing cold of the glacial period. Toward the close of the [ ice age] the [[majority]] of these [[animal]] [[species]] were [[extinct]] in North America.
61:5.7 These first two ice invasions were not extensive in [ Eurasia]. During these early [[epochs]] of the ice age North America was overrun with mastodons, woolly mammoths, horses, camels, deer, musk oxen, bison, ground sloths, giant beavers, saber-toothed tigers, sloths as large as elephants, and many groups of the cat and dog families. But from this time forward they were rapidly reduced in numbers by the increasing cold of the glacial period. Toward the close of the [ ice age] the [[majority]] of these [[animal]] [[species]] were [[extinct]] in North America.
61:5.8 Away from the ice the [[land]] and [[water]] life of the world was little [[changed]]. Between the ice invasions the [[climate]] was about as mild as at present, perhaps a little warmer. The [ glaciers] were, after all, local [[phenomena]], though they spread out to cover enormous areas. The coastwise [[climate]] varied greatly between the times of glacial inaction and those times when enormous icebergs were sliding off the coast of [ Maine] into the [ Atlantic], slipping out through [ Puget Sound] into the [ Pacific], and thundering down [ Norwegian] [ fiords] into the [ North Sea].
61:5.8 Away from the ice the [[land]] and [[water]] life of the world was little [[changed]]. Between the ice invasions the [[climate]] was about as mild as at present, perhaps a little warmer. The [ glaciers] were, after all, local [[phenomena]], though they spread out to cover enormous areas. The coastwise [[climate]] varied greatly between the times of glacial inaction and those times when enormous icebergs were sliding off the coast of [ Maine] into the [ Atlantic], slipping out through [ Puget Sound] into the [ Pacific], and thundering down [ Norwegian] [ fiords] into the [ North Sea].
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