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===Topic: ''The Mystery of the Ages''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved: “Once again we meet in the Stillness of your heart, where you have been pondering this mysterious partnership, we have so recently begun together. It is indeed the greatest mystery how a mortal from the lowest of the low origin, evolved from the dust of the earth, can have already this most sublime and active partnership with a Spark from the highest Universal God.

The greatest of mysteries truly is your own belief which has grown into a deep abiding faith in the goodness of the Creator God and His unconditional love for you. Of course, this growth has not been accomplished just like that. This soul-growth has caused you much anguish and soul-searching due to the faulty teachings during your upbringing and you have had to examine many a cherished and long-held belief, which keeps the majority of people in bondage.

The most tenacious one to have rid yourself of was the notion that you were conceived and born in sin and not capable of doing any good. This is a serious misconception and stems from an unreasonable fear that had crept into the minds of old and has become 'set in stone'. Allow Me to state that nothing is ever set in stone and that this erroneous notion is the furthest away from the truth: that God is an unconditionally loving God and accepts each new-born soul as part of Him.

The greatest abomination is that gruesome belief that a Son of God had to appease for your sins and be nailed to a piece of wood before God would even accept you. This is the grossest and most misdirected thinking, this atonement doctrine for the shedding of innocent blood for the sins of mere mortals. The leaders of the synagogues who were responsible for Jesus' death were blind and ignorant, and were simply in fear for their livelihood, because Jesus' message was so pure in its simplicity, that the common people gladly heard Him and accepted His revelation that God loves all equally with no respect to personal standing.

The truth that God loves all people equally, has lifted a great burden from your soul. This realization is of the greatest value, that you can feel accepted and secure in the love of God, and in so doing, you also learn to accept and love all others, the way God would have you love them. This is the road you have embarked upon and will give you much satisfaction as you go about inspired by doing God's will, which is the way of the most love.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2008]]