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===Topic: ''Many Enjoyable and Beneficial Things''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “In a [[human]] life, the [[Inner Life|inner journey]] is most important. It does not matter how far you go ‘out there’, how many places you visit, or how much your peers [[Admiration|admire]] your achievements. The inner achievements are more important, those that only you will be able to [[evaluate]] when you look back at your life objectively under the light of the spiritual [[vision]] provided by the [[Ta|presence of the Father within]] your being.

“What are these inner achievements? Dynamic [[faith]], [[patience]], [[goodness]], [[peace]]. Only you will be able to tell if you are living a full life – rich in spiritual [[learning]] – and if you are [[progressing]], gaining increased [[self-control]] while you become an expert in the [[art of living]] a material life [[expressing]] [[the will of the Father]]. Such a life provides long-lasting [[satisfaction]] and [[happiness]], and those who live such lives know it with [[certainty]].

“As you can see, the progress toward [[perfection]] is the source of many enjoyable and beneficial things for your life. As you advance each day toward the [[eternal]] goal –[[transforming]] yourself through your [[decisions]] into what [[your Father]] intended to express through you – you [[feel]] that you are fulfilling the job that was entrusted to you and that you are living a good life. This happiness and this lasting [[peace]] are available to all, it only requires a decision to [[explore]] the higher feelings and impulses that [[spontaneously]] arise in the [[heart]] of every human being, [[inspired]] by the [[Ta|presence of God within]] each one.

“Even when others may not be able to notice the [[spiritual fruits]] that those who strive to be better every day reap in their lives, you will be able to judge with complete [[authority]] the nature and the degree of your [[spiritual progress|spiritual progress]]. The way in which a human being advances is through the [[desire]] to be better – the impulse to follow the divine [[guidance]] to reach an ideal of self-[[expression]] – and through constant self-evaluation – looking frequently at the [[path]] you travel to make sure you are going the right way.

“Spiritual [[progress]] is about overcoming all the [[materialistic]] tendencies of your lower [[animal nature]]. You have been given a physical [[body]] and a capable [[mind]] that you can develop and direct to express what [[God]] wants to [[express]] through you. This is the highest [[purpose]] of a human life and those who manage to get closer to this purpose during their lives experience [[cosmic citizenship]] – the certainty that they are participants in the establishment of a divine plan for [[creation]], the co-creators of a [[reality]] increasingly more [[beautiful]] and truer.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]