
Created page with "==Heading== ===Topic: ''Dynamics for the Exercise of Choice''=== ===Group: Lightline TeaM=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher: Machiventa, Michael=== ===TR: Mark Rog..."
===Topic: ''Dynamics for the Exercise of Choice''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===

===Teacher: [[Machiventa]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Machiventa: Thank you once again for opening the door so that we may converse in this manner of our choosing. I am Machiventa and upon hearing some of the dialog offered I would like to look a little more closely at the subject of attitude or predisposition and its effect on the conditioning of the environment. We’ve had a number of discussions about the relevance and significance of focused intention. This focused intention is often the direct result of a previous experience or encounter with the circumstance which then provides you with the response offered at the time and under the previous circumstance.
The challenge arises when life becomes a series of repeat performances, simple knee jerk reactions to circumstance which is really opportunity in the waiting. The more you become aware of the significance of this component, the more you may get a desire to explore its dimensions and master its principles. Such is the nature of growth. Your life experience provides you again and again with the opportunity to choose anew, to alter the trajectory by influencing a different choice, an option available or an opportunity waiting to manifest. Once you are aware that such is the game at hand, you may become masterful and skilled at navigating the process, now understanding it and having become aware of it.

The process laid out before you for growth is reliably consistent. There is always the bringing forward of an opportunity, a challenge, an obstacle, and then this circumstance provides all the necessary dynamics for you to exercise choice, perhaps a new choice, a different choice because you are a new and different observer who is making the choice. You are not the same person who reacted in the beginning as you did. You have grown, you have become more than that person, you have a greater awareness, a deeper understanding and are truly a different person in each hour, each day, each circumstance, each cause that you may facilitate and affect.

What will this person of the hour choose? What statement will be made by this choice? Will this choice be conditioned by divine principles and higher ways with deeper meanings than exist on the surface? These are all a matter of your choosing, of expressing through your choice your manifesting of your truth, your beauty and your goodness. Just as each flower across the field expresses itself, each one may be distinct and different in some slight manner making them unique and yet each one standing together similarly look perfectly unified in expression. It is indeed heartening to witness so many of the choices being made representing an expression of one's desire to be of service. There is no surer sign that you have found your path back home to your Creator than to furnish your own life energy to support the ministry that your faith compels you to provide, those driven by urges to give back and to return to the system positive energy.

Indeed, for all of you who have given freely of service opportunities, these things have propelled you to this place, this level and degree of awareness and understanding, this plateau upon which you stand even now. You have indeed arrived by your own efforts, your own seeking has brought you this finding. No greater signal may be sent to your Divine Parents and to all the universal helpers that you are intent on pursuing your reconnection with your Divine Parents and even with your celestial associates. Such desires represent spiritual maturity, awareness applied and established in faith first, then manifesting in the material form as a result of such a creative reaction.

It remains my great pleasure to assume my position within this configuration of spirit beings. I feel somewhat entitled to be a part of such a long term group as is currently gathered. I offer my sincere gratitude for the efforts put forward to establish this network of connection, to maintain it and to access it and to exercise it so that it may be fruitful in the process. All of this activity had to be contributed, had to be offered. It had to consist of choices made to serve in these capacities, choices made to pursue such values and such ends as brought you here. So once again I offer my gratitude for such an infrastructure built of intention, of purpose and love and maintained to be reliable, even now. I’m sure you join me in being grateful for this avenue that has been established, that we may both meet on and fellowship on and share this space. I would now relinquish this gift of grace to another party. Farewell, be in peace as you are held in peace on high. Farewell.

Michael: I greet you my dear ones. I am Michael and here to bring you words of good cheer. I am here to vocalize in human tones the assurance that you are being well tended from your Divine Mother and Myself. You are our project, you are our legacy, you are the ones in place at this time to implement some of your teachings and to make a certain contribution to conditioning the environment of your home planet. I know such things represent a great concern for you and so I am here to acknowledge the role each and every one can play in conditioning the environment, the circumstance, the moment before you, the situation that arises. These opportunities come at you at a fast pace at times and it is difficult to navigate through what the circumstance provides for growth opportunities. Trust that as you have been led here now, you will continue to be led as we have no interest in discontinuing our service projects. As mortals of the realm, it is well understood, even by one such as myself who has in fact walked in your mortal shoes and who has in fact had the experience of mortal growth and dissolution, I assure you that every significant experience, every experience of spirit value, is a cherished gem in the spiritual growth realm.

In observation of discussion prior, it is easy to surmise that building a life means many different choices must be made and that not only do the choices have to be made, have to be allocated, have to be conditioned, the one who is aware may bring in elements to aid in the conditioning, and that conditioning the equation in preparation or in advance of its arrival allows you to inject levels of intention which may be missed in the process through other methods. But ever trust that if your intentions are pure and right and you are interested in helping others and in taking care of the planet and of being good stewards in your life experience for future generations to enjoy, then these are all the man made institutions that have been inserted into this unique space to occupy and hold up in, thus conditioning the environment, the outcome of moving there with such intention and that you all come together in this way, that you all fall under this umbrella and admit to your membership in this club of spiritual seekers.

As long as you exemplify these traits we will be able to continue this forum and bring you the answers that you seek if you are so inclined to take possession of your life in regards to developing the connectivity, not only of your individual body, but of your connection to the greater part and connection to the whole. The many challenges presented in this mortal life may be navigated all the way from a place of sorrow, disappointment, sadness or discontent, into a place of final reserve, a place where all parties come together to turn the mortal page and advance in awareness, in faith and with conviction of your destiny and the certainty of your trip, your route and your method of transfer. So be it. Ride that wave of significance and fill your own cups to the overflowing with the appreciation of the grace bestowed, the appreciation of this life to observe this grace, the gratitude for this opportunity in the form of a mortal life.

My dear ones, I hope you gain a sense of peace from my offering to you here tonight. This process unfolding, turning from material and mortal into divine beings, is a magnificent transformation of the flesh and the spirit to assume more fully their roles. Truly, we all have much to be grateful for with this divine plan from on high, The Father’s focused potential made real. We have been given such gifts of grace so that we may see the scope and the magnitude of divine perfection while being in fact too close to see it, so to speak. I Invite you to drink the cup of this goodness we share as it passes through us in service to our Divine Parents.
Mark: Thank you Michael for your presence. Thank you for being with us, for your fellowship, for responding to our concerns. I understand that this is your mission, to reinstate your world into divine graces. It has been my desire to be of service in this regard and to provide any services helpful to instituting your vision, your version of a greater truth. I stand in gratitude for your service, for your peace, for your love, for your guidance, and for your assuredness. May we act together in service, in service to The Father, to The Son and the Sons of the Son, to even mortal flesh that has the ability to choose. Help us to have the faith to choose with conviction and purpose as per your directive, as per your will that it may be done. Let our desire bring us closer together, to act as one in service together. Please accept this petition of faith and let us work to institute your plan and vision and I/we will be humble servants to your order. As we follow you even now, help us to more closely join you in the unfolding process of connecting, joining, and combining of forces. Let there be peace and let us embrace the truth that this is so. Help us to feel the radiating effects and take our energetic contribution to be used to support the higher vision, greater truths, as this represents our will to serve your will. I ask that it be so, even now

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2023]]