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===Topic: ''Stewardship''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved: “It is sincerity in the human heart which makes the soul grow. Therefore, at the start of another little note, I always observe the musings and longings in your mind and tailor My words accordingly. You just read that the fields are ripe for harvest but the workers are too few. This means that many people seek meaning and purpose in life because the outer materialistic life with its hollow entertainment will be found wanting in real sustenance for the soul.

People everywhere are looking for something that feeds their inner self, and this will not stop until they have found a living relationship with the Creator of their being. Many reach for unsuitable food so their bodies wax fat but the inner self is still starving. This deep hunger drives people to seek fulfillment in different places, never quite finding what they desire and so, they remain unfulfilled and the search continues.

This is a real dilemma on this planet, which, now appears to be driven by greed to gather more and more 'stuff' while the soul is starving. Many live in obscene abundance and yet are living in the greatest spiritual poverty anyone can imagine. Those who are often so abundantly rich in material wealth can sometimes truly be the world’s paupers, as they will have nothing of substance to offer in their souls in life eternal, which is the purpose and goal of the ages.

It is here where heart-intelligence lacks and head-intelligence is completely out of proportion. This is mainly due to selfishness gone awry, with no consideration for their kin, who live in poverty. With kin, I succinctly mean anybody on the planet, as everyone is kin at their spiritual root source. This is yet greatly misunderstood and therefore, misdirected causing the whole planetary progress to suffer and remain backward.

This is what is meant by the fields being ripe and needing harvesting with the Love of God being spread abroad in the world, by less selfishness and by becoming each other's comforting presence and not the monetary slaves of the super-rich. Everything has its place in the scheme of things, but obscenity in any area is an abomination to the Father-heart of God the Creator, who sees all as being alike before Him. There is something called 'stewardship', and I tell you again that all are responsible for being good stewards of all the gifts God has given humankind to enjoy, including the earth's bounty.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2008]]