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===Topic: ''Enormity of Personal Beings''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, we get to say that wonderful word again: Welcome! Welcome to the two of you. Welcome into our lives. Welcome for being this enormous spiritual field we live in--that we can feel glowing inside us.

Mother Spirit, thank you so much for your last lesson when we asked you about the connection you had with Michael during his life as Jesus. We are tickled to realize the way you were right with him, and heard what he heard, and saw what he saw.

Also, you let us know what the Urantia Book calls “Universal Reflectivity”--the way Michael’s life as Jesus was broadcast live to all the more advanced worlds in our Local Universe. Millions of evolutionary worlds and architectural spheres were able to live his life right along with him--who was there, what was done, and what was said. We too are blessed to have the Urantia Book with its 800 pages in modern language of Jesus’ life.

Thank you again, Mother Spirit, for emphasizing that part of his life that is so neglected in our traditions about the Christ. It was the wonderful relationship, joy, and reward that he—as a nigh eternal/purely spiritual Creator Son of God--had in living the physical part of being human. Thank you very much. Amen.
Nebadonia: Good evening, my wonderful children. It’s a delight for me to be part of your lives. It gives me such an appreciation for God’s handiwork—literally, you--your personalities. These living beings you are--each unique in all of creation--are the greatest hallmark of God’s infinity.

(The enormity of personal beings)

Total personality is not only greater than the physical universe you are exploring with your telescopes perched out in space, but also the enormous inner universe of Havona--let alone Paradise, which is, in its own way, even more than these other two universes combined. All three are what Michael and I both love to tease you with--the profound fact these physical realms are where you are headed and which, with your own efforts and rewards, you will achieve some glorious day.

Equal to all this impersonal creation is the fact it is made for personal beings beyond reckoning by any but the Trinity. Even Michael and I are constantly in awe of the personal beings we continue to encounter in our adventures.

(The enormity of the impersonal, material creation)

Yet, considering the “impersonal” creation, this outpouring of God’s power and abilities are what your ancient theologians realized: The Creation--ticking away over the centuries like a perfect time-keeper--was proof of a perfect Watchmaker. Now your discoveries of millions of galaxies, and the other phenomena out there, give you an even deeper appreciation for both God’s creativity, and then too your own. It’s been just a few centuries since curious folks started grinding their own lenses and challenging the religious authorities of the day to find other things out there that were not revolving around the earth. That wasn’t so long ago.

Now you have another eye parked out in space that is revealing more in the electromagnetic spectrum beyond the visual. Even your Urantia Book teases you with the notion that, sometime in the near future after your human life, there will be all kinds of scientific explorations you can volunteer to spend some time associated with, like the celestial astronomers. Imagine too the celestial musicians where you can again pick up an instrument with which your whole lifetime of enjoyment still wasn’t enough . All these activities are the wonderful things you can continue, or initiate and get started on, to fill an eternity of promise.

(The uniform and the unique)

Speaking of which, let me return a moment to encourage a celebration of Michael’s mission within Jesus’ life—his human relationship to the material, energetic world. It pertains to your own physical bodies, alive moment to moment beyond your comprehension. It’s the miracle of just wiggling your fingers and toes. For you as a God-created personality, it’s your intimacy with these physical aspects of reality that are absolutely regular. From your latest breakfast or dinner, to those stars twinkling in your sky, these are the uniform material aspects of reality, so complimentary to your own uniquely spiritual ones—mind and soul.

I’m delighted to be talking about this part of Jesus’ life. What a thrill it was for Michael--and by way of him, for me too--to have a human body and wiggle our toes in the sand of a real world. So I encourage you to have the same wonderful physicalness in your lives. Many of you are blessed to enjoy a physically challenging livelihood in the work you do to sustain yourselves and your family, even your communities.

(Your intimacy with the physical world)

Those of you who are not so physically involved this way have wonderful hobbies and other interests with physical/energetic things that give so much to your lives by way of immediate feedback. The board you cut either fits, or it doesn’t--just like those planks Michael--as Jesus--carved to make his wonderful boats. Your evening meal comes out right, or doesn’t--considering the smoke pouring out of the oven. All your wonderful hobbies… Love these things that tickle your interest and put you in touch with the physically infinitesimal tiny world.

From the chair you are sitting in, to the roof holding off the rain, the microscopic world was seemingly solid for most of mankind’s history. Now you turn on your electron microscope and realize that everything solid for your order of being is really fantastically energetic. Everything is literally alive on a subatomic, molecular level, including your own living bodies.

As for variety, take your magnifying glass out to the beach someday, where you will find every grain of sand--somewhat like snowflakes—is unique with its own history of how it ended up on that beach from a once larger rock.

A very wise man--one of your great physicists--said it is up to you to realize. While from one point of view, everything is so regular and predictable--so uniform--nothing seems to be a miracle. And yet…and yet — each moment of your life actually is. You are literally surrounded by a reality whose true history is unfathomable, right down to a particular grain of sand on the beach. Consider what everything has gone through to get to where it is now and be here for you, still persisting.

(Your appreciation of the miraculous)

So, my dears, reach out with these marvelous hands of yours--with your opposable thumbs and your fingers—and get a hold of it. Be intimate with it. Experience its shapes and its textures. Appreciate the marvelous million-and-one things you and your fellow human beings have created, whether it is the dishes in your cupboards, the patterned rugs you walk around on, or the clothes you wear.

Compared to most of human history right up to the last century, you live in a world absolutely overwhelmed with color. A few hundred years ago chemists played around with artificially created dyes. Now you live in a world literally bursting with color, even in those million-and-one things thrown away every day, even the label on a soup can.

My dears, you live surrounded by the miraculous. While it is a familiar ability of yours to go from point A to point B in your delightful vehicles, the miraculous aspect of it is: you do get to go where you want, and do what you want to do. A good part of your life is learning how to reduce this daily unbounded miracle down to something manageable. So I delight in teasing you with the enormity of the Creation, of which you are a very deliberate, God-created part--your personality, who you are.

(Living between the infinite and the infinitesimal)

We invite you to be still now and then--even regularly, if you can manage it. Just be still. Let IT ALL overwhelm you for the sake of your own soul, co-authored by the creator of It All. We tease you with being this “mid-range creature”--created to live your life suspended between the infinite and the infinitesimal--able to wiggle your fingers and toes.

So, my dears, let me leave you where you are--suspended and living in the midst of It All. If you have any questions or comments, you can offer these too, right from your own personal being.
Student #1: Just a comment: Thank you. What an expansive vision to bring to a growing boy.

Nebadonia: Well, my dear, keep growing! You are just beginning. You have that infinite Out There to reach towards, suspended and supported every step along the way by the infinitesimal.

Student #2: Yes. It was a nice reminder of the everyday beauty we have surrounding us, right down to the sand. Thank You.

Student #3: I wanted to ask a question, Mother Spirit. You mentioned having relationships with people. Does that mean us? Who are the people you are referencing?

(As your Mother Spirit, I am part of you)

Nebadonia: My dear, all of you. I am part of every person within our Local Universe of almost four million planets like your own, plus all the architectural, directly-created worlds you will come to visit after your life here. I am literally part of you, part of trillions of human-type beings in our Local Universe. I share your life with you. I help you perceive it. I help you store all the knowledge you come to acquire personally, and help you understand it.

Student#3: Well, how is that different from our Thought Adjuster, Mother Spirit?

Nebadonia: Your Thought Adjuster is pure God-the-creator--the first person of the Trinity--the center of everything. God has his presence within--and part of--human beings. In this way, my dear, since the human order of life is the most removed from him—for even the lowest angels are above your order--there is his perfect, universal compensation, so even the angels are envious of you having a presence of God within you. We call his presence the Thought Adjuster because he literally gives you discrete ideas in a way that neither Michael nor myself do.

Student #3: I get that, but I don’t understand what is the difference between you, Mother Spirit. What is it you do?

(The distinction: Mother Spirit and Thought Adjuster)

Nebadonia: My dear, I am part of your mentality and spirituality in a way he is not. I don’t give you discrete ideas as much as I directly augment your own thinking and spiritual creativity. So your Thought Adjuster and I are complimentary, you might say. We have different spheres of influence in your life. Also, God is the co-author of your soul in a way neither Michael nor I are. We assist you in living day-to-day, and filling your soul with your experiences, but we are not literally keeping them for you forever like he is.

Michael and I--being paradise-origin divine beings—don’t need Thought Adjusters or human-type souls. We have perfect time-transcending awareness. You will always have a past existence within us, even if you choose not to continue into eternity personally. You will always exist in our experience of you.

(God is the co-author of your soul, forever)

But God is literally the co-author of your soul, greater than what you can easily recall as your own memories. Your soul is so much more enormous than that, being partly God. It will continue to grow as you go up through the mansion worlds and become a more purely spiritual being yourself. Your relationship with your own soul is something that will continue to expand, right to the moment you two fuse together to become one. Right now you have to suspend your life—be still and meditate--to appreciate just how much is in your soul. Like I talked about tonight, you have to set aside your present focus on this miracle you are living, since so much of your soul is unconscious to you, being held by God.

Michael and I are concerned with helping you live. His Spirit of Truth is an urge to keep growing; keep being curious; keep wondering; keep seeking truth. We are not literally the co-author of your soul. That is another whole dimension of being human that God takes care of.

Student #3: Thank you. Very nicely answered, Thank you, Mother Spirit.

Nebadonia: God has always had a hand in the pattern of the personal being that you are. He gives you perceptions, knowledge, understanding, and courage. All these things are part of you that existed first in God’s mind--if you will--before human beings came about in the universe. The essence of who and what you are pre-exists in him. But he is not, moment-to-moment, boosting you in the same way as Michael and I are.

Student #3: Thank You.

Nebadonia: Be in my love.

Student #4: Mother Spirit, I have a question about what we call a “muse.” Could you share a little light on what this is? Is it the Thought Adjuster, or you? Is it one of your angels; or does it come from us? It seems to have a mind of its own? It comes and goes.

(Never forget, my son, you are a spiritual-creative being)

Nebadonia: It is part of your creative spirit. Never forget my son, you are a spiritual-creative being, and all spirit is personal. When you have a universe full of personal, spiritual beings, they count for a lot of what is controlling the impersonal realm of planets, stars, and other energetic phenomena. So all personal, creative beings have a muse that serves as their personal inspiration. Muses offer an inclination associated with your paintings, poetry, and music--right?

Student #4: Right.

Nebadonia: People often give their muse a separate personality all its own. They equate their own spiritual creativity to an alternate ego, another being. That was their muse. In the middle of creating a symphony they might plead, “Dear Muse: don’t abandon me now!” This is their muse, the personification of their own intrinsic creativity.

Student #4: So it’s an inside force?

(The origin and function of ones muse)

Nebadonia: Oh, very much so. You are surrounded by spiritual beings--especially your own two guardian angels--but they do not generally give the same creative impulse as your own. They do not drive you on. The closest to your muse might be your Thought Adjuster who can give you specific concepts to help you realize a certain creative endeavor.

Student#4: Thank you.

Your personal creativity has this ability, not unlike a little girl playing house with her dolls and giving them personalities so she can carry on a conversation with them. Creative people have always had this notion of a muse with whom they can have a relationship and an appeal--to keep things going. Does that somewhat fill the bill?

Student #4: Yes. That fills in some of the blanks. Thank You.

Nebadonia: Well, on a very practical level: if your muse works— use it. Be in my Love.

Student #4: Thank you.

Nebadonia: Among many religious folks--down through these centuries since his life among you--Jesus has served as a muse for much creativity—artwork, and music, and so forth. Every religion has had its founders be a muse for much of their artwork trying to depict the transcendent spiritual truths of their lives.
My dears, it is getting late--human-wise. Let me wrap up this session and bid you all a very fond adieu. It has been fun. It tickles me so much to enjoy your laughter. I hope you enjoy Michael’s and my own as well.

(You are much beloved. Thank you for your lives)

Michael bids you to be in his peace--to literally live right within it. I hope you to feel the same about my love. You are very much beloved. I thank you for your lives, and especially for those times you say, “Hi Mom!—glad you are here with me!” Goodnight, dear ones.

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