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From George Barnard
===Topic: ''Damaged Brain, Amnesia''===
To all,
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
This transmit deals with an enquiry about a rather psychic four-year-old child, brain damaged during birth, capable of reading other people’s minds and pasts, and now very fearful when ‘the imaginary playmate’ goes missing. Supposedly, other ‘unfriendlies’ turn up in its stead. The child, seemingly, has no speech problems.
===Teachers: [[Frank]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
11:11 Progress Group, Illawarra District, Australia, .
Cherubim "I’ll be Frank."
George: "Father/Brother Michael, those off us who have here gathered in Your name politely request this ‘mortal station’ be fine-tuned into, and for the volume be turned up extra loud."  
Subject: "Before Childhood Amnesia in The Damaged Brain."
Frank:"We have received your enquiry, and sketchy as it is, it is my personal pleasure to respond in regards to your questions, for this is our angelic fare indeed. We are at the ‘coal face’ of analyses and investigations of this kind. However, no direct request has been made of you, or of us, I’m unfamiliar with the case, there’s no inevitable approval to open the specific files at a future date, and nor do we know the request to even be genuine. We may presume it is.
Received by George Barnard.
May 17, 2003
George: "Father/Brother Michael, those off us who have here gathered in Your name politely request this ‘mortal station’ be fine-tuned into, and for the volume be turned up extra loud." Frank:
"We have received your enquiry, and sketchy as it is, it is my personal pleasure to respond in regards to your questions, for this is our angelic fare indeed. We are at the ‘coal face’ of analyses and investigations of this kind. However, no direct request has been made of you, or of us, I’m unfamiliar with the case, there’s no inevitable approval to open the specific files at a future date, and nor do we know the request to even be genuine. We may presume it is.
"We are aware of the dilemmas regarding the birthing difficulties that can be experienced, and as the eminent Dr. Mendoza recently pointed out; they are a regrettable reality. Your files also show that rather fruitful discussions with (Life Carrier) Orion were had.
"We are aware of the dilemmas regarding the birthing difficulties that can be experienced, and as the eminent Dr. Mendoza recently pointed out; they are a regrettable reality. Your files also show that rather fruitful discussions with (Life Carrier) Orion were had.
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"Further, these instances of a prolonged period of partial activation of the Adjutant of Courage, may leave for the adult a great deal of childhood information, providing treasured memories of early infancy.
"Further, these instances of a prolonged period of partial activation of the Adjutant of Courage, may leave for the adult a great deal of childhood information, providing treasured memories of early infancy.
"This is Frank. Let us for a time remain gathered together in His name."
"This is Frank. Let us for a time remain gathered together in His name."
*NoteThe 11:11 Progress Group
This transmit deals with an enquiry about a rather psychic four-year-old child, brain damaged during birth, capable of reading other people’s minds and pasts, and now very fearful when ‘the imaginary playmate’ goes missing. Supposedly, other ‘unfriendlies’ turn up in its stead. The child, seemingly, has no speech problems.
Personal details are in the safekeeping of Guardian Angels, and not normally available to others, as in this case where specific questions could not be answered – the ‘file’ remaining closed. "And how can that be avoided with a child that needs extreme care? But as healing takes place, and that individual catches up, you may well witness more extraordinary behavior patterns. Some important gifts and talents of a spiritual nature may develop, not seen in a child of easy birthing experience, and as the damaged brain will ever compensate. "And an over-protectiveness in parental care?" "Amen! I, too, come out-of-uniform, unarmed, but practically fearless, whilst our Simone does the honors of facilitating this chat. I will only approach your request ‘in general’, and as generals go, I’ll be truly loud, and I’ll be painfully Frank. Good day to you, my brother in Christ. Let’s play the vocal chords here.
Personal details are in the safekeeping of Guardian Angels, and not normally available to others, as in this case where specific questions could not be answered – the ‘file’ remaining closed. "And how can that be avoided with a child that needs extreme care? But as healing takes place, and that individual catches up, you may well witness more extraordinary behavior patterns. Some important gifts and talents of a spiritual nature may develop, not seen in a child of easy birthing experience, and as the damaged brain will ever compensate. "And an over-protectiveness in parental care?" "Amen! I, too, come out-of-uniform, unarmed, but practically fearless, whilst our Simone does the honors of facilitating this chat. I will only approach your request ‘in general’, and as generals go, I’ll be truly loud, and I’ll be painfully Frank. Good day to you, my brother in Christ. Let’s play the vocal chords here.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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