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Prayer: Father, connect us in this moment of the eternal now, that infinite space between our mind and your presence. Connect us in an attempt to come together within this soul space, this space where we are truly conscious, humble, compassionate, and eager to learn a bit more of your will.  
Prayer: Father, connect us in this moment of the eternal now, that infinite space between our mind and your presence. Connect us in an attempt to come together within this soul space, this space where we are truly conscious, humble, compassionate, and eager to learn a bit more of your will.  
Inner Voice: Greetings to you this evening, I am the Inner Voice and I do come to you from infinite mind into this moment to share in an ever expanding understanding between human mind and divine consciousness. Last time, we discussed manifestation. We discussed a few things about manifestation and today we will continue in a similar vein discussing intention. When the primacy of the Father qualified an aspect of Himself to eventuate the worlds of time and space in an expression of incompleteness, the intention in the mind of God was that the whole of the expression would find completeness in the presence, the aspects, and the will of Deity. God's intention was such that it was designed to create a conscious animal, indwell it with a divine aspect, give it everything that it needed to survive, to grow, to prosper, to find the divine aspect within and in finding the divine aspect, slowly begin comprehending the will and the intention of this divine aspect.
Inner Voice: Greetings to you this evening, I am the Inner Voice and I do come to you from infinite mind into this moment to share in an ever expanding understanding between human mind and divine consciousness. Last time, we discussed manifestation. We discussed a few things about manifestation and today we will continue in a similar vein discussing intention. When the primacy of the Father qualified an aspect of Himself to eventuate the worlds of time and space in an expression of incompleteness, the intention in the mind of God was that the whole of the expression would find completeness in the presence, the aspects, and the will of Deity. God's intention was such that it was designed to create a conscious animal, indwell it with a divine aspect, give it everything that it needed to survive, to grow, to prosper, to find the divine aspect within and in finding the divine aspect, slowly begin comprehending the will and the intention of this divine aspect.
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Then again, such a fool is not even conscious of his own real needs. He is just buying time. A real intention begins to form out of the consciousness of experience. You may or may not make mistakes. Let us say that you do make mistakes. Count the cost of the mistakes and you become aware in consciousness of ways to avoid making those same mistakes. Once you become conscious it is like being in a circular river. No matter where you go in this circle you will eventually stop upon the bank of the river and as you get back into the river you will stop somewhere else and this will continue until you have experienced all that is necessary to bring you to greater consciousness and awareness as you go through this river of life.
Then again, such a fool is not even conscious of his own real needs. He is just buying time. A real intention begins to form out of the consciousness of experience. You may or may not make mistakes. Let us say that you do make mistakes. Count the cost of the mistakes and you become aware in consciousness of ways to avoid making those same mistakes. Once you become conscious it is like being in a circular river. No matter where you go in this circle you will eventually stop upon the bank of the river and as you get back into the river you will stop somewhere else and this will continue until you have experienced all that is necessary to bring you to greater consciousness and awareness as you go through this river of life.
Inherent in the pattern of life is the education principle that what you are not willing to learn on your own, life is more than willing to accommodate you and show you what it is that you need to learn. Lessons in life adjust our intention. They help us to focus more consistently on what is pertinent and responsible in ones life. Mankind is born into an animal nature; it is the human and incomplete part of man. It is obvious that man will react to it, man will respond to it. But as you begin to question and see the unspoken within nature you begin to understand a greater design and pattern at work, you begin to understand intelligence, you begin to sense there is something greater within you that the mind shows. You become aware that within your mind there is an aspect of perfection. You can see, in a certain sense if you had control, how you could make things be.
Inherent in the pattern of life is the education principle that what you are not willing to learn on your own, life is more than willing to accommodate you and show you what it is that you need to learn. Lessons in life adjust our intention. They help us to focus more consistently on what is pertinent and responsible in ones life. Mankind is born into an animal nature; it is the human and incomplete part of man. It is obvious that man will react to it, man will respond to it. But as you begin to question and see the unspoken within nature you begin to understand a greater design and pattern at work, you begin to understand intelligence, you begin to sense there is something greater within you that the mind shows. You become aware that within your mind there is an aspect of perfection. You can see, in a certain sense if you had control, how you could make things be.
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Evermore so on a world of Agondonter status is a challenging, to see with the eyes of the mind, to sense and feel with the touch of the mind, to understand through collective counsel with other minds, evermore so to hold oneself responsible for his and her own behavior. As you begin to undertake and walking a spiritual path, the rewards begin to reveal themselves subtly, sometimes dramatically, but for the most part gradually and subtly, that you begin to see the necessity of holding true to a greater intention whose source is not external, whose source springs from the human consciousness of the divine element within. Intention is the language of the soul. This language uses pictures, images, feelings, knowledge, and it foresees the future in that it brings an aspect of the present now into the next present now and its continuum in the future.
Evermore so on a world of Agondonter status is a challenging, to see with the eyes of the mind, to sense and feel with the touch of the mind, to understand through collective counsel with other minds, evermore so to hold oneself responsible for his and her own behavior. As you begin to undertake and walking a spiritual path, the rewards begin to reveal themselves subtly, sometimes dramatically, but for the most part gradually and subtly, that you begin to see the necessity of holding true to a greater intention whose source is not external, whose source springs from the human consciousness of the divine element within. Intention is the language of the soul. This language uses pictures, images, feelings, knowledge, and it foresees the future in that it brings an aspect of the present now into the next present now and its continuum in the future.
Quieting the mind, contemplation, begins to reveal the tasks at hand. They are not so complicated that you cannot understand them; they are not a mystery. Everything that you need and need to do stands very near to you, you are in the midst of it. The greater effort to hold this intention for all life as your own begins to manifest in life. It begins to affect others, other mind on a subconscious level. It is something that another mind detects, feels. This person feels good. People socially feeling good and feeling strong begin to create an aspect of greater awareness within society. Society begins to yearn to truly worship the Father. Everyone begins to benefit through intention.
Quieting the mind, contemplation, begins to reveal the tasks at hand. They are not so complicated that you cannot understand them; they are not a mystery. Everything that you need and need to do stands very near to you, you are in the midst of it. The greater effort to hold this intention for all life as your own begins to manifest in life. It begins to affect others, other mind on a subconscious level. It is something that another mind detects, feels. This person feels good. People socially feeling good and feeling strong begin to create an aspect of greater awareness within society. Society begins to yearn to truly worship the Father. Everyone begins to benefit through intention.
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When you begin to honor what it is you have learned and gained in life, you begin to receive a greater awareness and sense of the direction in which all of this learning is guiding you. When it becomes fixed and certain within your mind is when you have truly embarked on becoming perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect. Eventually, without the Father, all things fall short, dreams, intention, needs, wants. All of life is designed to accommodate the Father, the guidance within, the awareness presented within your mind, the aspect of quality which is revealed to you. And as the Master said, "Amongst you who would be the greatest, let him be the first to serve," for it truly is within the realm of service in which the greater essence of reality lies. It does not lie in the ecstatic thought patterns for those are meant to stimulate you and to motivate you. The true essence of reality lies within the grit of life, the challenge of life, the idea that little by little you can help make it better for someone else.
When you begin to honor what it is you have learned and gained in life, you begin to receive a greater awareness and sense of the direction in which all of this learning is guiding you. When it becomes fixed and certain within your mind is when you have truly embarked on becoming perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect. Eventually, without the Father, all things fall short, dreams, intention, needs, wants. All of life is designed to accommodate the Father, the guidance within, the awareness presented within your mind, the aspect of quality which is revealed to you. And as the Master said, "Amongst you who would be the greatest, let him be the first to serve," for it truly is within the realm of service in which the greater essence of reality lies. It does not lie in the ecstatic thought patterns for those are meant to stimulate you and to motivate you. The true essence of reality lies within the grit of life, the challenge of life, the idea that little by little you can help make it better for someone else.
This is the story of the Buddha of compassion. One day the Buddha goes to God and says, there is too much to do here, there is so much need and I only have two hands. God said, we will take care of that so He broke the Buddha into pieces and rebuilt him with four hands. After a while Buddha comes back to God and says, there is so much need, there is not enough time, I have no helpers and all I have is four hands. Again, God disassembles Buddha and remakes him with six hands. The ancient story eventually goes to the point where God has created the thousand armed Buddha. At this point God is not demanding more than you can perform. He is just intending for you to perform to your capacity. To go beyond your capacity as a human is to dip into the divine.
This is the story of the Buddha of compassion. One day the Buddha goes to God and says, there is too much to do here, there is so much need and I only have two hands. God said, we will take care of that so He broke the Buddha into pieces and rebuilt him with four hands. After a while Buddha comes back to God and says, there is so much need, there is not enough time, I have no helpers and all I have is four hands. Again, God disassembles Buddha and remakes him with six hands. The ancient story eventually goes to the point where God has created the thousand armed Buddha. At this point God is not demanding more than you can perform. He is just intending for you to perform to your capacity. To go beyond your capacity as a human is to dip into the divine.