
New page: Image:lighterstill.jpg center|frame ---- '''<center>Commentary</center>''' The intense telepathic bonding that the Helianx had evolv...




The intense [[telepathy|telepathic]] bonding that the [[Helianx]] had evolved
over the millions of years of their [[history]] had become the bedrock of their lives.
It had allowed them the mental agility to concoct extraordinary advancements
in the [[pscychobiology|psychobiological]] sciences and it had shown them how to make contact with the heart of [[matter]].
It had formed the center of their social relationships,
bringing a transparency that would bewilder a more individuated species;
and most importantly, it had led to the creation of the Web.
And it was this that, in turn, had given the Helianx access
to the immense power available in the arts of focussed [[psychic]] attention.

The origins of the Web suggests that it had formed originally
as a result of their aquatic background and had further expanded
when the Helianx had discovered how to travel in the [[astral]] realms.
The Web had also been invaluable, in conjunction with the computers,
with the design and fashioning of the Great Ship.
There is also little doubt that, over [[time]], the Helianx grew to rely too much
on the [[organizing principle]] inherent in the Web when developing their [[biotechnology]].
Latter -day galactic historians have speculated that it may well have been this very dependency that had led, idiosyncratically, to the discovery of the Hub
and the consequent opening to the more [[occult|occulted]] powers of the Web.

The Web could best be considered as an ever-shifting,
high frequency [[matrix]] through which mental [[telepathy|telepathic]] activity can [[flow]].
Over time, this dynamic matrix formed in the collective mental body of the Helianx,
shaped both by the subtle currents of projected [[thought]] acting on higher frequency [[matter]],
and the Web's own [[autonomous]] responses as a [[self-organizing principle]].

The Hub was a far more imponderable affair. It had remained a [[mystery]] to the Helianx through much of their galactic wanderings, only coming to [[light]] in momentary,
provocative flashes of coherence that had hinted of still deeper mysteries.
The Hub can be thought of as the psychic center of the Web,
a lens or a focussing device, capable of producing a wide variety of effects.
A direct experience of the Hub quickly became the [[grail]] of the inner work
practiced by the Helianx on their interminable journeys through [[interstellar space]].
They had had enough brief glimpses individually into this harmonious and [[resonance|resonant]] state
to have theorized that something significantly different might occur
if a small number of them were to gather in the elaborate, moment-by-moment,
psychic balancing act required for a full-blown connection to the Hub.
And, by all accounts, occur it did.

After some further experimentation, it became apparent to the Helianx
that the level of [[intimacy]] required for contact with the Hub was almost entirely dependent
on the composition of the [[individual]]s participating.
While this might not be surprising to a more individuated species,
it serves to illustrate one of the challenges facing a telepathic race:
An unrealistic grandiosity leading to a [[spiritual]] complacency that can manifest
as an unfortunate result of the merging of so many powerful [[mind]]s.

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[[Category: The Helianx Proposition]]