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Michael; Receive My Presence - Be In Your Heart - Nov 16, 2006 - Teleconference
LightLine Teleconference
===Topic: ''Be In Your Heart''===
November 16, 2006
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
Teacher: Michael
Transmitter: Donna D'Ingillo
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
      Receive My Presence
      Be in Your Heart
Donna: I'm getting an image now to prepare for Michael and to receive him, of everyone sitting down in a circle. We invite him to join us. Just imagine that Michael is in the center of the circle that we are all sitting in, and you are just with your heart center opened, allowing him to draw into you, or to feed into you, what it is you need. And you are feeling how much you want his essence to be inside of you. So as you fill your mind, I would ask you to be in your heart center, and open that as much as you can through your intention, and to receive Michael. (Pause.)
Donna: I'm getting an image now to prepare for Michael and to receive him, of everyone sitting down in a circle. We invite him to join us. Just imagine that Michael is in the center of the circle that we are all sitting in, and you are just with your heart center opened, allowing him to draw into you, or to feed into you, what it is you need. And you are feeling how much you want his essence to be inside of you. So as you fill your mind, I would ask you to be in your heart center, and open that as much as you can through your intention, and to receive Michael. (Pause.)
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So, my children, relax and take a deep breath. Focus on me in a visualization as I stand before you. Invite me to enter you through your heart, through your heart center. Encourage your mind to relax. Breathe with rhythm and mindfulness. Invite your body to open fully to me, as your Mother weaves more of me into you. Receive this now, my beloved children. (Pause.)
So, my children, relax and take a deep breath. Focus on me in a visualization as I stand before you. Invite me to enter you through your heart, through your heart center. Encourage your mind to relax. Breathe with rhythm and mindfulness. Invite your body to open fully to me, as your Mother weaves more of me into you. Receive this now, my beloved children. (Pause.)
As I move in you and through you, focus a portion of your desire to receive me to also be pointed in the direction of unifying with your indwelling Father Fragment. This is a very opportune time to engage with your Father Fragment, for there is a great harmonization and unification that is able to be catalyzed when you are in this receptive state of mind, receiving me. There is more unification and harmonization between your indwelling Monitor and the numerous circuits of mind that your Fragment can overlay and impinge upon.
As I move in you and through you, focus a portion of your desire to receive me to also be pointed in the direction of unifying with your indwelling Father Fragment. This is a very opportune time to engage with your Father Fragment, for there is a great harmonization and unification that is able to be catalyzed when you are in this receptive state of mind, receiving me. There is more unification and harmonization between your indwelling Monitor and the numerous circuits of mind that your Fragment can overlay and impinge upon.
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Who would like to begin?
Who would like to begin?
Student: Well Master, as always I am so grateful for you to bring your light and love and energy to us. And I do feel the upstep. There are more circuits, there is the heart opening to more people and interesting opportunities, and it is an enthusiastic time. I pray your and Father’s help for dealing with the changes, as they are a lot. Sometimes it makes me want to retreat, but then it makes me want to go out through the Correcting Time, the Father’s love and the brotherhood of man and the kingdom of heaven here within. They do so much for being by, and I am grateful for the instruction.
Student: Well Master, as always I am so grateful for you to bring your light and love and energy to us. And I do feel the upstep. There are more circuits, there is the heart opening to more people and interesting opportunities, and it is an enthusiastic time. I pray your and Father’s help for dealing with the changes, as they are a lot. Sometimes it makes me want to retreat, but then it makes me want to go out through the Correcting Time, the Father’s love and the brotherhood of man and the kingdom of heaven here within. They do so much for being by, and I am grateful for the instruction.
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Michael: And you are indeed growing, and you will continue to grow. And should you desire to become the server to your brothers and sisters in the highest way, that is to achieve selfless self-mastery, you will find the most thrilling joy you have ever experienced in your life. And I say this to each one of you, for it is within each of you to achieve this, just as I did as Jesus of Nazareth. The way is open, my children. It is up to you now to continue to walk this path to reach this wonderful destiny.
Michael: And you are indeed growing, and you will continue to grow. And should you desire to become the server to your brothers and sisters in the highest way, that is to achieve selfless self-mastery, you will find the most thrilling joy you have ever experienced in your life. And I say this to each one of you, for it is within each of you to achieve this, just as I did as Jesus of Nazareth. The way is open, my children. It is up to you now to continue to walk this path to reach this wonderful destiny.
Are there any other questions before we conclude for this evening?
Are there any other questions before we conclude for this evening?
My children, speak to me through your heart of your desires. Allow me to teach you what it is you need to learn, so that your growth can continue to delight, surprise, and bring you great joy. I leave you in my peace. I hold you in my arms, and your Mother and I shine our love upon you. Good evening, my beloved children.
My children, speak to me through your heart of your desires. Allow me to teach you what it is you need to learn, so that your growth can continue to delight, surprise, and bring you great joy. I leave you in my peace. I hold you in my arms, and your Mother and I shine our love upon you. Good evening, my beloved children.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2006]]