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Nebadonia—February 23, 2006
Marin T/M Group—Mill Valley, California—U. S. A.
      (Dimensions in Being Human)
      (Functions of Mind, Worship, and Wisdom)
      (Unconditional Love)
      (The Nature of Pain Within Effort)
      (Rest and Renewal)
      (You Are a Co-creator of Your Cosmos)
===Topic: ''Dimensions In Being Human''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, We certainly do welcome Your warm presence this winter evening that’s so blustery and wet outside. It reminds us to seek Your presence whenever we encounter the other storms of life, be they physical, mental, or spiritual. You help us find and stay at that calm center within us, where we are able to handle all the better the most turbulent activities. Amen.
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, We certainly do welcome Your warm presence this winter evening that’s so blustery and wet outside. It reminds us to seek Your presence whenever we encounter the other storms of life, be they physical, mental, or spiritual. You help us find and stay at that calm center within us, where we are able to handle all the better the most turbulent activities. Amen.
Good evening, My brave and adventuresome sons, this is your mother, Nebadonia, and I return your appreciation with My own for your coming to be with Me this evening. Sometimes the hardships you go through in life makes our getting together that much more precious. Thus we can value our times together all the more. We can feel each other’s spirits.
Good evening, My brave and adventuresome sons, this is your mother, Nebadonia, and I return your appreciation with My own for your coming to be with Me this evening. Sometimes the hardships you go through in life makes our getting together that much more precious. Thus we can value our times together all the more. We can feel each other’s spirits.
(Dimensions in being human)
Tonight I would like to continue what Michael and I have been offering lately, a way of your perceiving and appreciating all the many dimensions you are capable of contacting. I’m happy you are being able to perceive how spirit penetrates and gives value to your physical/bodily reality for, as you know, these are intimately connected. It is your physical bodily sense mechanisms that enable you to perceive the whole swirling world of energy and matter about you.
Tonight I would like to continue what Michael and I have been offering lately, a way of your perceiving and appreciating all the many dimensions you are capable of contacting. I’m happy you are being able to perceive how spirit penetrates and gives value to your physical/bodily reality for, as you know, these are intimately connected. It is your physical bodily sense mechanisms that enable you to perceive the whole swirling world of energy and matter about you.
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This is the counterpart within your mind that recognizes, re-cognizes, knows again, everything you encounter. It is also constantly clearing from your consciousness all that is repetitious so you can recognize, by way of a few million years of evolution, something new coming into your environment, into your reality that might possibly be threatening. It is this wisdom, tied in with all your autonomic nervous system, that lets you immediately understand why--when you get a flush of adrenalin as you start skidding on ice, or merely miss your footing on a slippery floor.
This is the counterpart within your mind that recognizes, re-cognizes, knows again, everything you encounter. It is also constantly clearing from your consciousness all that is repetitious so you can recognize, by way of a few million years of evolution, something new coming into your environment, into your reality that might possibly be threatening. It is this wisdom, tied in with all your autonomic nervous system, that lets you immediately understand why--when you get a flush of adrenalin as you start skidding on ice, or merely miss your footing on a slippery floor.
(Functions of mind, worship, and wisdom)
We mention these functions of mind, My children, just to help you appreciate all that has gone into making up who and what you are, and also remind you that in your most inner and intimate sensation and experience of yourself, you are not alone. Indeed, even loneliness is a separate creation of your own mind, a kind of ignoring, or perhaps just not yet knowing, that I am part of you.
We mention these functions of mind, My children, just to help you appreciate all that has gone into making up who and what you are, and also remind you that in your most inner and intimate sensation and experience of yourself, you are not alone. Indeed, even loneliness is a separate creation of your own mind, a kind of ignoring, or perhaps just not yet knowing, that I am part of you.
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You live on a socially and politically immature planet, My children, where violence is still all too prevalent, with a disrespect for life, even one’s own life, still all too common. One of the main purposes of Our lessons is to detail, and so reassure you, of the eternal life that is potentially yours, and assuage your fear of death. For the reason that your life to come is so intrinsically similar to the one you are living now, each moment now is just as precious as any to come. This is the eternal, living Now, and the appreciation and the love and respect for all of life always begins now. What is a gift without appreciation? You were given free will. The choice is yours to reflect this appreciation back to the Giver, or not. Make your choice with wisdom and love. If you have any questions or comments this evening, I truly appreciate them.
You live on a socially and politically immature planet, My children, where violence is still all too prevalent, with a disrespect for life, even one’s own life, still all too common. One of the main purposes of Our lessons is to detail, and so reassure you, of the eternal life that is potentially yours, and assuage your fear of death. For the reason that your life to come is so intrinsically similar to the one you are living now, each moment now is just as precious as any to come. This is the eternal, living Now, and the appreciation and the love and respect for all of life always begins now. What is a gift without appreciation? You were given free will. The choice is yours to reflect this appreciation back to the Giver, or not. Make your choice with wisdom and love. If you have any questions or comments this evening, I truly appreciate them.
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I don’t have a question, just a comment, just Thank You for all the information, the accurate information You’ve given us, and allowing us to make our decisions on our own--whether they were right or whether they were wrong. And not judging us when we make a wrong decision, or take the wrong road, and finally get back to the correct path, and welcoming us back with open arms. Just: Thank You.
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I don’t have a question, just a comment, just Thank You for all the information, the accurate information You’ve given us, and allowing us to make our decisions on our own--whether they were right or whether they were wrong. And not judging us when we make a wrong decision, or take the wrong road, and finally get back to the correct path, and welcoming us back with open arms. Just: Thank You.
(Unconditional love)
NEBADONIA: Well, C , My son, you are so welcome, for it is you who enable Us to manifest Our unconditional love. You know, We see you, dear children, all bound up in conditions. It is the essence of the life you are living now--with some small measure of independence, still to be so largely dependent on all the conditions that were truly accidental from your point of view. For while it is true that from the point of view of the Supreme Being, there are no accidents, there is no happenstance or pure coincidence, from the other extreme--the human point of view, almost everything is somewhat accidental, starting with your parents, family, society, culture; even the time--the moment in history into which you were born, on this one particular planet out of trillions.
NEBADONIA: Well, C , My son, you are so welcome, for it is you who enable Us to manifest Our unconditional love. You know, We see you, dear children, all bound up in conditions. It is the essence of the life you are living now--with some small measure of independence, still to be so largely dependent on all the conditions that were truly accidental from your point of view. For while it is true that from the point of view of the Supreme Being, there are no accidents, there is no happenstance or pure coincidence, from the other extreme--the human point of view, almost everything is somewhat accidental, starting with your parents, family, society, culture; even the time--the moment in history into which you were born, on this one particular planet out of trillions.
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Student: Yes, I know, I know. (laughing)
Student: Yes, I know, I know. (laughing)
(The nature of pain within effort)
NEBADONIA: Just rest awhile, My son. This effort you are making is the very stretching We have called upon you to try, and over the past several weeks with both Michael and Myself, you have expressed well this living balance of the need to make decisions, but within a context of concern, both for yourself and others. So I tried to call your attention, not to the effort itself, which is very commendable and necessary to be fully human and to really care, but to the pain you were experiencing.
NEBADONIA: Just rest awhile, My son. This effort you are making is the very stretching We have called upon you to try, and over the past several weeks with both Michael and Myself, you have expressed well this living balance of the need to make decisions, but within a context of concern, both for yourself and others. So I tried to call your attention, not to the effort itself, which is very commendable and necessary to be fully human and to really care, but to the pain you were experiencing.
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Student: Yeah, it really helps reading and re-reading the past transcripts about this topic, about the idea of freedom, and where is my freedom in all this, instead of feeling like I’m being dragged along for the ride. First of all, why do I allow myself to feel that way, but also to look at my own sense of freedom, and to empower myself, and to be clear about who I am and what I want. So I do thank You for these lessons.
Student: Yeah, it really helps reading and re-reading the past transcripts about this topic, about the idea of freedom, and where is my freedom in all this, instead of feeling like I’m being dragged along for the ride. First of all, why do I allow myself to feel that way, but also to look at my own sense of freedom, and to empower myself, and to be clear about who I am and what I want. So I do thank You for these lessons.
(Rest and renewal)
NEBADONIA: You are very welcome, My son. I assure you they are of great value to others out there, so it is worthwhile for them too, that we show each other patience following all these little threads. There is also that wonderful poem that invites us to rest and sleep deeply, "to knit up the raveled sleeve of care." This is the renewal. This is the coming home to home base. This is the reuniting with yourselves. This is approaching the One. Feel yourselves being in My love.
NEBADONIA: You are very welcome, My son. I assure you they are of great value to others out there, so it is worthwhile for them too, that we show each other patience following all these little threads. There is also that wonderful poem that invites us to rest and sleep deeply, "to knit up the raveled sleeve of care." This is the renewal. This is the coming home to home base. This is the reuniting with yourselves. This is approaching the One. Feel yourselves being in My love.
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NEBADONIA: Yes, this is the priceless quality of rest and renewal, gathering up your strength and your courage to actually and genuinely look forward to a new day. Realize these alternating phases of effort and rest are part of the Big Plan, part of God’s purpose that creates pulses in time and reality. Give yourself credit for the adventures you find yourself in. Accept the enormous price they do demand on all levels of your being--physical, mental, and spiritual. You are constantly using up these energies. So sometimes the adventure is simply finding new sources, seeking and yearning for more life, and accepting the truly heavy weight, that both the creativity and the choices must come from within you.
NEBADONIA: Yes, this is the priceless quality of rest and renewal, gathering up your strength and your courage to actually and genuinely look forward to a new day. Realize these alternating phases of effort and rest are part of the Big Plan, part of God’s purpose that creates pulses in time and reality. Give yourself credit for the adventures you find yourself in. Accept the enormous price they do demand on all levels of your being--physical, mental, and spiritual. You are constantly using up these energies. So sometimes the adventure is simply finding new sources, seeking and yearning for more life, and accepting the truly heavy weight, that both the creativity and the choices must come from within you.
(You are a co-creator of your cosmos)
This is why you were made to be the co-creator of your reality. You create with God himself, your cosmos. And for this fact: it is yours. You have a part to play, so play it well and enjoy the challenge. These are always glorious times, yet it may be truly scary for you, at times, that it is nothing less. So seek, and then welcome Michael’s peace and My love. They too are yours, My son. Be in My love.
This is why you were made to be the co-creator of your reality. You create with God himself, your cosmos. And for this fact: it is yours. You have a part to play, so play it well and enjoy the challenge. These are always glorious times, yet it may be truly scary for you, at times, that it is nothing less. So seek, and then welcome Michael’s peace and My love. They too are yours, My son. Be in My love.
What a remarkably ungraspable thing this is, this life you are living, is it not? You can never quite hold it, for it holds you. And yet you can never quite stop trying, for this is how you grow. This is how you extend your faith like the most delicate antennae, feeling for what’s coming next. We can only inform you, it will keep getting larger. This is your glorious destiny, My children. It is what you were made for, and because you help create it, it is truly yours. Nothing shy of this could ever do. And so, moment to moment, it is why you seek and struggle to be perfect. Yet however far you are from that goal, just starting out as you are, you are already complete. Now rest and be in My love. Good evening.
What a remarkably ungraspable thing this is, this life you are living, is it not? You can never quite hold it, for it holds you. And yet you can never quite stop trying, for this is how you grow. This is how you extend your faith like the most delicate antennae, feeling for what’s coming next. We can only inform you, it will keep getting larger. This is your glorious destiny, My children. It is what you were made for, and because you help create it, it is truly yours. Nothing shy of this could ever do. And so, moment to moment, it is why you seek and struggle to be perfect. Yet however far you are from that goal, just starting out as you are, you are already complete. Now rest and be in My love. Good evening.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2006]]