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New page: Ham061592Judgment Group: Woods Cross, Utah Teachers: HAM and Aaron Topic: JUDGMENT JUNE 15, 1992 Greetings. I am Aaron. I am connected with the training mission of Melchizedek on ...

Group: Woods Cross, Utah

Teachers: HAM and Aaron


JUNE 15, 1992

Greetings. I am Aaron. I am connected with the training mission of Melchizedek on this world. Our lesson this evening is concerning - judgement.

How easily it becomes us to judge another human fellow. It is often tardy or is instant. Often it is either growing or diminishing. Often judgement is ‘deep within' attitudinal or it is ‘superficially' attitudinal. Often are we tempted to judge at first sight. Often we are tempted to judge in relationships, judge actions without knowing full intentions, or even worse - without full intention.

Judgment is a plague of misunderstanding. Judgment is the opposite of empathic understanding. Judgment is error. If you can find your way past, through, or around judgments toward understanding, you have gained very much. Understanding is the key to growth. Understanding ones fellow mortals is the key to Brotherhood and love. Judgment stands before the door of understanding like an unwelcome century - he must be vanquished for you to enter this door.

Judgment often springs from inner wounds and is often a cause of greater wounds. Judgment must be forsaken as a partner in your decision making. Often our decisions are based on judgment which is usually false, false perception, which causes errors in decision making.

It is said that social justice requires many judgments and so it does. However, being judgmental individually is error always. Group wisdom must function for justice to arrive at approximation of true justice. Individuals cannot judge each other at all. These judgments cause error, cause emotional problems and cause sorrow and heartache.

Often are we judgmental in an ‘off the cuff' type of manner. This is the most insidious type of judgmentalism, for it stems from preconceived ideas about people which are usually erroneous. Each person is individual and each individual must be treated with the maximum amount of benefit of a doubt, and the maximum amount of understanding. Especially in new relationships, you should take care not to be judgmental of superficial appearances.

These many long judgmental attitudes occurring throughout your world are a great barrier to brotherly love and peace. Attitudes are often deeply inset within the personality, which has grown up over time and have been reinforced over this time period.

Racism is a form of this type of pre-judgmentalism of other human beings without knowing this person well. It is error and is a great cause of strife on your would. Recognize this error within yourselves and take action to correct this error.

Judgment can be imposed upon individuals by society in groups. Juries are an example of the correct way to find judgment against a wrong act. Justice is not by any means perfect on your world. You cannot expect complete justice here. Do not force your ideas of complete justice for they are erroneous to some degree or other. When individuals are forced into judgment battles, litigation's, etc. there will inevitably be error in the outcome and one existing in this world cannot expect otherwise.

True justice is real and does exist. Yes, indeed it does, but however, when we are existing short of perfection then is justice reflected short of perfection also. Each realm has its own justice system. Each level of Morontial (Mansion world) progression has its justice system. These systems are very important and are essential for the happiness and harmony of the inhabitants of each world.

Your own justice system is very flawed and is in need of revision with this higher understanding incorporated within it. The old law ‘an eye for a eye, tooth for a tooth' is not practical, nor is it serviceable to mankind. However one may feel that it is fair - it is not. Fairness must take into consideration motives and intentions, etc. Justice cannot be blind to intentions, for then it becomes unfair.

QUESTION: What is the distinction between assessing a persons character and judging a persons character?

HAM: This is the essence of our lesson. Yes. Assessment of character of God- likeness is a part of living on this world. All humans living upon this world must see each other in the light of spirituality. This light may cast shadow of character flaws or instabilities or undependabilities, etc., etc. How you interact then with these people, using your understanding, is the basis of living! All of life consists in interaction on various levels. The wise man distinguishes between assessment and judgment. Yes. Judgment implies a personal response toward a person, a negative judgment against a person. Assessment is the wisdom of knowing spiritual light and acting with, or avoiding those without much spiritual light. It is the spiritual light within each person which will automatically give you the answer to dependability, uprightness, righteousness and self-worth. This, however, is difficult to assess correctly and completely, and each person must live with these assessments which are erroneous to a greater or lesser extent. It is not implying judgment however.

QUESTION: In keeping with Father's will in regard to this healing process of the anger that has been buried for a long time and coming to surface and needing to be addressed somewhere, but in an appropriate way; how can we go about accomplishing that, being conscious not to vent it on those around us, and yet, needing to deal with it?

HAM: Yes. Each person, individually, has to face these things alone. And even if it is gradually and carefully brought forth, fear and anger are powerful emotions. Often these powerful up-surges of feeling, of confusion, hurt and anger - are not able to be controlled in all situations. This is not to blame the person. These very hard deep wounds are volatile and those around the person experiencing these should be understanding of the sometimes inappropriate outbursts of energy.

Physiologically, it is healthy and sound to approach this issue as one requiring ‘kid gloves' for all concerned. Delicate and fragile are these hurt places. Understand you are in complete forgiveness no matter what you feel. Do not feel guilty for feeling angry, hurt or wounded. Do not feel the lessor for having being hurt. All of God's children experience greater or lesser degrees of hurt and emotional trauma during life.

You are not alone. Many sitting around you here understand these hurts, these deep lacerations within the heart. Many, many people have and carry them, and wear these scars. All is all right and is becoming whole again and able to connect the present and the past. The whole being, the whole experience will not be shattered by these traumas in the end.

There is goodness within yourself, behind these curtains. You are not good in front of this curtain and bad behind this curtain. You are good throughout. Yes, you are good throughout! Look behind this and find yourself again, the good person you are. Find this in your memory and you will experience much healing.

QUESTION: How can we recognize the error of our judgments and regain balance and continue on?

HAM: Yes. Often these judgments are the products of our rearing so that they are automatic in our thinking. Automatically, the way our parents, our friends or whoever - would think, would react, would be something that they would say. An example that comes to mind - concerning another person making racist judgments. It is important to always remember that we have a lower subconscious mind, which interjects these past learning ideas/patterns.

The real way towards truth and wisdom lies beyond this level, toward the God- like level of the Indwelling Spirit. Between these levels are many stairs. On each stair is there new awareness and understanding. Allow yourself to climb up a rung or two, then use that judgment, that wisdom, for your basis of interaction with another person and do not allow old ideas to surface and take over. They will surface - yes, but do not allow them to take over your entire attitude.

QUESTION: Would it be proper to say when you start sharing an assessment with others it becomes judgment?

HAM: Yes and no. In sharing this assessment you are reinforcing, perhaps, judgments which you have made. However, if it is a discussion over an issue where anothers' character must play a part, there is essentially a sharing of assessments, which can be illuminating to both parties concerning a third, for each may have a different perspective, and therefore, widen each others perspective of this person. This would not be considered judgmental.

QUESTION: Then the more accurately we assess, the greater the understanding? Is that right?

HAM: It is not possible to completely be accurate. Your understanding toward another is always limited no matter how close you are to this person. Complete understanding is limited. It is not possible. Our complete understanding of ourselves is also limited. Impossible, is complete understanding on this level of existence, and furthermore, for many, many levels - existences ahead. Paradise is the only place where one can claim complete personal awareness and understanding. So you see, there are the possibilities for misunderstanding all the way to paradise. How can you hope to have complete understanding on this level?

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