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===Topic: ''Knowing the Journey''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: I feel gratitude for this whole process, this whole connection, this whole avenue of approach that we have developed and enjoyed for as long as we have. It turns out that such a connection has been a significant component of our spiritual growth and there is some desire to facilitate sharing this experience with others. Perhaps we can learn more about how to make this so.
Machiventa: I am pleased to congratulate you once again for taking command of the energy and conditioning the environment by your very intention to make it so. Your active returning to this well of spirit has become so normal and routine, even mundane in its process. Such a path to this well has been so well worn that it is natural and easy to follow and could be taken with your eyes closed, as it were, because you have repeated this journey so often that it becomes reflective and simply another kind of revisiting. I point this out to draw your attention to the fact that when you venture out and take steps of discovery and venture back to return to these places, then you build a trail that becomes easier and easier to follow with the repetition of, once again, following the trail.

If you continue to repeat this pattern it becomes so familiar and so basic to your awareness that in time you are able to traverse the distance down this path of spirit without actually expending the energy to traverse the steps. By this I mean, the journey from beginning to end becomes as easy as your thought to do it. When a path is so ingrained in your experience, it need not be repeated in detail, rather it can be experienced in a condensed fashion. Knowing the journey so thoroughly you are able to see the end from the beginning and therefore you are able to place yourself at this destination by simply referring to the memory of the path or referring to the map in your awareness.

Such a method proves to be highly effective in saving you time in your experience. It is not necessary to travel any material distance when functioning in spirit. When you choose to come to a place of spirit such as this, you have chosen to follow a path to get here. To condition your environment there are certain conditions that you install on your experience and the more times you return to the spirit dimension the easier the trip becomes, the more time you save yourself because you are able to perceive the destination from the beginning, therefore you simply go there. This definition of spiritual travel or relocation is accomplished in a very similar fashion. One builds the pathway, one creates the path from where you are to where you would go. By their desire to make it so and after repeated investments of energy and attempts, the path becomes well established, even well worn to the point where the path may no longer be necessary. The experience of having traveled the path has been so well ingrained it need not physically ever happen again.

These paths to where you want to go may be focused in many different directions. You may choose, as one of your destinations, one of your targets of focus, to build a path to your Onboard Partner, your Divine Spark within. Such a path must be staked out and claimed and forged and made by the application of the energy of your intention. It is the same process that you have used to build your path to this place of spirit, this connection, this level of awareness. Similarly, you may choose to invest yourself in further creation of this trail that exists already between you and your Inner Guide. This path simply needs to be maintained and traversed and used to become easier and better.

The same process of building the way and using it until it is so familiar you don’t need to use it anymore, the same phenomenon allows you to build these bridges, these paths out in the direction of your choosing. You have chosen to make a well worn path to return to this well and take another cup of spirit, of fellowship, of insight and perhaps even the illumination of some purpose. This very meeting stands as a testament to the building and maintaining of this path that we have used and maintained for all these years now. You have been faithful stewards of this process, of this invention of connection and it has been my pleasure and the pleasure of a number of others to be partners with you in this project, in this grand experiment of connection.

While this gift of grace has been so helpful to some, there is a new emphasis on the value contained in the body of work that has been presented through exchanges such as this. These sessions have been forming a pathway, have been pointing the direction of the path and have been refocusing the intentions of those involved with the infusion of divine value and meaning. The fact that you have maintained this pathway and referred to it often has made it easy for you to now use it to come to spirit with simply the recognition of the path used to get there. You now are able to traverse any space and close any distance between you and your destination. These principles at play are the same methods used to create any connection, to foster any relationship. The investment of the time to cross the distance and make the connection means these efforts always meet with success. They are the manifestations of your desires.

As it turns out, we find ourselves under the spotlight at the moment, ourselves being those of us able to traverse the path of communication. Certainly this path that has been forged by those who have ventured into transmitting/receiving, these paths have proven to be useful and beneficial and the results of these connections deserve to be protected and shared with any who would develop interest in this phenomenon which has become normal and routine for you but is other-worldly to them. The fact that you have all accepted this truth and embraced this reality has brought you to this place of your current reality. This truth exists and is real for those who will embrace it. The challenge ahead is to share and spread these truths, these values, these divine principles, with all those who have ears to hear. In so doing, the trajectory of growth may be altered and guided towards more and more divine truths.

My friends, we have been keeping this path well worn for quite some time now and I offer my deep gratitude for the investment this represents of your energy, your time. This process is useful but you have become exposed to the even greater prospect for any individual, greater than hearing from another source you trust to be connected, to trust and have faith and believe that you can hear directly the answers to your prayers and you may interface directly with your Inner Guide, the gatekeeper of your spiritual progress. If one truly has a connection to this Inner Voice, then indeed one has a connection to all that is. This Divine Spark has the grandest connection of all.

I will join you in any efforts to maintain such a space, such a place where we may gather and join and enjoy each others company and share each others journey. It is always a pleasure to join you in your forum and to try to bring some inspiration and some feedback to all of your seeking. Trust, as always, in our connection, our relationship. It is secure and cannot be impacted by anything from the outside. I would desire to bring you some comfort in your journey, simply with the awareness that it is so, that we are communicating. We have a relationship which has endured for many years and this relationship, this bond we share may be a cherished aspect of our very composition.

It certainly has been a great pleasure and a gift of grace from my perspective to be granted this access, to be permitted to have such exchanges as these. Such permission must be obtained from your Inner Guide who is the gatekeeper to your spirit growth. So whenever you are in service, whenever you are in prayer, whenever you are seeking, whenever you are finding, you are working with and through your Inner Guide. Your Thought Adjuster is instrumental in managing your growth and so it’s easy to consider that you have a trail already established. You need only to make it into a well worn path by continually traversing it, to go there again and again and take the same route until it may be done with only your intention to complete it.

We, on our side of the veil, are rejoicing to learn of the plans being instituted to shift reality, to shift what is real in the material world and what is real in the spirit world. Take this chance that we make here and use it to direct your own intention, your own pursuits within. Such a connection awaits you, such an opportunity presents itself to you. These are the main points and lessons to be brought forward, the main group of assumptions and set of characteristics, but as the wheel is in spin it is good to try to be fully aware of the process and the opportunities before you. Remember that you always have a faithful companion within to help in your sojourn. Remember, you have a great many connections available to you as all spirit is contactable.

As you proceed to learn how to spread your wings and eventually even take flight, throughout even such a process there is this building of the way. First the scaffolding, then the path is established and maintained. I look forward to maintaining this structure with you and I have offered to invest my time alongside yours in this process. There will be great opportunities arise before you as the spiritual pressure applied manifests in the triggering of wavelengths, of thought patterns, of impressions and feelings. All such factors are used to condition environments and you are all becoming familiar with the application of conditioners. Now your next phase of creation is before you and I am happy to report for duty as one who is devoted to help and devoted to see this process through.
So be it. I now take my leave and pray that our meetings can bring you some of that which you really seek, the comfort in knowing that all is well and that you are loved and cared for by your Divine Parents who provide for all that you have need of. Such an awareness and such an understanding must bring you the peace, the surrender of belonging, and even the embrace of family. It’s always a pleasure to join you and I offer my commitment to retrace the path once again when you call the environment to order. Be in peace, rest in this peace, and we will meet again to maintain this connection. Farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2023]]