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===Topic: ''Causes & Effects Measures''===
Merit N. Idaho Mission
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Unknown]]===
===TR: [[Gerdean]]===
Cause & Effect Measures
Nov 11, 2001
Unidentified (Gerdean): The universe abounds with splendid associates, Elyon, in the many, many realms of creation. The scope of association is unending, catapulting and cartwheeling its way from the inception of life to Paradise and beyond. I am going to speak about cause and effect as a method of weighing your appreciation of merit. No, I know I have not given you a name; I have not revealed my identity to the TR either. She is very nervous about that, but not to worry, we will proceed in good faith.
* Unidentified (Gerdean): The universe abounds with splendid associates, Elyon, in the many, many realms of creation. The scope of association is unending, catapulting and cartwheeling its way from the inception of life to Paradise and beyond. I am going to speak about cause and effect as a method of weighing your appreciation of merit. No, I know I have not given you a name; I have not revealed my identity to the TR either. She is very nervous about that, but not to worry, we will proceed in good faith.
As to cause and effect, that you understand in your frame of reference to mean what you do you will feel the effects of in time. The Eastern philosophy is one of karma and the scope of cause and effect big enough to incorporate all of evolution. That which is the primordial cause, the original cause, is that which will bring about the ultimate effect. In this we know the Paradise pattern will fulfill itself because it is ordained that the effects of the original cause will be forthcoming. But en route there are myriad minor instances of cause and effect which I will point to as examples of what your world is experiencing in its evolution today.
As to cause and effect, that you understand in your frame of reference to mean what you do you will feel the effects of in time. The Eastern philosophy is one of karma and the scope of cause and effect big enough to incorporate all of evolution. That which is the primordial cause, the original cause, is that which will bring about the ultimate effect. In this we know the Paradise pattern will fulfill itself because it is ordained that the effects of the original cause will be forthcoming. But en route there are myriad minor instances of cause and effect which I will point to as examples of what your world is experiencing in its evolution today.
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Jonathan: The causes make the effects worthwhile. The clue to improvement is to evaluate the micro causes along the way rather than be disappointed at the effects.
Jonathan: The causes make the effects worthwhile. The clue to improvement is to evaluate the micro causes along the way rather than be disappointed at the effects.
* unidentified: It's a simple matter of learning from the history of what has gone before you. It can't go backwards; this is the great hope. Evolution advances. Yes, the cause can be determined by the root or the source of the movement, the action, the will. As the world advances and stabilizes so do the minds of men and women thereon. You in the forefront of philosophic thought offer guidance to those who fear destruction and doomsday. Reinforce the truth of faith in all its dynamics to countermand the backlash, the down pull of darkness and fear. This is the work we speak of when we speak of emergency, these times of transition that need to go forward rather than fall back. It would seem sometimes that you must be weighty and ponderous to carry out this effort, but may I remind you that many good works are done in naivee and by bumbling along ignorant of any motives, simply living in childlike faith and allowing that reflection of reality to overcome the fear that surrounds you.
unidentified: It's a simple matter of learning from the history of what has gone before you. It can't go backwards; this is the great hope. Evolution advances. Yes, the cause can be determined by the root or the source of the movement, the action, the will. As the world advances and stabilizes so do the minds of men and women thereon. You in the forefront of philosophic thought offer guidance to those who fear destruction and doomsday. Reinforce the truth of faith in all its dynamics to countermand the backlash, the down pull of darkness and fear. This is the work we speak of when we speak of emergency, these times of transition that need to go forward rather than fall back. It would seem sometimes that you must be weighty and ponderous to carry out this effort, but may I remind you that many good works are done in naivee and by bumbling along ignorant of any motives, simply living in childlike faith and allowing that reflection of reality to overcome the fear that surrounds you.
Thus you present yourself as a honeybee dancing outside the hive inviting your friends to partake by the nature of your joy in finding this great and original First Source and Center of all things and beings and worlds.
Thus you present yourself as a honeybee dancing outside the hive inviting your friends to partake by the nature of your joy in finding this great and original First Source and Center of all things and beings and worlds.
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Jonathan: Given the current war in Afghanistan, there's discussion of standing up for freedom, defending what your country stands for, and there is also the pacific view that war is never acceptable for conflict resolution. We talk of trying to have a morontia perspective and not take a polarized stand. Could you comment on standing for individual and national rights while not caving to the apparently ineffective ways to resolve differences?
Jonathan: Given the current war in Afghanistan, there's discussion of standing up for freedom, defending what your country stands for, and there is also the pacific view that war is never acceptable for conflict resolution. We talk of trying to have a morontia perspective and not take a polarized stand. Could you comment on standing for individual and national rights while not caving to the apparently ineffective ways to resolve differences?
* unidentified: We would be looking at the variables of cause and effect; they each have a level of reality, but sometimes it would be like comparing apples and oranges. The subject is too broad to be generic except in the universal sense as I outlined above. But when you become specific to nations or territories, to races, religions, leaders, instances, tribes, principles, you have as many variables as there are individuals discoursing. It is therefore necessary to continue to return to the perspective of transcendence in order to keep out of the emotional quagmire of intellectual and political differences that exist and will continue to exist for centuries because of the nature of growth, including political growth. En route to one world, one language, one government, one religion, we will see many more battles of one sort or another.
unidentified: We would be looking at the variables of cause and effect; they each have a level of reality, but sometimes it would be like comparing apples and oranges. The subject is too broad to be generic except in the universal sense as I outlined above. But when you become specific to nations or territories, to races, religions, leaders, instances, tribes, principles, you have as many variables as there are individuals discoursing. It is therefore necessary to continue to return to the perspective of transcendence in order to keep out of the emotional quagmire of intellectual and political differences that exist and will continue to exist for centuries because of the nature of growth, including political growth. En route to one world, one language, one government, one religion, we will see many more battles of one sort or another.
Look at the early forms of battle as compared to the more recent. Of course war is an unholy alliance, and yet as you advance as humans you become more sophisticated in your methods. Rather than the brutal clubbing of one another to death you attain technological sophistication that allows for thousands of people to be immediately eviscerated as is evidenced in the Manhattan situation. In time you will as a race evolve to a point of exchange such that there need not be lives lost but to the victor go the spoils of goods and services or philosophies. Even when a world attains advanced status of Light and Life there will remain differences in ideological approaches that will be reminiscent of what your world experienced when it was young, raw, and untamed. These elements of your awareness will continue with you throughout your career. You will remember in mansonia many of these realities, as they have worth; they have merit. They represent far more than bloodshed. They represent valor, bravery, stamina, loyalty, courage, ideals, and the like that have lasting value. The good fight of faith itself is sometimes a fight to the finish in which there are fatalities.
Look at the early forms of battle as compared to the more recent. Of course war is an unholy alliance, and yet as you advance as humans you become more sophisticated in your methods. Rather than the brutal clubbing of one another to death you attain technological sophistication that allows for thousands of people to be immediately eviscerated as is evidenced in the Manhattan situation. In time you will as a race evolve to a point of exchange such that there need not be lives lost but to the victor go the spoils of goods and services or philosophies. Even when a world attains advanced status of Light and Life there will remain differences in ideological approaches that will be reminiscent of what your world experienced when it was young, raw, and untamed. These elements of your awareness will continue with you throughout your career. You will remember in mansonia many of these realities, as they have worth; they have merit. They represent far more than bloodshed. They represent valor, bravery, stamina, loyalty, courage, ideals, and the like that have lasting value. The good fight of faith itself is sometimes a fight to the finish in which there are fatalities.
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Thus, when you engage in discourse with your fellows, ascertain their levels of comprehension and attempt to conform to that which is in your eyes in alignment with truth, beauty, and goodness and in hope of expanding and enlarging a foundation of reality which will build a better world, build the thoughts, the concepts that will bolster the ideals of advancing civilization. In this way humanity will be able to continue to play out its drama and reach for better things. In this way you will have served humanity and the gods themselves.
Thus, when you engage in discourse with your fellows, ascertain their levels of comprehension and attempt to conform to that which is in your eyes in alignment with truth, beauty, and goodness and in hope of expanding and enlarging a foundation of reality which will build a better world, build the thoughts, the concepts that will bolster the ideals of advancing civilization. In this way humanity will be able to continue to play out its drama and reach for better things. In this way you will have served humanity and the gods themselves.
Thank you for your ears. Farewell.
Thank you for your ears. Farewell.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Gerdean]]
[[Category: 2001]]