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Driven by egotistic motherly pride, Salome did not grasp that she was putting her sons in great danger. Jesus inaugurated the spiritual kingdom of heaven when he rendered his last breath after agonizing as an innocent, human sacrifice. He thus heroically earned spiritual sovereignty over the kingdom of the hearts.  
Driven by egotistic motherly pride, Salome did not grasp that she was putting her sons in great danger. Jesus inaugurated the spiritual kingdom of heaven when he rendered his last breath after agonizing as an innocent, human sacrifice. He thus heroically earned spiritual sovereignty over the kingdom of the hearts.  
“And their mother, who was present at the crucifixion, well remembered the foolish request she had made of Jesus at Pella regarding the honors she so unwisely sought for her apostle sons. [UB, 171:0.7]
''“And their mother, who was present at the crucifixion, well remembered the foolish request she had made of Jesus at Pella regarding the honors she so unwisely sought for her apostle sons.'' ([[171:0|UB, 171:0.7]])
Jesus never missed an opportunity to inspire his entourage. He premeditated his moves, assuming full responsibility for their outcome. He always set his sights on the Father’s long- and short-term benevolent vision, never allowing the many entrapments that lure immature human minds to entrap him.  
Jesus never missed an opportunity to inspire his entourage. He premeditated his moves, assuming full responsibility for their outcome. He always set his sights on the Father’s long- and short-term benevolent vision, never allowing the many entrapments that lure immature human minds to entrap him.